Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Zotero, the Best Way to “Cite Your Sources,” Now Available Everywhere

    If I were to make a list of must-have tech tools for scholars and students, Zotero would certainly be on it. Zotero is a free, open-source research management tool that helps you gather, organize and analyze your sources.Once upon a time, we academics wrote down bibliographic details on note cards...

  • Web
    Generations X and Y Lead the Way in Today’s Digital World

    Forrester Research just released its annual survey of American technology adoption, this time focusing on the generational divide. The findings, which arose from a survey of over 37,000 participants, reveal that when it comes to the adoption of digital tools and technology, the generation gap still exists, with Generation Xers...

  • Web
    An API Services Provider Takes on the Name of its Free Platform

    Sonoa Systems is changing its name to Apigee. Apigee is the free API tools platform provided by Sonoa.As part of the change, Apigee will now offer three product lines to serve the enterprise, developers and API providers. The biggest change comes with the extension of its free platform to provide...

  • Mobile
    Smartphones Begin to Replace Hotel Keycards

    The smartphone is always taking on new roles - from credit cards to MP3 players and digital cameras to airline boarding passes. Now, your smartphone will begin opening new doors for you, quite literally.Two Holiday Inn hotels have begun using iPhone, Android and Blackberry smartphones as room keys, meaning guests...

  • Mobile
    Android Users Crowd-Source Air Pollution Analysis

    Computer scientists at the University of California's School of Engineering have launched an Android app called Visibility, which crowd-sources the task of analyzing and measuring air pollution. Using the phone's camera, Android users simply point their phone at the sky and snap a photo. The app then taps into the...

  • Mobile
    Best Buy-Funded Tecca Launches New Comparison Shopping App for Electronics

    Tecca, a new mobile comparison shopping application, is the first company to launch from the digital media fund set up by electronics retailer Best Buy with Fuse Capital. The app focuses only on electronics, which makes sense, given its backing. Available now on both iPhone and Android with both a...

  • Mobile
    Developers Can Now Access Locations of 250 Million Phones Across U.S. Carriers

    Location Labs today announced a "Universal Location Service" platform that aggregates locations of phones across carriers for developers and centralizes privacy management for end-users."Developers can now remotely access the location of over 250MM mobile phones in the U.S. through a single cloud-based API (Application Programming Interface)," according to the press...

  • Entertainment
    Indoor Augmented Reality Markers Featured at Intel Developer Forum

    One of the most popular ways people interact with augmented reality (AR) is through location-based mobile applications. By holding a phone up in their field of view, users can visualize nearby points-of-interest based on information taken from the phone's various sensors. Due to the limits of GPS, however, this type...

  • Mobile
    Verizon Storms the App Castle: Launches Wave of Location, Push Notification & Messaging APIs

    It wasn't hyped like an Apple developers' conference, that's for sure - but Verizon's Developer Conference held today in Las Vegas included some very big announcements from the largest mobile carrier in the US. The company announced the availability of 20 different network-level Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) concerning device user...

  • Web
    Report Examines Rate and Focus of Google’s Acquisition Spree

    Acquisition by a major company has become a common exit for many startups, with the first quarter of 2010 breaking records for M&A numbers. At the beginning of 2010, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said he anticipated his company would make one acquisition per month. And this week, private research firm...

  • Web
    iPhone Payments Go Live in New York City Subways, Taxi Cabs

    Beginning this week, New Yorkers won't have to pull out cash or credit to pay for their bus, subway, train or taxi fares. Instead, they'll be able to pay using their iPhones as part of a pilot program for Visa's payWave program, which allows users to make contactless payments.The system...

  • Web
    Big New Wireless Spectrum Expected to Open for Internet of Things This Week

    The FCC will meet on Thursday to vote on a proposal to open up a larger swath of wireless spectrum to licensing than was opened at the dawn of TV remote controls, baby monitors, cordless phones and WiFi networks. The most likely candidates to fill that new spectrum are connected...

  • Mobile
    Global Wireless Subscriptions to Reach 5 Billion in September

    This month, the world is reaching a major milestone in the history of technology, says market research firm iSuppi: there will be, by the end of September, 5 billion mobile subscribers worldwide. That's a number equating to 73.4% of the Earth's population. And by year-end the number will reach 5.1...

  • Mobile
    Fast Society: Instant Group Text Messaging Made Incredibly Easy

    In its early days, Twitter was supposed to help people send text messages to small groups of friends to easily organize dinner plans and keep friends updated about your status. Twitter's mission quickly changed, but Fast Society, developed by New York-based startup onebluebrick, is getting back to solving just this...

  • Mobile
    Analyst: Few Would Jump (AT&T’s) Ship for a Verizon iPhone

    According to Credit Suisse analyst Jonathan Chaplin, AT&T doesn't need to worry about the long-rumored, but yet-to-launch Verizon iPhone. Based on survey data, he found that only 23% of AT&T iPhone users would switch to Verizon, and, perhaps more shockingly, 51% of subscribers reported satisfaction with AT&T's service.As a result...

  • Web
    Newsy Eyes Internet TV: Interview With Founder Jim Spencer, Part 2

    Yesterday we started a new interview series on ReadWriteWeb, focused on web product innovation. We began with a product that aims to change the way people consume news on mobile devices: Newsy. In part 2 of this interview with founder and CEO Jim Spencer, we delve into Newsy's audience and...

  • Web
    Make Any Voice Recording Searchable and Sharable with VoiceBase

    During his presentation at DEMO Fall last week in Santa Clara, California, Walter Bachtiger told the audience to "relax, take a deep breath" and "take your fingers off the keyboard." No, he wasn't conducting mid-conference yoga session to relieve stress, nor was he trying to help the audience avoid carpal...

  • Mobile
    IBM Puts Its Money Where Its Mouth Is – Africa

    We're not neglectful of Africa at ReadWriteWeb. We've believed in it as an area of innovation and growth for the social web and mobile since at least 2008 when we launched a three-part series "Social Media in Africa." Well, it looks like IBM has finally caught up with us. Last...

  • Web
    Foursquare Launching New Must-Have Button for Websites

    Foursquare has quietly added a new feature to its website this afternoon that you won't want to miss: a new "add to my foursquare" button that can be embedded on any website. If you own a business or publish a web page about any real-world location, this very simple button...

  • Web
    The Facebook Phone: Five Theories About What It Could Mean

    If Facebook made a phone, would you make it your next handset? Millions of people might.Despite the company's public denial, Facebook is making a phone, on some level, according to reputable reports by TechCrunch, CNet and Business Insider. What does it mean? There are a range of ways to consider...

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