Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    The Computer Chip on Verge of a Generational Change

    We are, in a manner of speaking, getting used to being surprised by both the pace of change and the face of change. Change comes more and more rapidly on its predecessors' heels as we see desktops supplanted by laptops and laptops replaced by smart phones. But the corollary to...

  • Web
    Dot Obits: The Birth of the Blogosphere and of Independent Media

    This is the latest in an occasional series on people who have passed away, folks who have contributed in some way to the development of, or the way we look at, the Internet and Web. If you know of someone who should be featured, please let us know. Also, since...

  • Mobile
    Intel CEO: Moving Content Between Devices is Still Too Hard

    During his company's annual developer conference, Intel CEO Paul Otellini today noted that his industry still hasn't managed to make it easy enough for consumers to move content seamlessly between devices. According to Otellini, as more and more devices are connected to the Internet, this capability will become increasingly important...

  • Hack
    Twisted Firestarter: Windows Phone 7 for Developers

    Did you know that there are mobile platforms for developers outside of Symbian, Blackberry, iPhone and Android devices? It's true. They (will eventually) live among us.A software company located near Redmond has pre-released Windows Phone 7. For those wanting to use the latest hipster acronyms simply refer to Windows Phone...

  • Entertainment
    Layar Adds Skyhook Location SDK, Brings “Nearby” Discovery to iPhone

    Layar, which develops mobile augmented reality browser software, has had a busy weekend with a pair of announcements for the front- and back-ends of its service. Layar allows users to see various types of geo-tagged points-of-interest (POI) - including tweets, Wikipedia articles and business listings - in a virtual perspective...

  • Social
    Live Matrix Launches a TV Guide for the Scheduled Web

    Every day, thousands of scheduled events happen on the Internet. These range from live video and audio shows to chats, poker tournaments and sales on Woot and Groupon. The problem, though, is that there is no single place to find out about these upcoming events. Live Matrix, which just launched,...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 11 Sept. 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of something taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or email us.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Google’s Instant Search, No More Fart Apps, Universal Logins, And More…

    Our live blog of the Google Instant Search event was, well, instantly readers' favorite post for this week. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: We learned how the Internet of Things may be used against us; how playtime could be the road to the...

  • Web
    Blogger Arrest Galvanizes Internet: This Week in Online Tyranny

    Ali Abdulemam arrested - Internet actually cares. The big (and bad) news this week was the arrest of Bahraini blogger and forum moderator Ali Abdulemam. He was arrested as part of a crackdown against democratic speech in the country. Abdulemam was well-liked and proved to be an inspiration for bloggers...

  • Entertainment
    Is Playtime the Road to Bigtime for Augmented Reality?

    Science fiction author and Wired blogger Bruce Sterling passed along the interesting augmented reality video embedded below. It's an iPhone app from the Japanese company Sazanami called Amazing3D that lets users augment still photographs with playful 3D objects which they can then interact with. While it's not the most amazing...

  • Web
    Adobe Celebrates, But Will Flash Developers Return to Apple?

    Last April, Apple changed its developers terms of service to restrict the use of third-party development tools in creating apps for iOS, the operating system behind the iPhone, iPod Touch and the iPad. The restrictions essentially banned the use of Adobe's Packager for iPhone, which allowed the creation of apps...

  • Mobile
    Apple Says “We Have Enough Fart Apps,” Here’s Why That’s Wrong

    Earlier this week, Apple announced it was rolling back previous restrictions on the use of third-party development tools for building applications for the iOS mobile operating system and that it would be, for the first time ever, publishing its once-secret "App Store Guidelines" for all to read. These guidelines explain,...

  • Social
    Google Losing Ground As Users Spend More Time on Facebook and Yahoo

    Americans spent more time socializing on Facebook than searching with Google for the first time in August, and Yahoo edged out the search giant in monthly traffic, according to new data from marketing research firm comScore. Users spent 41.1 billion minutes on Facebook in August, 39.8 billion minutes on Google,...

  • Mobile
    Google Maps for Android Gets Turn-By-Turn Walking Directions, Satellite Imagery

    For smartphone owners, asking people on the street for directions is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Why bother trying to remember a series of turns and landmarks when your phone can do that and more? Who needs confusing descriptions when you have satellite and Street View imagery? Android...

  • Mobile
    GetGlue for iPad Wants to Be Your Couch Surfing Companion

    Social check-in app GetGlue has been making significant strides in the mobile space lately with the release of an Android app following success on the iPhone earlier this summer. Today, the popular app which allows users to check-in, rate and like things like movies, TV shows and music, has come...

  • Mobile
    Study: Location-Based Services Users are Passionate but Niche

    A new report released today from mobile media provider Myxer examines the current trends among check-in applications, that is, the particular group of location-based mobile social networks that allow users to announce their arrival at a specific venue in return for rewards, coupons, deals or other offers. The company found...

  • Web
    For Advertisers, Location-Based Services “Blew Up Overnight”

    Advertisers have long talked about the mystical possibilities of using real-time location data to target customers. The technology existed; most cell phones have a GPS receiver in case of emergency. But real-time location data was off-limits to advertisers until Web-centric phones introduced people to the concept of sharing their location...

  • Mobile
    MasterCard Releases Person-To-Person Payment App MoneySend for BlackBerry

    You can't pay with your phone at the register yet, but you can use it to pay the babysitter. MoneySend, an application from MasterCard for sending and requesting money in informal person-to-person transactions, is now out in the BlackBerry App World.MasterCard's app lags significantly behind PayPal's mobile payment app, available...

  • Social
    Journalists Use Facebook as Bargaining Tool

    Facebook is used for a lot of things. Family contact, business advertising, non-profit planning and municipal information among others. Drag queens, belt buckle artists and the Catholic Church all use it. Now, employees of the Detroit Media Partnership, which includes the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News, and are...

  • Mobile
    VLC Submits iPad App to App Store

    Video support on Apple's mobile devices is far from universal and that's an issue that Applidium hopes to solve with its submission of VLC, the open-source video player, to the App Store.According to the company's release, "if everything goes well, VLC for the iPad should be available next week".The free...

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