Results for "mobile"

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  • Hack
    Saying Hello via IP Geolocation API

    Have you ever wanted to determine geographical information about an IP address? There are a growing number of services to accomplish this goal that are a mix of on-demand and offline bulk database services.Let's take a look at the Quova API using Ruby.Hello Visitor From {City}, {State}So-called IP intelligence and...

  • Web
    How GetGlue Taps Into Our Emotions

    Sometimes a successful web product takes a while to find its niche. Occasionally it morphs into a different product altogether, along the way. Both things have happened to GetGlue, the service where users "check in" to watching TV shows, reading books, listening to music - indeed, to just about anything....

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Digg Takes a Dive, Free Twitter Analytics, Single Founder Startups, And More…

    Digg, and its sharp decrease in traffic, was our top story this last week. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: A big new wireless spectrum for the Internet of Things opened; there's a new augmented reality childrens fantasy novel; and as part of our...

  • Web
    This Week in Review: Must-Know Tech News For SMBs

    Keeping up with all of the important technology news in a given week is a challenge for anyone, let alone busy professionals and people trying to run businesses. While there's not yet a known cure, ReadWriteBiz can help alleviate your information overload by bringing you a rundown of some of...

  • Web
    Canada Yellow Pages Launches API – A Picture of a Modern Service

    The Yellow Pages in Canada is different in a few ways than its American counterpart.The Yellow Pages is copyrighted in Canada. In the United States it is not. Yellow Pages Canada owns the brand. No one else can use it. Stateside, it is the opposite. Anyone can use the Yellow...

  • Mobile
    Designer Unveils Future Phone Thought Experiment at Mozilla Labs

    An extremely creative designer has taken a throwaway idea hatched in February 2009 all the way to an impressive 3D rendering of an "Open Web phone" that will make your eyes sparkle.Originally, designer Billy May conceived of a dynamic OLED keyboard to improve the BlackBerry Storm, with a shifting set...

  • Work
    MindTouch Offers a Platform for Selling Guides and Creating Support Networks

    Platform development - it has to be one of the most discussed topics in the past few months and an exciting space to watch as the world of the open Web shifts to the emerging micro app universe.Recently we have noticed that platforms with specific purposes are faring well as...

  • Web
    Genieo: A Recommendation Engine that Learns From Your Browsing Habits

    We have written quite a lot about the decline of the startpage and the dismal state of RSS readers. No matter the state of these two markets, Genieo manages to combine these two with a sophisticated recommendation engine to bring you a personalized startpage based on the sites you visit...

  • Web
    Rapid Innovation: The Philosophy of Betaworks CEO John Borthwick

    Continuing our series on product innovation and the people driving it, this week I spoke with the CEO and co-founder of Betaworks: John Borthwick. If you're unfamiliar with the name Betaworks, you will recognize the products under its umbrella: (the leading link shortener), TweetDeck (desktop Twitter client), Chartbeat (real-time...

  • Work
    15+ Enterprise Apps for Android

    Android has seen astounding growth in both the consumer and enterprise markets, but the iPhone and BlackBerry have dominated enterprise-specific app development. That may be starting to change. Today released its cloud storage app for Android, and other enterprise-focused apps have been released recently as well. Given the enterprise...

  • Mobile
    Visual Basic Developers Can Now Build for Windows Phone 7

    Today Microsoft announced that developers interested in building applications for Windows Phone 7 can now use Visual Basic to do so, in addition to the previously supported platforms of C#, Silverlight and XNA. This, says Microsoft's Brandon Watson via an official blog post, was the biggest request from the company's...

  • Web
    Change the Channel, the Internet is On: FCC Opens Vacant TV Airwaves

    The Federal Communications Commission has voted to approve the use of "white space" - the broadcast frequencies opened up by switching analog TV signals to digital last summer - for wireless data and Internet services. As we wrote earlier this week, the move was expected and will open up a...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Ponies Up $10 Million to Encourage Ovi App Development

    Nokia just announced a new mobile application development contest that comes with $10 million in "cash, devices and marketing prizes" up for grabs. The "Calling All Innovators" contest, presented by Nokia and AT&T, is designed to encourage developers in North America to build applications for the company's mobile customers. Although...

  • Mobile
    The Real Facebook Phone(s)?

    In a recent interview, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg flat-out denied earlier reports that the social networking company was building a so-called Facebook phone. "Our whole strategy is not to build any specific device or integration or anything like that. Because we're not trying to compete with Apple or the Droid...

  • Mobile
    EU Funds “Universal Apps” Project

    A research project that aims to develop a standard for universal applications has just received £10 million in funding from the European Union. The project, called Webinos, is being led by the Fraunhofer Institute, the same group that developed the technology behind the ubiquitous music file format MP3. Webinos' end...

  • Web
    Identity Management and Networks: The Enterprise Considers the Social Way

    The clouds are aligning so to speak. Apps are everywhere. The variety of mobile devices connecting to the networks is unprecedented. In the process, identity management is becoming a major issue.According to a Gartner survey earlier this year, enterprise managers see identity management as a top business priority. That would...

  • Mobile
    Why Be Mayor When You Can Be King? FourSquare Competitor DeHood Adds New Features

    The hyperlocal social networking app DeHood launched in May for iPhone, and it's got some users totally hooked. The app lets you check-in and communicate with people in your neighborhood and neighborhoods in other cities and is designed for "real-time interaction between families, friends and neighbors." Another way to say...

  • Mobile
    Facebook Founder Doesn’t Want the Web To Die

    Last month, Wired magazine set off a furious debate with a feature titled: "The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet." The crux of the argument was that people are spending less time on the open Web and more time using apps.It's undeniable that apps are in vogue. But does...

  • Hack
    VCast Apps and Network APIs: Developer Perspectives

    The big stories at Verizon Developer Community Conference 2010 (VDCC) are APIs and VCAST Apps for Day 1. Opening keynote talks and panels explored a range of topics that are on the minds of all mobile app developers.Let's take a closer look.There's an API for thatWhen you consider that all...

  • Hack
    Bug Labs Open Source Hardware on Verizon’s ODI

    Day 2 of the Verizon Developer Community Conference 2010 offered a deep dive into ares such as open source hardware, network APIs and more. RWH sat down with developers attending and gathered feedback that other mobile app developers will appreciate and hopefully apply in their own endeavors.Let's take a closer...

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