Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Web
    BMW Dashboards Get More Google-y with Search Suggestions & Images

    The automotive industry has always been at the forefront of technology, especially at the luxury level. With navigation systems, infrared cameras and other in-car sensors, our cars are becoming more like high-tech computers on wheels. Googlepartnered with BMW in 2007 to offer in-car local search and "send to car" functionality...

  • Mobile
    Firefox Home Goes Worldwide, Adds URL Search & More

    Firefox Home, the mobile app that brings your bookmarks, open tabs and browsing history to your iPhone, has gone worldwide, multilingual and more with its latest release.For those of you hoping for a mobile version of Firefox on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, we say don't hold your breath,...

  • Entertainment
    Napster Comes to the iPhone, iPad

    Napster, the once peer-to-peer music sharing service turned pay service, has finally entered the mobile music market for Apple users with today's release of a Napster app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Though it's entering the market a bit later than some competitors, it comes with a larger...

  • Mobile
    Fring Launches FringOut, Takes on Skype with Cheap Calls

    Mobile VoIP software company Fring has launched a new service called, not too subtly, "FringOut," which aims to compete head-on with Skype's "SkypeOut" feature by offering cheap phone calls worldwide. The service, available in a preview version since mid-August, lets Fring users call the landlines or mobile phones of non-Fring...

  • Mobile
    iPhone App Piracy Tool and Source Code Up for Sale

    An iPhone application called "iPA God," which supposedly aids in the distribution of pirated applications, is now up for sale along with its source code. The app, whose name refers to the file extension for iPhone applications (.ipa ), made waves in the hacker community last week, when it was...

  • Web
    Newsy: The Story Behind its Innovative News App

    Today we're starting a new interview series on ReadWriteWeb, focused on product innovation on the Web. I'll be interviewing a number of startup founders over the coming weeks, all of whom have created ground-breaking Internet businesses. I hope that this series will give insight into both product innovation and what...

  • Web
    Google Apps Adopts 2-Factor Authentication

    Google Apps is launching two-factor authentication, allowing the capability to verify a person's identity with a code sent to the user's mobile device.Most Web-based services still use systems that require people to sign in to their accounts with a user name and a password. It's pretty insecure. People lose their...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Twitter Redesign, Tumblr vs. Posterous, Flawed Foursquare Foot Traffic, And More…

    Just like last week, our live blogging - in this case the launch of the redesigned - was readers' favorite post of the week. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Disney proposed standards for Internet of Things toys; iPhone apps can be augmented...

  • Mobile
    PBS Rolls Out Extensive GetGlue Sticker Promotion for Fall Lineup

    Earlier this summer, the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) partnered with social check-in app GetGlue to offer rewards for a few of its shows. GetGlue has seen strong engagement numbers from its sticker promotions, and not long ago announced many extended promotions from networks like HBO and Showtime. PBS, having seen...

  • Web
    Seesmic Enters the Enterprise

    Seesmic is entering a new phase by offering SaaS services through its platform.This past week, CEO Marc Benioff and Seesmic Founder Loic LeMeur showed the integration with the SaaS service and the consumer application.It's a turn for Seesmic. It could be a significant one, too, as Dennis Howell pointed...

  • Web
    Competitors Seize on Groupon’s Recent Slipups

    Groupon is one of the hottest tech companies out there right now; Forbes called it "the fastest growing company ever." But Groupon is getting so big that it's bound to make a few missteps, and it was hit by two doozies today. A photographer posted a completely fraudulent offer and...

  • Web
    Geofence Your Friends With Footprint Feed

    We usually talk about geofencing for advertisers, where a customer's proximity to a business can trigger a text message or push notification. But geofencing for individual users is just fun - if not more.Footprint Feed is a mobile app that lets you set up feeds to share your location with...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Reaches Out to Developers, Now Crucial to Company’s Success

    At this week's Nokia World 2010 in London, the mobile handset manufacturer sent a clear message to its developer community: we're listening. Despite having the largest install base in the mobile industry, it hasn't been, until now, all that easy for developers to create applications for the 1.3 billion Nokia...

  • Web
    5 Ways Networking is Being Reinvented

    Internet speeds 100 times faster today? Distributed wireless networks spanning the oceans and outer space? Those are some of the projects researchers are working on today to remake the world of computer networking. In coming years as IP addresses run out, telepresence technologies are adopted, the Internet of Things brings...

  • Web
    3G, 3.5G, 4G, LTE & WiMAX: Beyond the Marketing Speak

    Few consumer technologies are as encumbered by arcane acronyms as modern cell phones. Right now, the buzzword in the mobile industry is 4G. The problem, though, is that none of the current networks actually fulfill the International Telecommunication Union's requirements for being called 4G. The technologies that are currently in...

  • Web Brings Live Broadcasting to its iPhone App

    Streaming video website has released a new version of its iPhone app that allows users to broadcast live video directly from the app over 3G and WiFi. This means that users, wherever they are, can share what's going on around them with the rest of the Internet, in...

  • Entertainment
    Impressive Augmented Reality R&D Demo Shows Off “Sensor Fusion” [VIDEO]

    Layar has had a busy week. The augmented reality software makers recently announced the inclusion of Skyhook Wireless' location SDK, a new local search feature called "Nearby" and a free embeddable AR viewer called "Layar Player" for iPhone apps. All the while, however, the company also showed off an experimental...

  • Hack
    Day 1: Intel AppUp Elements 2010

    Day 1 of Intel AppUp Elements 2010 included the keynote followed by intimate talks focused on three core pillars: monetization, fragmentation, and visibility. App developers were presented with the Intel vision of the app marketplace today and the near future.Let's take a closer look.Monetization, Fragmentation, and VisibilityIntel's head of AppUp,...

  • Entertainment
    Now Any iPhone App Can Be an Augmented Reality Browser

    Augmented reality (AR) is a fast-growing trend for mobile application developers, but few tools exist that make including the emerging technology in an app quick and easy. Many popular brands have published content on various mobile AR browsers, but it's not too surprising that they might want to include the...

  • Web
    Startup Tips from Jack Dorsey: Don’t Pull a Twitter

    Twitter is often hailed as an exalted success story whose footsteps should be followed by young startups. While Twitter is certainly a successful break-out company that managed to shoehorn an innovative social communication into our already busy lives, there are plenty of things Twitter has done wrong that startups should...

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