Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    How Flipboard Was Created & its Plans Beyond iPad

    The advent of the iPad has triggered a new round of innovation in the startup community. And few startups have utilized the iPad's touchscreen UI to create a unique user experience more than Flipboard, a magazine reading application built specifically for the iPad.As part of our continuing product innovation interview...

  • Web
    The Military’s Version of the Cloud Comes to Afghanistan

    There is confusing news coming from Afghanistan about cloud computing. A U.S. General has declared that the military is bringing in cloud computing to network soldiers in the sky and the ground.According to Network World, "the basic hardware and software technology is being packed into mobile boxes that later this...

  • Mobile
    LG Says Android is Not Tablet-Ready…Yet

    Electronics manufacturer LG has scrapped plans for its upcoming Android-based tablet computer, saying that the current version of the Google Android mobile operating system (version 2.2, code-named "Froyo") isn't ready for tablets. According to a Reuters report, an unnamed LG exec said "we plan to introduce a tablet that runs...

  • Mobile
    Top Apps on iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Palm, Nokia & Windows Phone (Q3 2010)

    Mobile analytics firm Distimo has released its September report detailing the most popular mobile applications of Q3 2010. The report covers the top apps, both free and paid, for the iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android, Nokia (Ovi), Palm's webOS and Windows Phone platforms. Below are the findings.Keep in mind that the...

  • Web
    Apple Approves Its First BitTorrent App

    A BitTorrent app called IS Drive is now available for iPhone, despite Apple's history of rejecting this sort of app.Even though Apple loosened some of its guidelines for the iOS Developer Program in early September, the policy still reads that your app cannot break the law or infringe on copyrights....

  • Web
    5 Tools for Online Journalism, Exploration and Visualization

    In our last post on data journalism, we ran across a number of tools that would be helpful for anyone who is interested in how to make sense of data. The tools represent a renaissance in how we make sense of our information culture. They provide context and meaning to...

  • Web
    Beerby Helps Answer That Important Question, “What Do You Have on Tap?”

    Benjamin Franklin once said that beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy. But as a self-described beer snob, I admit I'm pretty unhappy when I end up at a bar that doesn't serve what I consider to be a decent brew.Enter Beerby. Pronounced like "nearby,"...

  • Mobile
    Google Acquires Touchscreen Typing Startup BlindType

    BlindType, a touch-typing software that greatly increases the accuracy of typing on touch screen devices, announced on its blog this afternoon that it has been acquired by Google.The company addresses a problem with mobile devices: the fact that the move from QWERTY keyboards to touch screens has changed how we...

  • Web
    Number of Virtual World Users Breaks 1 Billion, Roughly Half Under Age 15

    The number of users registered for virtual world sites broke the 1 billion mark during the third quarter of this year. That's the finding of KZero, a British analytics company that specializes in the virtual worlds and virtual goods market. Virtual worlds are those online communities where people operate avatars...

  • Mobile
    Google Updates Car Home Android App for Navigation Customization

    Device convergence is happening everyday as new tech gadgets combine the functionality of previous devices into one handy solution. I first experienced this when the iPhone replaced both my previous phone and my iPod. Not having to carry both devices around all the time was a huge step forward for...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: Are Android Apps Dangerous?

    This week another round of "Android spyware" news hit the Web, when a study by university researchers found that some Android applications were transmitting private data to advertisers, often without users' knowledge. The team studied 30 out of the 358 most popular Android applications that allow access to the location...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Tops RIM in Daily App Downloads

    Today Nokia has released its Ovi Store download numbers and they're starting to look good. In fact, it appears that Nokia users are now downloading more applications than Blackberry users. According a press release put out this morning, Nokia says it now reaches 140 million customers worldwide and is seeing...

  • Mobile
    Researchers Develop Location-Enabled SMS Standard, Launch Android App

    Researchers at RMIT's School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences developed a method for integrating spatial coordinates into an SMS text message and released the technology for doing so as an open standard called GeoSMS. The standard has now been put to use in the first mainstream mobile application, an Android...

  • Mobile
    Chat in Multiple Languages on Your Android

    LinguaSys has launched its TransGen Mobile app today, promising the first multilingual private mobile chat rooms for Android clients. Rather than just a personal translation service, this app will allow groups to participate in real-time chat, even if they speak multiple languages.The Android app offers private persistent chat rooms of...

  • Mobile
    Blank Label’s Dress Shirt Customization Comes to the iPad

    It has long been said that "the clothes make the man," and if that man is on the cutting edge of technology, he's probably an iPad owner. So what better way for the fashionable male of 2010 to properly outfit himself than by designing his own dress shirts on an...

  • Entertainment
    Tour the Art Institute of Chicago on Your iPad for $4

    There are many museum applications for available mobile devices these days, and that's an under-appreciated benefit of new multi-media platforms like smartphones and tablets. But there's only one Art Institute of Chicago in the world - it's a unique treasure.Put them together and what do you get? New app tours...

  • Mobile
    2 New Tools for the Backend of Location-Based Apps

    Location-based check-in applications are hot, or at least that's what the media keeps telling us. However, studies have found that while location-based users are passionate, adoption is limited. That said, developers, advertisers and marketers still need to be aware of the general trends in this area. These apps may be...

  • Web
    Katie Couric: We Need Better Filters for a “Tsunami of News”

    Will hanging out with the geeks improve network news? Judging from CBS News anchor Katie Couric's comments at the Web 2.0 Expo yesterday, the potential is there. Will it matter? In a news environment that has been irrevocably disrupted by the Internet, the role of broadcast news anchors has evolved...

  • Web
    Residents One of Africa’s Largest Slums Put Their Home on the Map

    Forcing those who would rather not to recognize you is the ultimate in revolution, a revolution from non-existence to being. And that's just what the residents of Kibera, the second largest slum in Africa, have done. Under a project they've called Map Kibera, they've publicly mapped a home the government...

  • Web
    Facebook Exec: All Media Will Be Personalized in 3 to 5 Years

    Facebook's Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said in New York today that in the next three to five years, a website that isn't tailored to a specific user's interest will be an anachronism, according to coverage from media industry blog PaidContent."People don't want something targeted to the whole world--they want...

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