Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    New Apps for Your Smartphone, October Edition

    There are some 225,000 mobile applications for the iPhone now and 70,000 for Android, so every so often we like to highlight a few that have caught our attention. This latest edition of our favorite smartphone apps includes a few in testing, a few we're madly in love with, some...

  • Social
    TweetDeck Arrives on Android

    Although TweetDeck is saying it's "been a crazy couple months," the wait is finally over and today the company is taking TweetDeck for Android out of beta and releasing it into the Android Market.TweetDeck for Android will handle more than Twitter, bringing the ability to post and receive updates from...

  • Social
    Skype Debuts Its Half, Now It’s Facebook’s Turn to Integrate

    We were excited last month to find out about the integration of Skype and Facebook. This morning, the feature is going live for all to see with the release of Skype 5.0. The latest version comes with some cleaned up design features, built-in Facebook integration and the group video chat...

  • Web
    Apple Awarded a Patent To Prevent Texting “Objectionable Content”

    Apple has been awarded a patent that can keep you from sending or receiving "objectionable" text-messages. The patent, filed in January of 2008 and approved today, will allow certain content to be filtered, based on parental controls. The description of the patent doesn't mention sexting, although that may be the...

  • Social
    Facebook Rolls Out Security Changes, Including Ability to Generate Temporary Passwords

    Facebook has launched two security features today, aimed at protecting the accounts of those of us who access Facebook from public computers.The first feature is a one-time password. To use this feature, you have to have a mobile phone number associated with your account. Then, if you want to generate...

  • Web
    Posterous Gets an iPhone App

    Posterous, the minimalist blogging platform, may have allowed users to post to their blogs via email, or even the specially-formatted Posterous for mobile devices, but now it's gone that one extra step. Posterous for the iPhone is here, allowing users to post, manage their settings, upload media and even geo-tag...

  • Mobile
    Beyond the Check-in: How Location Services Can Now Fight Identity Theft

    When we talk of location-based services these days, there's a heavy focus on so-called check-in apps like Foursquare and Gowalla - apps that allow users to register their physical presence at a venue in return for deals, discounts and virtual rewards like badges and points. But location-based services actually encompass...

  • Social
    How Instapaper Was Created & its Plan to Add Social Features

    A common theme of our product innovation series has been exploring applications that take advantage of new devices - and the user experience patterns that evolve out of that. Instapaper is perfect example of this. It started out as a web application, then embraced smart phones, and now it's being...

  • Web
    Exploring How the Cloud Redefines E-Commerce

    The 2010 holiday season may be remembered for the distributed nature of the shopping experience more than anything else. Mobile technologies are on the rise and application platforms are serving as hothouses for any number of developments to buy and sell products and services.The iPhone, Android and now Windows Phone...

  • Social
    Study of Global Online Behavior Finds Emerging Markets More Digitally Engaged

    The largest ever global research project into people's online activities has released its findings. The TNS Digital Life research involved 50,000 interviews with individuals in 46 countries, covering almost 90% of the world's online population.The study aimed to uncover how the world's online behavior may be shifting, in terms of...

  • Web
    iPad at Pompeii: Does Tech Really Revolutionize How We Seek the Past? [Update]

    Given the successful experiments with new technology over the last few years, I believe archaeology's alleged resistance to new technology is changing. As if to underscore that change, Apple has equipped a team of excavators at Pompeii with the iPad. But is handing out a half dozen tablet computers to...

  • Hack
    Spinning in Circos

    When you have data you wish to visualize there are many options. A recent graphic that made the news involved a depiction of the lawsuits in the tech world. The graphic was in response to prior depictions in an attempt to simplify and convey the meaningful trends of the data...

  • Mobile
    Windows Phone 7 Revealed: What You Need to Know

    Microsoft officially unveiled its new mobile operating system, Windows Phone 7, at a press event held this morning in New York City. CEO Steve Ballmer described the new line of Windows Phones as "different" and more modern, in both design and principles. With Windows Phone 7, the focus is on...

  • Web
    Google’s Self-Driving Car is Just the Beginning

    Google announced this weekend that it has developed a car that can drive itself. A small fleet of the vehicles has logged more than 1,000 miles of entirely automated driving and 140,000 miles of driving with only occasional human intervention.It's a development of historic significance: few events have changed the...

  • Mobile
    Windows Phone 7 Launches Today

    Today is Windows Phone 7 launch day and an important one for not just Microsoft, but the mobile industry as well. For Microsoft, the new mobile operating system isn't a mere update to Windows Mobile, it's an entirely new effort, build from the ground-up. Microsoft is putting all its chips...

  • Web
    5 Check-in Apps to Check Out

    One of the leading trends this year has been check-in apps. Typically mobile apps, they allow you to announce that you're at a place or doing something. The excitement started with the location check-in apps: Brightkite, Foursquare, Gowalla, Google Latitude and others. But over the past year the practice of...

  • Mobile
    United Arab Emirates Won’t Pluck BlackBerry

    The threat to banResearch in Motion's BlackBerry mobile device messaging services spread across the Middle East like a brushfire. The threat first arose in the U.A.E., followed by Saudi Arabia. India, Tunisia and Lebanon all threatened to follow suit.Just three days before the ban was to be implemented in the...

  • Web
    Google Shuts Down 1-800-GOOG-411

    Google just announced that it plans to shut down 1-800-GOOG-411, its voice-powered directory assistance service, on Nov. 12. GOOG-411, which launched in 2007, was the company's first foray into voice-powered search. According to Google, GOOG-411 "provided a foundation for more ambitious services" on smartphone platforms like Google's own Android and...

  • Web
    New Logistics: How Web Technology Shapes the Complex Global Choreography of Goods and Information

    Last month we began a series of posts about "new logistics" with an overview of how companies can leverage Web-based tools for international marketing. These days, with the power of the Web and related technologies, logistics encompasses so much more than just moving widgets from point to A to point...

  • Mobile
    Adobe AIR for Android Arrives in Market

    The Adobe AIR for Android runtime is now available in the Android Market, news which is sure to excite a number of Flash developers. With the new application, developers can build mobile applications for Android users without having to learn new languages. Instead, they can continue using familiar programs like...

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