Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Adobe Flash 10.1 heading to Blackberry, WebOS , WP, MeeGO and Symbian

    Adobe today announced in a press release that the latest version of their flash product will be available on more mobile platforms shortly. Flash Player 10.1 is available on Android and Google TV today, with BlackBerry platform, HP webOS 2.0, future versions of Windows® Phone, LiMo, MeeGo, and Symbian OS...

  • Web
    Adobe Puts Focus on HTML5 for Digital Publishing: Collaborates with JQuery and WebKit

    There has been a lot of talk about the perceived conflicts between Adobe Flash and HTML5 lately, but during it's annual developer conference MAX today, Adobe announced a new product for building interactive HTML5 content and highlighted some of the advantages of developing in HTML5. Adobe Edge, as the new...

  • Web
    Google Launches Boost, Easy Local Advertising With Artificial Intelligence

    Google announced initial availability of a new advertising program called Boost today, beginning in San Francisco, Houston and Chicago. Boost automatically determines what keywords your business ought to bid on and recommends a range of monthly advertising budgets based on the competitiveness of your business sector. It then runs Cost...

  • Entertainment
    VLC Makes Its Way to the iPhone, iPod Touch

    VLC has made its way fully onto iOS with this week's release for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The open-source, multi-platform video player will allow Apple's mobile device users to play a number of different video formats, from DiVX to AVI and more.This latest version of VLC works on the...

  • Web
    Exclusive: First Look at Siine, a Revolution in Text-Based Communication (UPDATE)

    As the world shifts to using more tablets, touchscreens and mobile devices as the point of access to the Web, there's an increasing need to rethink the keyboard. On smaller form factors, the traditional method of tap typing may no longer be the best way to enter text on a...

  • Mobile
    Just Because Apps are Free, Doesn’t Mean There’s No Money to Be Made

    Today's article in The New York Times (see: "App Makers Take Interest in Android") focused on the growing Android app ecosystem, and the unfortunate side effect of being a Google-led project: people aren't used to paying for Google services and that mentality extends to Android. But developers, take heart: making...

  • Web
    Adobe AIR Coming to TV

    Adobe AIR, a cross-platform runtime environment developed by Adobe Systems, Inc., is coming to the TV screen, the company announced today at its developer conference Adobe MAX 2010. With the launch of Adobe AIR 2.5, the software, already supported on various smartphone, tablet and desktop platforms, is being extended to...

  • Web
    PBS Rolls Out Major Expansion Featuring National-Local Integration

    As a continuing effort toward becoming a "a multi-platform media leader," today, PBS rolled out an extensive expansion of its website, featuring an improved back-end, significant increase in national-local integration, expanded video offerings; as well as new iPad and iPhone apps. 18 months ago, PBS launched an initiative to make...

  • Web
    Adobe Announces InMarket, New App Distribution Service

    Today at the Adobe MAX 2010 developer conference, Adobe Systems, Inc. announced the launch of a new service called "InMarket," which (thankfully), is not yet another "app store" but rather an app distribution service. With InMarket, developers can submit their applications in order to reach the millions of customers who...

  • Web
    Apple Adds Special Education Section to the App Store

    Apple has created a custom area for the App Store titled "Special Education: Learning for Everyone." The new section contains five subsections: Communication, Hearing, Language Development, Literacy & Learning, and Organization.The apps featured include speech-to-text app Dragon Dictation, assisted hearing app iHearClearly, and handwriting tool iWriteWords, as well as a...

  • Web
    Q&A with Socialcast: What is the State of Activity Streams?

    We are trying some new ways to provide a bit more depth to our coverage. You may notice we are packaging posts to explore topics a bit with interviews, profiles and resources that we hope will give a deeper perspective about cloud computing.For example, we wrote two posts about business...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Gene Simmons Takes on Anonymous, OS X Lion Live Blog, Google Demo Slam, And More…

    This week's top story was Gene Simmons versus, well, something that so far is much stronger than his KISS Army: Anonymous. In Internet of Things news, Nukotoys wants to plug Silicon Valley into the toy market. On the mobile news front, Square made amends with the iPhone 4. And don't...

  • Mobile
    Palm’s Developer Relations Lead, Dion Almaer, Leaves

    Dion Almaer is one of the best-known cutting edge developers focused on emerging Open Web technologies, like HTML5. When Almaer joined Palm just over a year ago, it was big news. Today Almaer announced that he and his long-time cohort Ben Galbraith are leaving the company to found their own...

  • Mobile
    meetMoi Brings Serendipity to the Dating Game with Background Location

    At any given moment, the love of your life could be around the corner and you'd never know it...without technology, that is. If you find yourself awaiting that next serendipitous connection to come and sweep you off your feet, meetMoi may be the technological solution to the problem that is...

  • Social
    Facebook vs. Foursquare: It’s Game Time

    When Facebook Places launched in August, the media wasted little time in calling game, set and match on Foursquare and its location-based social network (LBSN) brethren. With over 500 million users, the theory went, Facebook would become the most popular check-in service due to its sheer size alone.While Facebook hasn't...

  • Web
    Is it Too Late for Foursquare Competitors? SCVNGR Hopes Not, Launches New Apps

    SCVNGR, one of the up-and-coming startups in the "check-in" application category has been on a roll lately. It has almost 500,000 users, is on track for reaching one million users by year-end, has integrated with Facebook Places, has launched a self-serve platform and has established partnerships with 1,000 businesses including...

  • Mobile
    Square Makes Amends With the iPhone 4, Ships New Readers

    Earlier this week, we wrote about how Square, the mobile payment app, had run into issues with its credit card reader not working with the iPhone 4. The company has run into a few setbacks along the way, but it looks like this is one they're quickly taking care of.According...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: How Many iPad Apps Have You Bought? (UPDATE)

    Nielsen this week released a new report on Connected Devices, which looked at trends surrounding the iPad, Kindle and others. These tablet computers are now owned by 48% of early adopters, a group which tends to be more wealthy (25% has an income greater than $100K) and more educated (51%...

  • Web
    How is Cloud Computing Transforming Competitive Advantage?

    Much has been written about the technology aspects of cloud computing and its game-changing service characteristics. But focusing only on technology and service aspects of the cloud ignores the fact that cloud computing is in actuality more of a disruptive business model than just a combination of technology changes. By...

  • Web
    1M/1M Strategy Roundtable: Bootstrapping Comes in Many Flavors

    At today's roundtable, we had some very interesting discussions on creative bootstrapping. I am always fascinated by how innovative entrepreneurs get when faced with resource crunches. First up today was Justin Beck with PerBlue, a mobile and social gaming company that makes the iPhone and Android game Parallel Kingdom that...

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