Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Happy Birthday, Android! A History, in Screenshots and Video

    Google's mobile operating system known as Android was officially unveiled on November 5th, 2007, making today Android's 3rd birthday. It's fair to say that this mobile platform has taken the world by storm - in just a few years time, it's gone from a non-dominant player in the mobile OS...

  • Mobile
    Ditching RIM: Dell, Bank of America, Citigroup Saying Farewell to Blackberry

    RIM's Blackberry smartphones are no longer the default choice for corporate employees, a pair of stories released today seem to imply. Computer manufacturer Dell is planning to move its 25,000 employees from RIM smartphones to its own Dell Venue Pro - a phone running the new Windows Phone 7 operating...

  • Web
    World Wide, Web Surfing Down as Entertainment, P2P Dominate Global Internet Usage

    Sandvine's Fall 2010 report on global Internet trends gives a glimpse into Internet usage in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America. In addition to examining geographic differences, the report also points out some of the differences between mobile and "fixed" usage, it also makes clear that, "To subscribers, the...

  • Web
    What Will the Future of Business Cards Look Like?

    Fall is the unofficial start of conference season for professionals looking to get together, learn more and network with one another. I've personally been to four conferences in the last month alone, some about technology and business, and one for journalists. Regardless of industry, there is one age-old relic of...

  • Hack
    Microsoft Opens Windows Phone 7 Market to All Developers

    Microsoft just opened the doors of its Windows Phone 7 Market to developers. App submission was previously by invitation only but from now on any developer willing to cough up the $99 a year App Hub fee will be able to submit apps to the market. App Hub members will...

  • Web
    Could Kinect Control Your Internet of Things?

    The Kinect has gone on sale today. Microsoft's new touchless, full body (plus facial expressions), gesture-based interface for the XBox360 gaming system is going to make a big splash in the contemporary consumer market- but how far could it be extended as an interface for the technology of the future?...

  • Mobile
    StumbleUpon Helps Android Users Discover New Apps

    StumbleUpon, known best for helping users discover websites and videos, introduces a new feature for the StumbleUpon Android app today, bringing that discovery to mobile apps. The new App Discovery feature suggests Android apps based on users' interests and preferences as well of those of friends and like-minded users. As...

  • Mobile
    Google Instant Comes to the iPhone

    Google is slowly rolling out Google Instant to iPhone users, two months after it launched this new search experience for the desktop. Users of a select number of Android phones were also able to use Instant on their devices already. While Google Instant already speeds up searches on the desktop,...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s App Store Soars Past 300,000 Apps

    Apple's App Store now features over 300,000 apps, up from just under 200,000 in April. Out of these, almost 38,000 are iPad apps according to a new report from app store analytics firm Distimo. Developers released an average of 5,452 iPad apps and 12,218 iPhone apps per month since April....

  • Mobile
    State of the App Industry 2010 (Report)

    Mobile advertising firm Millennial Media has just released its comprehensive report on the state of the mobile application industry, which includes a look at growth trends, platform diversification, platform popularity, 2011 trends and more. According to the report's findings, developers plan to further diversify their app offerings next year and...

  • Mobile
    More Data: “Check-in” Craze Not Mainstream Yet

    Pew Internet & American Life Project is out with its first report on the use of "geosocial" services - that is, mobile location-based services that allow users to "check in" to a particular venue and see which of their friends are nearby. According to the researchers' findings, only 4% of...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: The Ultimate Check-in: Your $29.97 Dumb Phone

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Web
    This Brave New World is More of the Same

    I was thinking about Internet technologies today, as I often do, when I came to a conclusion. I believe, on repeated reflection, that all technologies that flow from the Internet - including Web, social media, mobile - are not qualitatively different than anything that came before. They are instead, differences...

  • Social
    Facebook and the Future of Check-ins

    Facebook announced today at its mobile platform event that it is opening up its Places API. That means that any outside application can now post check-ins, photos, links and more to the Facebook Places database. It also means that any outside app can read the same info from the Facebook...

  • Social
    Trying for Parity with the iPhone App, Twitter for Android Gets an Upgrade

    It seems as though companies must be paying attention to that statistic we reported the other day: that Android is the number one mobile OS in the U.S., and the number two worldwide. Because it's not just Facebook showing some love to its Android app today. Twitter has just announced...

  • Social
    Facebook Updates Its Android and iPhone Apps

    At Facebook's Mobile Event this morning in Palo Alto, Mark Zuckerberg announced that among the various location- and mobile-oriented updates the company was making today, that updates to its Android and iPhone apps are now available. And that's great news for Android users, as Zuckerberg admitted that the Android app...

  • Mobile
    Yelp’s Check-in Offers Make Much More Sense Than Foursquare’s

    Local search and business review service Yelp entered the location-based check-in game nearly a year ago, following in the footsteps of other services like Foursquare and Gowalla. Over the summer, the company added badges and mayor-like features and we wrote that the move clearly placed Yelp "in direct competition with...

  • Web
    iPad Subscriptions (To Anything!) Made Easy by Freshly Funded Startup

    Can the iPad save the magazine star? It might, if Portland, Oregon startup Urban Airship has anything to say about it. For all their dreams of success in a medium that privileges big pictures, multi-media and a touch interface, publishers of periodical content have been frustrated by the lack of...

  • Work
    Alfresco Interview Topic: 10 Forces Affecting Content Management

    The way we view the enterprise is changing all at once. We view technologies differently due to a number of factors. At the base of all this change is one constant. And that's content. It all needs to be managed in some way. Content is a central issue in the...

  • Computers
    MeeGo tablet unveiled in China

    China based Red Flag Software has showed off a MeeGo-based tablet prototype at a software trade event in Dalian, China. Red Flag Software, an early supporter of the Intel Atom-oriented Moblin mobile Linux operating system that forms the basis of MeeGo, said the NPad tablet will go on sale in...

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