Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    How Android Developers Can Implement In-App Purchases Now

    Android developers waiting for Google to implement an official method for in-app purchases finally have some alternatives. This week, there was good news from Papaya Mobile, a mobile social platform with 3 million users. The company partnered with Zong, an international mobile payments company to offer in-app virtual goods purchases...

  • Web
    VMware and Google Launch 1st Series of Development Tools

    VMware and Google announced they will launch a series of tools to make it easier for for enterprise developers to build, manage and deploy applications in the cloud.The stated goal of the partnership is to offer developers a set of tools that can be used on any platform with any...

  • Web
    Mozilla Director Says Apple Trying to “Bypass the Web”

    As we noted earlier this morning, Apple's Mac Store guidelines have been revealed, including the long list of apps Apple plans to reject. While some developers will jump at the chance for exposure a Mac App Store provides, not everyone in the industry is happy about the news - least...

  • Web
    Apple’s Guidelines Revealed: Apps You Can’t Sell in the Mac App Store

    Yesterday, at Apple's "Back to the Mac" press event, the company announced an App Store for the Mac, similar to the stores it already runs for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad within iTunes. There's no doubt a computer-based "app store" is an interesting concept, and it will likely attract...

  • Mobile
    Mappr Brings Foursquare Check-ins to Facebook Groups

    Over the past few months, Facebook has come out with what two great features - Places and redesigned Groups. The only problem, however, is Places really only appears on the iPhone app and mobile website, while Groups can only be accessed from the full, non-mobile site. The two features, however,...

  • Entertainment
    EA Buys Chillingo, Publishers of Angry Birds (Angry Birds Not Included)

    When news hit the wire this morning that Electronic Arts had purchased Chillingo, the publisher of the phenomenally successful Angry Birds game for an estimated $20 million, it seemed like the video game giant had made a really great acquisition for a steal. After all, the iPhone version alone of...

  • Web
    Starbucks Launches Digital Network, Exclusive Content with Your Free WiFi (and Oh Yeah, Coffee)

    Starbucks announces the launch of the Starbucks Digital Network today. Powered by the free Starbucks WiFi, the digital network offers exclusive content to its in-store customers. Built in HTML5, the content is designed to work on all mobile devices - from notebooks to smartphones.The network's content includes news, entertainment, business,...

  • Entertainment
    You Don’t Have to Go to the Met to Get Your Symphony On

    An appropriate term to cover what we inaccurately call "classical music" is as elusive as a comprehensive definition of "poetry." So I'm just going to rock the quotation marks as I turn you on to some great places to listen to, and sometimes watch, great "classical music" performances. All the...

  • Mobile
    Developers: When and Why to Sell Apps Wholesale

    This week, an interesting new startup called Appbackr launched, creating the first wholesale market for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) applications. The idea is that developers can submit apps to Appbackr instead of the iTunes App Store at wholesale prices. So why would developers want to do this? Although it's...

  • Mobile
    Do iPhone or Android Users Watch More Video? (And Other Video Trends)

    Mobile video optimization firm Bytemobile has just released its most recent "Mobile Minute Metrics" report, a look at wireless users' video consumption trends and behavior based on metrics from a cross-section of nearly 2 billion Bytemobile customers in 58 countries around the world. According to the new report, which focuses...

  • Web
    U.S. Leads With Attack Traffic, Not Broadband Speed

    Every quarter, content delivery network Akamai delivers a State of the Internet report looking at the Internet in terms of traffic, speed and connectivity. The latest report shows that the rest of the world is continuing to outpace the U.S. in terms of speed, while the U.S. becomes the leading...

  • Web
    Google Won’t Resume Its Street View Wi-Fi Collection

    Google won't be resuming its use of Street View cars to collect information about Wi-Fi networks. So says the fine print of the Canadian Office of Privacy Commissioner's statement today, that as we reported earlier, found that Google had violated Canadians' privacy.Google's Street View project has raised a number of...

  • Web
    Why An SAP Press Conference Actually Held My Attention

    I followed the press conference this morning from SAP TechEd. And I came away a bit shocked.It was actually interesting. SAP held my attention. Really. Chief Tecnology Officer Vishal Sikka talked about semantic technologies and sharedconversations he had with VMWare CEO Paul Maritz. It had demos of connected health systems...

  • Web
    Nukotoys Wants to Become the Silicon Valley’s Next-Generation Toy Company

    Internet-connected toys are a major focus of the toy industry this season, but according to Nukotoy's co-CEO Doug Penman, connecting the online and "real" world just is not in the DNA of the regular large toy companies. NukoToys is made up of numerous Silicon Valley veterans and counts gaming luminaries...

  • Web
    Pay Any Bill From Your iPhone, Android or Blackberry

    There's something about paying bills - the checkbook, the stamps, the envelopes, the taste of the adhesive - that just rubs me the wrong way. It isn't even the money making a one-way march out of my account, that's just inevitable. If I never had to deal with a paper...

  • Web
    Mozilla Challenges Apple & Google With a New Decentralized App Store Platform

    Mozilla has launched a prototype of what it calls an Open Web App Store. It's a decentralized challenge to both Apple's closed app store and Google's centralized strategy. Open Web Apps, the organization says, are a hybrid of the web's openness and the desktop's convenience, access to hardware capabilities and...

  • Work
    Will Office 365 be Worth the Cost?

    The day after Microsoft's cloud visionary Ray Ozzie announced he is stepping down, Redmond announced today the re-launch of its cloud office suite as Office 365. Office 365 will combine all of Microsoft's existing SaaS offerings (Microsoft Office, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online and Lync Online) under one umbrella. Plans start...

  • Mobile
    HP Reveals webOS 2.0, Arriving Friday on Palm Pre 2

    HP today has officially introduced webOS 2.0, the biggest update to what was formerly Palm's mobile operating system, one of the assets gained by HP back in April when it acquired Palm, Inc for $1.2 billion. Now called HP webOS, the updated operating system will make its debut this Friday...

  • Mobile
    Square Hits Another Hurdle: It Doesn’t Work With iPhone 4 [Update]

    It's been nearly a year since Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey announced the launch of mobile payment system Square. In that time, the company has run into, hardware, software and security issues to keep it from taking off. According to an article in today's Financial Times, the service has one more...

  • Web
    Digital Stripping and the Evolution of Online Publishing

    In June 2010, Apple released the latest revision of Safari. Included in the release was a fancy little feature called "Reader" which gives users the ability to view Web content separately from the collective clutter of banner advertising, top lists and social bookmarking widgets. The release marked the first time...

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