Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    After the Dust settles – Meego 1.1

    So, Today's excitement is coming to a close (for some of us at least). The OS has dropped. Things have been flashed and below is an interesting article from Nokia:- Today marks a new project release of the MeeGo software, the open-source next-gen operating system for computing devices that Nokia...

  • Web
    After the Dust settles – Meego 1.1

    So, Today's excitement is coming to a close (for some of us at least). The OS has dropped. Things have been flashed and below is an interesting article from Nokia:- Today marks a new project release of the MeeGo software, the open-source next-gen operating system for computing devices that Nokia...

  • Mobile
    Facebook Revamps Connect for iPhone & Apps Suffer Downtime (Updated)

    Facebook Connect, the company's fast-growing identity service, has been dramatically revamped for the iPhone and has apparently experienced some significant down-time as well. That's bad news for apps that depend on it for their users to identify themselves.The new login interface no longer contains any of the previously displayed information...

  • Web
    Microsoft’s PDC Keynote with Steve Ballmer and Bob Muglia

    Microsoft is holding its Professional Developer Conference (PDC) on its Redmond, WA campus this week. The event kicks off with a two-hour keynote hosted by the company's CEO Steve Ballmer and Bob Muglia, Microsoft's president of its server and tools division. Microsoft generally holds these events when it wants to...

  • Mobile
    Are Google and Samsung Announcing a “Nexus Two?”

    Google and Samsung may be announcing a "Nexus Two" smartphone at the mysterious press conference being held on November 8th in New York City. The conference will feature the launch of a "new Android device," which is now suspected to be the next Google experience phone, meaning a phone featuring...

  • Web
    Chrome Web Store Delayed Until December (Report)

    The Google Chrome Web Store, an open marketplace for Web applications set to launch sometime this year within Google's Chrome Web browser, has been delayed. Originally believed to be launching this month, a new report finds that the store is not going to arrive until later this year - the...

  • Mobile
    Connect Your Car to the Web With AutoBot

    Last week I was a judge at the Consumer Electronics Association's i-Stage competition, where 8 innovative startups competed to win a spot in January's CES trade show. All of the products presented were forward-looking, none more so than the winner: AutoBot. Developed by Louisville, Kentucky company Mavizon Technologies, AutoBot is...

  • Web
    The World’s Most Dangerous Domains

    McAfee, the computer security company, has released its latest "Mapping the Mal Web" report. For the fourth time, the report surveys the most dangerous top-level Internet domains. Here are this year's top five. .COM (Commercial) 31.3%.INFO (Information) 30.7%.VN (Vietnam) 29.4%.CM (Cameroon) 22.2%.AM (Armenia) 12.1% McAfee examined sites in various domains...

  • Social
    Bling Nation Introduces FanConnect: Facebook “Like” a Business at Check Out

    Really "like" your local coffee shop? Soon, you'll be able to "like" the shop on Facebook thanks to NFC (near-field communications) pioneer Bling Nation, whose mobile phone stickers are also used to perform mobile payments at participating merchants. With the new "FanConnect" platform, announced at PayPal's Developer Conference yesterday, businesses...

  • Mobile
    4 Things Developers Should Know About Blackberry App World 2.0

    Last week, RIM updated its Blackberry App World storefront to version 2.0, an important update for consumers and developers alike. For end users, the "My World" view within the updated store has been streamlined to show installed apps, pending apps, archived apps and deleted ones. There are also new ways...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Transparency is Critical When Sites #FAIL

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Social
    MySpace’s Last Gasp: We’re All New! (We’re Still a Social Network)

    Today, MySpace is launching what may be its last-ditch effort to save itself before owner News Corp makes other plans, or even sells off the ailing company. With the launch of the "new MySpace," a social entertainment hub that allows for the discovery of music, celebrities, television, movies, games, videos,...

  • Web
    The Story of Groupon & its Daily Deals

    Social shopping has been a big trend over the past year and there have been few more successful startups in this domain than Groupon. It's a relatively simple concept: offer daily shopping deals to groups of consumers. The details are a little more complicated, in that a deal only eventuates...

  • Web
    Google Docs Launches Snazzy New Chart Maker

    The Google Docs team unveiled an attractive new chart creation tool today for Google's spreadsheet tool. New features include automatically recommended chart types based on the data you've input, more control over colors and imagery, advanced visualizations and the ability to embed dynamically updated charts around the web.ReadWriteWeb's COO and...

  • Work
    The “Adobe Stack” and What it Means for Enterprise Development

    Adobe isn't a company that's typically thought of as an "enterprise software company," even though it sells its software to large enterprises and offers "enterprisey" products like Acrobat and LiveCycle. That could be changing.Atlassian recently said it wants to be for technical teams what Adobe is to designers, but it's...

  • Mobile
    TestFlight Improves iOS Beta Testing Process

    TestFlight is a new tool for mobile developers which is being billed as an application that fixes the somewhat painful process of beta testing iOS 4 (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) applications. And it does so without requiring the use of iTunes, manual syncing, private APIs (application programming interfaces) or jailbreaking....

  • Web
    Apple Launches its Own Check-in Service

    Don't worry - Apple isn't trying to launch the next Foursquare - but the company has developed its own check-in service that integrates with Apple's in-house applications. The new service went live this week. The lineup of Apple-owned applications that make up the service includes "Concierge," a push-enabled app used...

  • Web
    Amazon Launches Windowshop, New iPad App for Shopping

    Today Amazon has launched Windowshop, an iPad application the company describes as "a complete rewrite of specifically for the iPad." The app does not appear to update or replace Amazon's previous iPad application called Amazon Mobile. Instead, Windowshop is a new standalone experience with a completely different, more visual...

  • Technology
    Adobe Flash 10.1 heading to Blackberry, WebOS , WP, MeeGO and Symbian

    Adobe today announced in a press release that the latest version of their flash product will be available on more mobile platforms shortly. Flash Player 10.1 is available on Android and Google TV today, with BlackBerry platform, HP webOS 2.0, future versions of Windows® Phone, LiMo, MeeGo, and Symbian OS...

  • Web
    Adobe Flash 10.1 heading to Blackberry, WebOS , WP, MeeGO and Symbian

    Adobe today announced in a press release that the latest version of their flash product will be available on more mobile platforms shortly. Flash Player 10.1 is available on Android and Google TV today, with BlackBerry platform, HP webOS 2.0, future versions of Windows® Phone, LiMo, MeeGo, and Symbian OS...

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