Results for "mobile"

We found 14378 results for your search.
  • Work
    Enterprise iPad Usage Most Common in Financial Services

    We keep mentioning that the iPad is catching on in the enterprise, but where is it being used? According to a report released today by device management vendor Good Technology, financial service firms are the enterprises most likely to adopt the iPad,. Good collected usage data from its install base...

  • Social
    Beyond Facebook: Facebook, Napster Forefathers & A Whole Lot of Investors Launch New Network, Path

    What if your social network was made to stay small? What if its privacy settings worked like Facebook's used to? What if that seductive but false promise made by so many spam advertisers, "see who looks at your profile" actually became possible?Those are a few of the fundamental qualities of...

  • Web
    10 Surprising Things You Can’t Do on Path

    Mobile social photo app Path launched tonight to huge press attention. Here's our coverage. After a few hours of testing it, though, it's a real surprise to see just how many features this deep-pocketed, heavily pedigreed startup launched without - after a year in stealth mode. Below is our list...

  • Web
    Programmed Robots and 4 Other Ways Developers Use Twilio, the Popular Telephony API

    On Programmable Web (PW), the telephony category has 83 APIs. Of these, Twilio is by far the leader with 88 mashups associated with its API. That's far ahead of Skype, which has 28; Jaduka has 8 and MyVox and Ringful each have six.Twilio is a cloud-based service that helps you...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: iPad Update, RIP, Use Blekko to Rock Your Job And More…

    Our top story of the week was that the iPad, that perennial newsmaker, is getting its first major software update. In our coverage of other top Internet trends, the battle for location enlisted some real armies; Richard MacManus wrote about how software is more important than sensors in the Internet...

  • Web
    Startup Strategy Roundtable: African Tech Entrepreneurs Emerging

    I liked all of the companies that were presented at this week's roundtable. And it was really cool to see a company from Tanzania. I LOVE the international nature of the 1M/1M initiative. First up today was Joshua Schwadron presenting Betterfly, a startup he founded earlier this year that offers...

  • Web
    Google Now Offers Real-Time Sports Scores

    Google now offers real-time scores and links to game recaps and highlight tapes of NHL hockey games, the company announced in a small blog post this afternoon. Just enter "NHL" in the search box and you'll see a display like the one above.The links are to pages on, something...

  • Work
    5 Trends to Watch in the Enterprise, Part 1

    The family is talking about turkey again. That must mean it's time for reflection and to look ahead to the next 12 to 18 months.In that spirit, here is part one of a two part series on trends in the enterprise. What's evident in all of these trends is the...

  • Mobile
    Are You Ready for IPv6? You’ve Got 6 Months

    Are you ready for IPv6? Did you know you'd better soon be ready? Is your ISP, or even country ready, and do they know why?If you don't even know what IPv6 is, you are not alone. There are billions of people who don't know, and they shouldn't, since this fundamental...

  • Web
    Coming to You Live from the Courtside…Robot Reporting!

    As if the journalism field weren't crowded enough, robot reporters have hit the market with sports statistics company StatSheet's automated sports reporting effort. Beginning today, nearly 350 Division 1 college basketball teams will receive constant, in-depth coverage of their season in what the company is calling "the world's first network...

  • Web
    Apple Launches iTunes 10.1 in Preparation for iOS 4.2 Update

    Apple just launched iTunes 10.1. This new version brings support for playing videos over AirPlay and "stability and performance improvements." The new version of iTunes is also required for syncing devices that run the forthcoming iOS 4.2. Given that the iOS 4.2 update can only be installed with iTunes 10.1,...

  • Entertainment
    Future Android Interfaces (Videos)

    TAT, also known by its longer name "The Astonishing Tribe," is a mobile design and development firm best known among consumers for its forthcoming augmented reality application known as "Recognizr." The app (see previouscoverage) is able to "see" a person's face though a smartphone's camera and then use facial recognition...

  • Mobile
    Evernote CEO Discusses Plans for Brain Implant (Seriously)

    In Part 1 of our interview with Evernote CEO Phil Libin, we explored the history of Evernote - including its link to the Apple Newton. In Part 2, we look ahead to the future of Evernote. The company has ambitious plans to be your secondary brain. Literally. As Libin told...

  • Mobile
    Big Update for Instapaper Makes “Reading Later” Better, Even in the Dark

    If you're an Instapaper user on your iPhone or iPad - and, really, you should be - you'll be pleased with the major update that the app has just received. Among the coolest of the new features is Dark Mode, which based on the time of sunset in your particular...

  • Web
    Weekly Poll: Do You Believe Analyst Forecasts About the Cloud?

    You know cloud computing is big. Then you see the analyst forecasts like the ones compiled by Total Cloud.And you have to ask yourself: Do you believe these numbers?Here are the market estimates that Total Cloud collected and posted to its blog:Small business spending on cloud computing will reach $100...

  • Technology
    MeeGo v1.1 SDK Beta Released

    The MeeGo 1.1 operating system was announced as available only a few weeks ago. Now the MeeGo 1.1 Software Development Kit (SDK) has been released, though only in a beta version for now. The MeeGo 1.1 offers the users of Nokia N900, which received a software update a few days ago, the possibility...

  • Computers
    MeeGo v1.1 SDK Beta Released

    The MeeGo 1.1 operating system was announced as available only a few weeks ago. Now the MeeGo 1.1 Software Development Kit (SDK) has been released, though only in a beta version for now. The MeeGo 1.1 offers the users of Nokia N900, which received a software update a few days ago, the possibility...

  • Web
    How Do Public Cloud Early Adopters Think About Cloud Computing?

    Cloud management company Appirio, seeing that most surveys on the subject of cloud computing focused on the industry as a whole, sponsored a survey of public cloud early adopters to see how they view the state of the public cloud. The results are quite interesting. Early adopters are downplaying problems...

  • Web
    5 Ways Google TV Will Disrupt Web Analytics

    Google TV illustrates what changes when the cloud becomes a major factor in how people watch television. That effect is starting to change how we view Web analytics.Web analytics helps a website owner improve any number of aspects to their site. Analytics define how advertisers spend their dollars. Cloud computing...

  • Web
    Zulu and Afrikaans: Google Brings Voice Search to Underrepresented Languages

    Today, voice recognition works best for English and other major European languages as virtually all of the related research focuses on these languages. Now, however, Google is making a push to improve its voice search for underrepresented languages by adding Zulu, Afrikaans and South African-accented English. Google's researchers Pedro J....

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