Results for "mobile"

We found 14378 results for your search.
  • Web
    RIM Recruits NFC Expert

    Research in Motion, makers of Blackberry smartphones, is now actively developing NFC-enabled (Near Field Communications) devices, according to news from NFC-tracking site, NearFieldCommunicationsWorld, which spotted a job posting for an NFC specialist.This news comes as no surprise to industry watchers - both Apple and Google have been developing phones and...

  • Mobile
    New App Store for iPhone Jailbreakers: Theme It

    Finding a good theme for a jailbroken iPhone has always been a challenge. Themes are either posted online in designers' and developers' forums, outside the reach of the "mainstream" jailbreaking audience, or they're arranged haphazardly in Cydia, the jailbreak app store. Neither is an ideal solution for users interested in...

  • Web
    Famed Analyst Mary Meeker Joins Famed VC Firm Kleiner-Perkins

    Mary Meeker, probably the banking world's single best-known person in technology, has joined venture capitalists Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, backers of Google, Amazon, Zynga and many clean-tech companies in recent years.Meeker analyzes technology trends and gives research-dense, high energy presentations at conferences like O'Reilly and TechWeb's Web 2.0 Summit....

  • Mobile
    Researcher Warns of iPhone Phishing Dangers

    Malicious Web developers can take advantage of the iPhone's ability to push the Safari's address bar out of view, says independent security researcher Nitesh Dhanjani via a post on his personal blog. After a Web page loads, the real address bar can disappear while a website graphic depicting the address...

  • Web
    Edit LaTeX Documents in the Cloud with ScribTex

    Ever need to edit a .tex file, but stuck on a machine with no LaTeX editor? You can now use ScribTex, a web-based LaTeX editor, to create, edit, share, collaborate on LaTeX documents. You can even use Scribtex to easily and quickly compile to PDF. There's also a mobile web...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1, Netflix’s Advice on Moving to Amazon Web Services, Top Trends of 2010 And More…

    A new iPhone and iPad jailbreak always top our list of the week's biggest stories and this week was no different. Spoiler if you haven't read the post yet: It's a tethered jailbreak for iPhones, which can be a real pain (something I found out the hard way). In our...

  • Web
    5 Cloud-Oriented Operating Systems Available Now

    Google announced Chrome OS in 2009, promising the cloud-centric operating system would be available in 2010. Unfortunately, it will be next year before Chrome OS is widely available, Engadget confirmed this week. Google may release its own Chrome OS netbook next month, and there are already experimental builds available based...

  • Web
    Waiting for the End of the World, Korea-Style

    The artillery shelling of the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong on Nov. 23 has captured the attention of the world - then set it on edge. In a media-saturated era like our own, we have no end of resources for staying current with the continuing, and increased, conflict between North...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: Are Nokia’s Changes Working?

    This week, Nokia provided an update on its Ovi Store's momentum, in terms of downloads. The company said it's now seeing 3 million application downloads per day, up from 2 million back in September. Over the past 12 months, 400,000 new developers have joined its Forum Nokia developer network and...

  • Mobile
    Nokia’s New “Situations” App Makes Phones Self-Aware

    Handset maker Nokia today announced the creation of an experimental app called "Nokia Situations" that can automatically adjust the phone's behavior for various situations and contexts. For example, the app could shut off the ringer whenever you go into a meeting, without you having to explicitly change settings on the...

  • Mobile
    Windows Phone 7 Apps are Cheapest of All

    According to analytics firm Distimo's latest report, prices for Windows Phone 7 applications are much lower than those for Microsoft's previous mobile operating system, Windows Mobile - in fact, WP7 apps are the cheapest of all the major application stores, with an average price of $1.95. T?hat's more in line...

  • Computers
    Custom UI Running on a Lenovo Notebook and Nokia N900 by Digia

    At the MeeGo Conference, we got to see a custom UI running on the Lenovo Notebook and Nokia N900 by Digia whos core business areas are enterprise and mobile solutions, employing over 1,500 experts in Finland, Sweden, Russia and China. They are attracted to MeeGo because of the fast software...

  • Web
    Maria Thomas (NPR/Etsy) to Judge Knight News Challenge

    Maria Thomas, former head of digital media at NPR and CEO of craft marketplace Etsy, has joined this year's Knight News Challenge and will participate in judging hundreds of funding proposals to create the future of news media, the organization announced today. The Knight Foundation began 70 years ago next...

  • Web
    Your Income, Home Ownership & Parenthood Status Now Available as an API

    Personal information aggregation service Rapleaf announced to its developers today that it now offers "lifestyle" information like home ownership status, occupation and income corresponding with any email or postal address in its database.The news is sure to drive critics of the company nuts, but Rapleaf's new Personalization API could prove...

  • Web
    Pew Study Examines Wealth and Internet Usage

    Wealthier households are more likely to use the Internet on any given day than those in lower income brackets, according to the latest research from the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Ninety five percent of households earning over $75,000 a year use the Internet at least occasionally, compared with...

  • Social
    BlackBerry’s UberTwitter Arrives on the iPhone

    I have three Twitter apps on my iPhone that I use for different things: TweetDeck for its continuously awesome list support, Twitter for its push notifications, and Echofon for its ability to search through my friends and followers. None, however, are all that great for viewing links and that's where...

  • Mobile
    Rumor: iOS 4.3 Will Bring In-App Subscriptions

    Just days after Apple released iOS 4.2, the rumors about the next incarnation of Apple's mobile operating system have begun. According to Mac-centric blog Mac Stories, iOS 4.3 is barely a month away and this time the OS will come with the standard set of bug fixes and a feature...

  • Work
    Apple Poaching RIM Sales Staff

    If you still think Apple isn't taking the enterprise seriously you'd better think again: Apple has hired at least five former RIM sales staff in the past in the past 18 months. The Wall Street Journal discovered the defections on LinkedIn, and Apple confirmed that each of the employees the...

  • Mobile
    Enjoy Your Unlimited Data Plan While It Lasts

    For years now, we've seen carriers pushing customers to adopt smartphones and pay for unlimited, monthly data plans. We've seen commercials of families bonding over streaming video and students exploring the world in new and innovative ways. There's just one problem - if we keep buying into these spiels, adopting...

  • Web
    Microsoft Hires World’s Leading Geo-Dissident to Join Bing Maps Team

    OpenStreetMap is a global map edited by volunteers, like the Wikipedia of the mapping world. Founded in 2004, the project is a fascinating collection of local knowledge and is a lot of fun to participate in. Last month OpenStreetMap founder Steve Coast announced that he was leaving for-profit Cloud Made,...

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