Results for "mobile"

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  • Work
    Video: Analyzing the State of Collaboration

    David Coleman of Collaborative Strategies and Sameer Patel of Sovos Group had a discussion moderated by JP Finnell of Mobility Partners at the Net:Work conference last week in San Francisco. Here Coleman and Patel talk about enterprise 2.0 adoption, the business value of social media in the enterprise and the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: R.I.P. Delicious, Apple’s Best Kept Secret, Top iPad Code Editors, and More…

    This week we discovered that Yahoo was "sunsetting" Delicious, the social bookmarking service. Does that mean shutting it down? Selling it? Who knows, but Marshall Kirkpatrick's lament for the potential loss was our top story. As part of our annual year-end series on top products and developments we looked at...

  • Web
    Top 10 Real-Time Web Products of 2010

    Last year, when we looked at the top real-time Web products of 2009, we predicted that in 2010 the real-time Web was "likely to become a standard expectation on sites all around the world". Indeed, as we look back on the last year we find that many of the big...

  • Work
    Gartner Predicts Strong Growth for Both Enterprise SaaS and Social Software in 2011

    This week Gartner issued forecasts for both the enterprise SaaS market and the enterprise social software market. Both are predicted to finish 2010 with strong growth and see even more growth next year. Revenue growth in enterprise SaaS and social software is evidence of three of the five biggest enterprise...

  • Web
    New Visualization Tool from Google With Data From 5.2 Million Digitized Books

    We've written a lot this year about the boom in e-readers and the benefits that e-books have over print. And often, discussions surrounding the move to digital texts involves our enhanced ability to read and store our libraries, particularly via mobile devices. But a new project available in Google Labs...

  • Web
    More Awesome iOS Games to Come As Epic Games Releases Unreal Development Kit

    The technology behind some of the most popular video games, including Gears of War 3 and Infinity Blade, is now available to iPhone and iPad game developers, as Epic Games has released an updated version of its Unreal Development Kit (UDK).The kit, which is free to download, provides developers the...

  • Mobile
    Apple Develops Peer-to-Peer App Sharing System

    With hundreds of thousands of mobile applications available in iTunes, how do you find the good ones? You can read reviews online, seek out new releases via third-party app recommendation sites, check iTunes' Genius picks or its "top sellers" lists, but at the end of the day, one of the...

  • Social
    How Twitter Use Has Changed, From 2009 to 2010

    It's been a good year for Twitter, and not merely because the company announced yesterday it has secured another huge round of funding. The microblogging platform has grown by over 100 million users this year and expanded its staff from 130 to 350 people. And it's rolled out major redesigns...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for Your iPhone & Android, Winter 2010 Edition

    ReadWriteWeb doesn't do a lot of mobile application reviews, but every now and then (ideally, every month, but realistically, every 2-3 months) we like to round-up some of our favorite newcomers to the smartphone application scene.We last rounded up our picks for top new apps in October, when there were...

  • All Categories
    Next Adobe Flash Player to Be Ten Times More Efficient

    Acording to John Nack (Adobe) the next version of Flash Player (10.2) will be up-to ten times more efficient than previous versions, hopefully making browsing YouTube a less stressing experience. In addition to decoding the data, [Flash] has to convert YUV data to the RGB colorspace and combine the image...

  • Web
    Top 10 Internet of Things Developments of 2010

    Internet of Things (IoT) is a term for when everyday ordinary objects are connected to the Internet via microchips. The technologies include sensors, RFID and smartphone standards like NFC. The use cases are still evolving, but over 2010 we saw large organizations like HP and IBM build out impressive platforms...

  • Web
    Google’s App Inventor Now Open to Everyone

    Google launched App Inventor for Android earlier this summer as a way to make it easier for people to create their own apps. The project has been in a closed beta since then, but it has been met with great enthusiasm, with teachers listing it as one of their most-anticipated...

  • Web
    10 Ways Social Media Will Change in 2011

    With more than 550 million people on Facebook, 65 million tweets posted on Twitter each day, and 2 billion video views each day on YouTube?, social media has become an integral part of our connected lives. But this is just the beginning.For the past two years, I have been forecasting...

  • Technology
    Push Notifications as part of the Nokia Qt SDK (Beta)

    Included in the latest release of the Nokia Qt SDK is a Notification API. This is available as a plugin to the Nokia Qt SDK and will offer real-time information enabling applications push updates. The challenge Once you dig into the details you uncover some serious user experience problems. Battery...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s Best Kept Secret: Ad Hoc Installs for Testing Purposes

    One of the major pain points in developing mobile applications for iOS devices (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad) is testing those apps. As we've noted before, the traditional testing method is time-consuming and cumbersome - files have to be emailed or shared, then downloaded to a computer, dragged into iTunes...

  • Web
    CrisisCommons Gets Funded $1.2 Million for Crisis Response 2.0

    The disaster response network CrisisCommons announced today that it has been funded to the tune of $1.2 million from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. CrisisCommons is the organization behind scores of CrisisCamps in locations around the world, informal gatherings where technologists have developed mobile, data, analysis, mapping and other tools...

  • Web
    Firefox Creative Lead Leaves to Launch Stealth Healthcare Startup

    Aza Raskin, the eccentric lead designer at Mozilla's Firefox, announced today that he's leaving his position to co-found a startup in the healthcare market with mobile entrepreneur Sutha Kamal and at least one still-unnamed co-founder.Already well funded by undisclosed investors, Raskin says the company, called Massive Health, will bring a...

  • Web
    Does Your “Pen” Sound Like “Pin”? Google Voice Search Learns with Personalized Recognition

    It can really feel like you've stepped into the future when you pick up your smartphone, hold it to your face and search for something simply by speaking. When you ask for "car parking" with a thick Boston accent, however, Google might think you're searching for the late great Tupac...

  • Entertainment
    Amazon MP3 Arrives for BlackBerry Smartphones

    RIM and Amazon have teamed up to launch a new mobile music application for BlackBerry smartphone users: Amazon MP3. The app download, available now from BlackBerry App World, delivers Amazon's catalog of music with over 14 million songs, all of which can be downloaded either over-the-air or via Wi-Fi.With the...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Technology 500 Awards Represented by Diverse Industries

    While tech companies are often lumped together in one big group, the technology industry actually has many unique sub-industries, as shown in Lead411'sTechnology 500 list. The list, designed to highlight the fastest growing companies in technology, ran the gamut from interactive advertising with first place winner Pontiflex, as well as...

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