Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Android Market Gets AT&T Direct Carrier Billing

    The Android Market has long been a source of frustration for Android users - it seems so much simpler to find and buy apps for the iPhone. With that in mind, a number of improvements have been announced recently by Android in order to help make both finding and purchasing...

  • Web
    FCC Looks To Modernize 911 With Text Messaging

    The Federal Communications Commission has opened a Notice of Inquiry, seeking public comment on how best to update the nation's 911 services. The FCC wants to expand 911 beyond the phone call for help, bringing advanced communication technologies to the decades old emergency program.According to the FCC, there are more...

  • Web
    Skyfire Brings Flash & Social Browsing to the iPad (Review) Updated – Live Now!

    Skyfire, the proxy browser that specializes in bringing Adobe Flash functionality to platforms it cannot live in naturally, has submitted its newest browser to the iTunes app store. I got to test it this morning and while it's not perfect, I like it a lot already. If the company can...

  • Mobile
    Consumers Prefer Operator Billing to iTunes, PayPal Accounts

    Consumers prefer operator billing for mobile content purchasing, according to analysts at Strategy Analytics. In a new report authored by Paul Brown, the firm asked consumers in the U.S. and Western Europe to rate their interest level for several different mobile payment options. Surprisingly, operator billing came out on top,...

  • Social
    Against All the Odds: Instagram Gets 1 Million Users in 10 Weeks

    IPhone photo sharing application Instagram announced today that it has hit 1 million registered users, a mere 10 weeks after the app launched to the public. The company had all kinds of odds against it, yet here it is - fast growing and widely loved. As M.G. Siegler wrote in...

  • Web
    Survey Finds VCs Optimistic About 2011 Investments

    Venture capitalists say they plan to invest more next year, according to a survey released today by the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) and Dow Jones VentureSource. The survey polled 330 venture capitalists and 180 CEOs for their thoughts on where they see investment headed in 2011.Fifty one percent of...

  • Web
    FCC Passes Net Neutrality, Everyone Delighted

    If, as some say, a deal can only be called successful when everyone involved leaves the table unsatisfied, then the net neutrality rules approved at a meeting this morning by the Federal Communications Commission may be a success. Under the rules, two years in the making, no provider may block...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2010: Social Shopping

    In 2010, we've seen the rise of so-called "social shopping" services. They rely heavily on technologies such as social networking, crowdsourcing and smart phone scanners. Here we present five of the main social shopping developments of 2010. This kicks off a series of posts that will be published over November...

  • Web
    eBay Debuts New Local Shopping Site

    Today eBay has launched its new local shopping site called GiftsNearby, while Google continues to hunt for a local e-commerce service after its $6 billion buyout offer was rejected by coupon site Groupon earlier this month.The new eBay site integrates technology from eBay's acquisition of, a local shopping startup bought...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Reveals Windows Phone 7 Sales Numbers…Sort Of

    Microsoft has finally released sales data on its newly launched mobile operating system Windows Phone 7...well, sort of. Instead of revealing actual numbers regarding phone sales to consumers, it has announced that its partner handset manufacturers have sold over 1.5 million devices to carriers and retailers in the first 6...

  • Web
    WikiLeaks App Yanked from App Store

    Well, that didn't take long. The unofficial WikiLeaks app has been yanked from the Apple Store. The app was approved on Dec. 17, but yesterday developer Igor Barinov received word that the app was removed from sale.Apple is by no means the first or only tech company to take this...

  • Web
    Best LittleCo of 2010: Tumblr

    Every year since 2004, ReadWriteWeb has selected a best 'little company.' In past years we've given this honor to Flickr, 37Signals, YouTube (in 2006, the year it was acquired by Google), Twitter (in 2007, before it went mainstream), Zoho, and Aardvark. As you can see, many of these companies have...

  • Mobile
    One of the “Killer Apps for Android,” Swype Opens Its Beta

    Oh, the war of words between iPhone and Android fans. How it has preoccupied us this year. I won't take sides now. I own both. (Don't judge.) But I will say this: if you're an Android user, you might want to go now and join Swype's beta. And prepare to...

  • Web
    Yelp Comes to the iPad, Featuring Photos, Better Browsing

    Long a popular iPhone app for those looking for local recommendations, Yelp has finally released an app for the iPad. The app isn't simply a port of the iPhone features to the iPad, as it's designed to take full advantage of the larger screen.You can, of course, still search for...

  • Web
    Top 10 Culture of Tech Stories of 2010

    Every year ReadWriteWeb selects the top 10 products or developments across a range of categories. The latest installment is the top 10 stories of the culture of technology.These are the stories that answer that question you sometimes hear from tech skeptics or those who mistake advances in computing and communications...

  • Web
    Top 10 SMB Tech Tools of 2010

    In 2010, it felt like the flurry of new startups and Web tools only accelerated, with more and more products popping up every week. For business owners, it's not always easy to stay on top of it all, let alone take each of these new offerings for a spin to...

  • Mobile
    Surprise: Samsung’s bada Does Well, But Developers Should be Cautious

    Samsung recently announced it expects to sell around 5 million bada-powered handsets by the end of 2010 and that the total number of application downloads in Samsung's app store is expected to surpass 50 million by December. That's an impressive start for a mobile operating system that was only publicly...

  • Mobile
    AT&T Buys Qualcomm’s FLO TV Spectrum for its 4G Network

    AT&T and Qualcomm have announced this morning that AT&T will purchase spectrum licenses from Qualcomm in the lower 700 MHz range for $1.9 billion. The licenses were previously used to to support Qualcomm's FLO TV business, which will be shuttered, network included, in March 2011.According to AT&T, the added spectrum...

  • Entertainment
    SMB Tech Roundup: Data Security, Résumé Clichés and Onward to 2011

    On Tuesday, LinkedIn decided to sit us all down for an honest heart-to-heart. The buzz words we've been using in our LinkedIn profiles, they told us, are a bit much. The company released a list of 10 phrases that are overused across millions of profiles, such as "innovative," "motivated," "results-oriented"...

  • Web
    British Library Maps Evolution of English, Contribute Your Accent by Reading Mr. Tickle Aloud

    For those that have been busily searching Google's new Ngram Viewer to assess how language has changed over time, here's another project that might pique your interest, one that involves another great literary work, Roger Hargreaves's children's book Mr. Tickle. The British Library wants to map different words and accents...

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