Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Top Trends of 2010: App Stores

    The Mobile Web has been a huge trend in 2010 and one output of that has been the emergence of app stores. It started of course with Apple's App Store for the iPhone and then iPad. Then we saw other app stores come onto the scene: Android Market, Nokia's Ovi...

  • Web
    Most Promising Company For 2011: SimpleGeo

    Yesterday we selected our Best LittleCo of 2010, the light blogging service Tumblr. In this post we select a company that we think has the potential to be Best LittleCo of 2011. Next year we're expecting a lot from data-centric companies and one in particular. This company provides a platform...

  • Web
    2011 Predictions: Mike Melanson

    Editor's note: Every December the ReadWriteWeb team looks into the murky depths of the coming year and tries to predict the future. How did we do last year? Well, Facebook didn't go public, Google Wave didn't make a comeback, and Spotify didn't make it to the U.S. But our forecasts...

  • Mobile
    Report: Top 10 App Trends of 2011

    Mobclix, an iPhone analytics firm and mobile ad exchange network, has released a year-end report which examines the top application trends from 2010. The report, called the "2010 App Game Changers," neatly summarizes what have been some of the most notable developments in mobile over the course of the year.According...

  • Mobile
    Samsung’s “Android iPod Touch” Pointing to Google Music Launch?

    Rumor round-up time! According to news from an unaffiliated, unofficial Samsung-watching blog site called Samsung Hub, the electronics giant has confirmed it will announce a new Android-based Galaxy Player at the Consumer Electronics Shows (CES 2011) taking place in Las Vegas in January. If true, the Galaxy Player would likely be a...

  • Web
    2011 Predictions: Richard MacManus

    Over December we've reviewed the top Web products and developments of 2010. Now it's time to look ahead to 2011. The ReadWriteWeb team is always thinking about what's next, so in our final series of 2010 we attempt to predict the big stories of 2011. Predictions are of course a...

  • Web
    14 Cloud Computing Predictions for 2011 from Chirag Mehta and R “Ray” Wang

    Cloud computing blogger Chirag Mehta and Constellation Research Group principal analyst R "Ray" Wang published today a list of their cloud computing predictions for 2011. The pair sees public cloud adoption stalling temporarily, the spread of the app store model in the enterprise, the convergence of Development-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service and...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2010: Internet TV

    Looking back on the year in Web technology, we can see that several product categories have evolved significantly over 2010. We've already written about App Stores and eReaders. Another market that progressed in 2010 was Internet TV. Among the developments: Apple announced a major overhaul of Apple TV, Google launched...

  • Web
    Top 10 Startups of 2010

    2010 was a good year for Web startups. Deal flow, particularly at early stages, was active, and even though valuations were high, investor dollars were seemingly at the ready. Of the companies that made headlines and that led some of the major tech trends of the year, many were startups:...

  • Mobile
    iPhone to Android: One Week with the Nexus S

    After 30 minutes of frantic searching, I found my iPhone. Under four inches of water. In a pond. Sunken deep into the sandy bottom. The story of how it got there isn't all that interesting - it involves chasing a squealing toddler running towards the water's edge - I never...

  • Mobile
    Android Market Gets Video Previews

    AppsFire, makers of a mobile application search and discovery service, has uncovered a new feature for Android application developers: video previews. With this, developers can upload video demonstrations of their mobile application to the Android Market, in addition to text, photos and the app itself.According to a post on the...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2010: Privacy

    The rise of Facebook as a truly mainstream social network was a big story this year. An interesting question is, how much of Facebook's success was directly related to its loosening of privacy controls at the end of 2009? That move created both a backlash and a huge bump in...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Skype Goes Down, How to Disconnect From the Social Web, Holiday Reading for Startups, and More…

    It's the last Wrap-up of 2011! The top story of the week was a big one: Just in time for the holidays when millions of people are using Skype to connect with loved ones, the company's network cratered, dropping from 20 million connections to about 200,000 in a matter of...

  • Web
    Venezuela Passes Anti-Free Speech Law: This Week in Online Tyranny

    Venezuela makes online speech a minefield. Since the time of the Romans, the transition from republic to one-man rule has always been eased with the co-option of laws. On December 20, the Hugo Chávez-controlled Venezuelan congress passed, and he signed, a law that devolves all power over online content to...

  • Web
    iNdians: Cherokees First to Use iPhones for Native Language

    The culturally rich Cherokee Nation has announced the first AmerIndian language to be featured on Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch. The hope is the ubiquity of mobile computing will shore up daily native language use, which has fallen to only 8,000 speakers out of a population of 290,000. Cherokee, the...

  • Work
    IBM’s 5 on 5: Holograms Will Come to Life Just Like in Star Wars

    The annual Five on Five gives IBM's predictions for the next five years. The predictions this year are thought provoking but one really caught our attention.The hologram. As in the "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope," kind of hologram.IBM Labs says the hologram will be a part of...

  • Work
    Top Online Jobs for 2010 and Predictions for the Year Ahead

    oDesk is a marketplace for online work teams. Each month, it publishes a report with information the service collects from its own community of employers and job prospectors.For its year-end report, oDesk looked at prior data from its own database of 890,000 contractors and 220,000 employers. The service has more...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: What’s Your Take on the Windows on ARM Rumor?

    In case you missed it (and how's that rock treating you?), Bloomberg broke news this week of a new version of Windows that will work on both x86 devices with chips from Intel and AMD, and, for the first time ever, on devices using chips from ARM Holdings, makers of...

  • Mobile
    What’s In the Nexus S Update?

    Google's new flagship phone - the Nexus S running a stock version of Gingerbread (Android 2.3) - has just seen its first over-the-air update, pushed out to most device owners at some point yesterday. The update, which upgrades the phone to version 2.3.1 of the Android mobile operating system, is...

  • Hack
    API Providers Wish for More Third Party Innovation in 2011

    Mashery, a provider of API services, recently conducted a survey of attendees of its Business of APIs conferences in London, New York and San Francisco.The survey found that 64% of respondents cite "fostering third-party innovation" through APIs as a high priority for 2011. This was the most popular goal for...

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