Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Yahoo Uses Windows Azure To Build Flickr App for Windows Phone 7 and Tablets

    Here's a twist. Yahoo is launching a native Flickr app for Windows 7 and Windows Phone 7 later this month that leverages Microsoft's Azure cloud platform.The app connects Flickr data with Windows Azure via an API. Using Windows Azure, Yahoo is able to optimize the images for the Windows 7...

  • Web
    Steve Ballmer Kicks Off CES 2011 [Updated]

    This year at the Consumer Electronics Show, one word on everybody's lips is "tablet". After Apple's record breaking year with the iPad, tablet makers are looking for ways to make inroads on the already dominant device and tonight, everyone will be looking to Microsoft to see what they have in...

  • Web
    Will the Cloud Be Tinged with Venture Capital Gold in 2011?

    The forces changing the enterprise are not lost on venture capitalists. They recognize the transformation as well as anyone. So much so that it looks like cloud computing investments are expected to be greater than those in other market sectors.That's evident in just the past few days with three venture...

  • Web
    Will the Cloud Be Tinged with Venture Capital Gold in 2011?

    The forces changing the enterprise are not lost on venture capitalists. They recognize the transformation as well as anyone. So much so that it looks like cloud computing investments are expected to be greater than those in other market sectors.That's evident in just the past few days with three venture...

  • Mobile
    Mono for Android Open for Developer Testing

    Mono for Android, aka MonoDroid, has just launched its Android preview program. MonoDroid, for those unaware, is a development stack for using C# and core .NET APIs to develop Android-based applications. It will be a commercial product in the future, like Mono for iPhone ("MonoTouch") is now.According to project head...

  • Mobile
    Mono for Android Open for Developer Testing

    Mono for Android, aka MonoDroid, has just launched its Android preview program. MonoDroid, for those unaware, is a development stack for using C# and core .NET APIs to develop Android-based applications. It will be a commercial product in the future, like Mono for iPhone ("MonoTouch") is now.According to project head...

  • Entertainment
    What You Need to Know about 3D Technology & Vision Problems

    As the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2011) kicks into high gear this week in Las Vegas, we're again seeing a number of 3D-enabled products from TVs to tablets to mobile devices. It's the second (or is it third?) coming of 3D, it seems, and this time around it's often glasses-free.Much...

  • Entertainment
    What You Need to Know about 3D Technology & Vision Problems

    As the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2011) kicks into high gear this week in Las Vegas, we're again seeing a number of 3D-enabled products from TVs to tablets to mobile devices. It's the second (or is it third?) coming of 3D, it seems, and this time around it's often glasses-free.Much...

  • Web
    Direct Donations Now Available via Peer-to-Peer Micropayment Service Flattr

    The social micropayment startup Flattr has rolled out a change to its service today. As we first reported last month, users of the site can now donate specific amounts of money to Flattr users.Flattr lets users "Like" websites and content, but that action is backed with real money. Before this...

  • Web
    Android Ported to Google’s Cr-48, the Chrome OS PC

    Developer Liam McLoughin, more commonly known as "Hexxeh" on the Web, has ported Google's Android mobile operating system over to the Cr-48 notebook computer, which previously ran Google's notebook operating system Chrome OS. The basic, black computer, test hardware currently being distributed to thousands of tech journalists and enthusiasts worldwide,...

  • Mobile
    Amazon Thinks Non-iPads Will Sell, Announces Kindle App for Tablets

    Do any of the new, non-iPad tablets being introduced at this week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas have a shot at achieving significant market share? Well, Amazon must think they do. The online retailer has just announced it will develop a Kindle application specifically for Android and Windows tablet...

  • Work
    How Will Technology Disrupt the Enterprise in 2011?

    We just looked at some potentially disruptive technologies that fall outside the usual domain of the enterprise.In this post, we'll look at some of the more near-term challenges facing the enterprise as seen by Constellation Research Group. In the first report from this newly formed consulting organization, co-founder R "Ray"...

  • Web
    10 Data Security Trends for SMBs in 2011

    2010 brought with it a number of security issues - new regulations, technological changes - for small businesses, and there are many indications that security will continue to be an important issue in the new year. Alongside increased threats will come increased scrutiny to data privacy and security issues. Indeed,...

  • Work
    Trendspotting: A Top 100 List of Things to Watch in 2011

    We sometimes get too caught up in the specifics of the enterprise and fail to look beyond the data center for reflection about the work we do.Ann Mack is director of trendspotting for JWT Worldwide . She has detailed 100 things to watch in 2011. It's a study in emerging...

  • Web
    U.S. State Department Looks to Support “Internet Freedom” Projects

    File this under I for Internet Freedom. Or I for Irony. (You decide.) The U.S. State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs have announced a Joint Request for Statements of Interest (SOI) from organizations interested in submitting proposals for projects that support...

  • Entertainment
    Hands-On with Google Docs for iPad and iPhone

    Isn't living in the future awesome? Right now, I'm writing this blog post on my phone while using an elliptical machine at my local gym. When I get back to my desk, this draft will be waiting for me in Google Docs, where I can edit it, add links and...

  • Web
    D-Link/Snapstick Agreement Could Bring Internet TV onto Any TV Screen

    Snapstick, the startup that's looking to take on the likes of Google and Apple in the Internet TV sphere, is announcing today that it has cleared one of the major hurdles it faced - inking a deal for hardware integration. Snapstick is a software solution that allows users to stream...

  • Mobile
    Amazon Opens Android App Store to Developers

    This morning, Amazon launched its Amazon Appstore Developer Portal, the first step towards the creation of its own Android App Store, which will exist outside the official Google Android Market. The Amazon Store has been the most highly anticipated of all third-party efforts to date, mostly because of Amazon's brand...

  • Web
    Social News Site Reddit Reports 200%+ Growth in 2010

    Social news site Reddit posted year-end numbers this afternoon including January and December page view stats that climbed from 250 million pageviews to more than 3X that number, 829 million.Former ReadWriteWeb writer Frederic Lardinois wrote up the numbers on his personal blog Newsgrange (we miss you, Frederic!) and said he...

  • Web
    3 Things We Expect to See at CES 2011

    This week is the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas and, though ReadWriteWeb isn't a gadget-centric blog like Gizmodo or Engadget, we're going to be in attendance to keep an eye out for a select few trends and hoping that even more pop up and surprise us. While some of...

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