Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Social
    Facebook & Identity: The Continued Push Toward Becoming Your One True Login

    Facebook announced this weekend that it would begin offering third-party applications and websites a way to request that users share their "current address and mobile phone number." Simple enough, right? While Facebook says that the move is intended to make it easier for users to take their information with them...

  • Web
    Why You Might Reconsider Your Password-less Smartphone

    I'll admit it - I can be lazy when it comes to security. I don't have a passcode on my iPhone because it never leaves my pocket and I'm not one to misplace things. An article in Ars Technica has me rethinking my passé attitude toward passcodes and privacy, however....

  • Mobile
    What Percentage of iPhone Owners are on iOS4?

    Have you ever wondered how many iPhone 4 owners have upgraded to iOS 4, the latest and greatest version of the iPhone mobile operating system? Although Apple doesn't release these sorts of numbers in detail, the way Google does with Android, a startup with a large user base, Bump, has...

  • Mobile
    “Comes with Music” Shuts Down in Most Markets

    Nokia has announced that its free music streaming service originally titled "Comes with Music" is going to shut down in most markets. The service, which was bundled with select handsets from the mobile phone manufacturer launched in late 2008 with the support of the four major music labels: Universal, EMI,...

  • Mobile
    Report: iPhone 5 will be “Completely Redesigned”

    This summer, Apple is expected to launch its next iPhone, and new reports describe it as a "completely redesigned handset" as well as a "total rethink from a design standpoint." To start, the iPhone 5's internals will be different - the device will run on a new, combined CDMA/GSM/UTMS chipset...

  • Mobile
    iPhone User Loyalty Still Tops Android, Others

    In November, a German market research firm released a study indicating that outside of Apple's iPhone, most smartphone owners had little loyalty to their smartphone. 56% of Apple users in global markets would remain loyal to their device, it said. Now that data has been reconfirmed by a second study,...

  • Web
    U.S. Announces 120,000 iPad Users Had Data Stolen

    U.S. investigators will be holding a press conference this afternoon to announce criminal charges related to the alleged theft of email addresses and other personal information from 120,000 iPad users. The theft occurred back in June of this year, when hackers compromised AT&T's servers with an automated script. At the...

  • Mobile
    Baseband Hacking: A New Frontier for Smartphone Break-ins

    Security researcher Ralf-Philipp Weinmann says he has found a new way to hack into mobile devices - by using a baseband hack that takes advantage of bugs found in the firmware on mobile phone chipsets sold by Qualcomm and Infineon Technologies. Weinmann will demonstrate the hack on both an iPhone...

  • Entertainment
    SMB Tech Roundup: Google Hotpot, WordPress Theme Risks and Quora For Businesses

    Keeping up with every RSS feed item and tweet is hard enough for anybody, let alone someone trying to run a business. That's why each week, ReadWriteBiz rounds up the most important tech news and insights for small and medium-sized businesses.This week, Google's local business recommendation service Hotpot made its...

  • Mobile
    Student Developers Prefer Android at University of Pennsylvania Hackathon [Infographic]

    The PennApps Hackathon was held this weekend at the University of Pennsylvania. The hackathon ran from 6pm Friday evening until this afternoon, with 30 some-odd teams rapidly building their apps. The hackathon was geared towards mobile app development, and participants were given a choice as to which platform they could...

  • Social
    Facebook Now Shares Phone Number & Address With Third-Party Apps

    Facebook recently announced on its developer blog that it will now be "making a user's address and mobile phone number accessible as part of the User Graph object." In other words, the site will now let third-party applications (think Farmville or that spammy app your friends keep falling for that...

  • Web
    Are Distributed Teams Less Effective?

    Are colleagues who collaborate remotely via the Internet at a disadvantage compared to their bricks-and-mortar office-bound counterparts? One recent study from Harvard University suggests so, according to a blog post by Wired columnist Clive Thompson. The study, titled "Does Collocation Inform the Impact of Collaboration?" examined this very question using...

  • Mobile
    BarBird Makes Twitter More Fun on a Saturday Night

    Next time I'm looking to hit the town, I'm going to fire up the just-released BarBird iPhone app - a smart little interface that lets you map, view and filter Twitter updates from nearly 10,000 bars and restaurants in 50 cities around the world. Twitter is a remarkably easy way...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Wikileaks vs. Palin, Data Engineers’ Secrets, Best Android Devices at CES 2011, and More…

    This week's top story was Wikileaks' call for Sarah Palin's arrest. It was a story that showed how linked two seemingly unrelated topics are: a national tragedy - the attempted assassination of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords - and the ongoing international Wikileaks saga. The news that Foursquare will host a...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify Coming to the U.S.: Too Little, Too Late?

    Streaming music service Spotify has such an air of mystery in the U.S. that even a glimpse of the program's interface draws in readers. For the past year, we've discussed again and again when the company would make its way overseas and now the New York Post reports that the...

  • Social
    Amber Alerts Come to Facebook

    Social media presents both challenges and opportunity for those concerned with getting the word out about disasters and crime. The Emergency Broadcast System, for instance, has recently made the leap into mobile. Now, the latest innovation in crisis communications is the sharing of Amber Alerts on Facebook. Amber Alert is...

  • Web
    Get Testing: Mozilla Releases Firefox 4 Beta

    Word hit the Web this week, via a Mozilla executive posting on a developer list, that Firefox 4 was finally on its way next month. The only thing standing in the way? About 160 "hard blockers", or significant bugs, that needed to be addressed. A big part of fixing bugs...

  • Social
    Facebook India Gets Voice Updates

    Facebook users in India now have a new and easy way to update their Facebook status - simply call in, record a voice message and it will be posted to their wall. Never mind complicated voice and speech recognition software, the feature is dead simple and posts the update directly...

  • Mobile
    iPhone to Android: One Month with the Nexus S

    It has now been nearly a month since my iPhone committed suicide, jumping out of my pocket's safety and into the shallow water of a sandy-bottomed pond. I stuck it in a bag of rice, desperately trying to revive it, but it was a goner. I even drove it to...

  • Mobile
    Data Shows Which Manufacturers and Carriers Delay Android Updates

    Data revealing which manufacturers and carriers' delay providing Android upgrades has been documented in detail by mobile blogger JR Raphael.  By examining Android phones released in 2009 and 2010 on the four major U.S. carriers (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon), Raphael was able to pinpoint which manufacturers and carriers provided...

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