Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
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    LinkedIn to Offer Free Business Card Scanning With CardMunch Acquisition

    CardMunch, the iPhone app that helps import business cards into a digital format, has announced that it has been bought by LinkedIn. While that's good news for CardMunch, its even better news for you, its potential users. "Starting today," writes the company, "the current version of the CardMunch app will...

  • Mobile
    Corona for Windows Now Available

    Remember the story of the 14-year-old Robert Nay whose Bubble Ball iPhone app knocked out Angry Birds from the #1 spot on the App Store's free apps list? Well, the software development kit (SDK) Nay used, Ansca Mobile's Corona SDK, has just been made available on Windows.That means that PC...

  • Web
    The Battle Against Info-Overload: Is Relevance or Popularity the Best Filter?

    The rise of social media has led to an exponential proliferation of content online and widespread demand for tools to filter that information. Popularity and relevance are the most common metrics through which to filter that content - but are they the best?We asked three people building cutting-edge social software...

  • Social
    U.S. Twitter Users Spend 2+ Hours per Month on Site

    New data from stat-tracking firm Experian finds that U.S. Twitter users are now spending two hours and 12 minutes per month on reading and replying to tweets. That's up from one hour and 51 minutes last year. However, the time spent during any given Twitter session has declined. In...

  • Work
    Android Use in the Enterprise Gaining Steadily

    According to Good Technology's final report on new enterprise smart phone activations in 2010, Android is holding steady. Good sells a popular device management solution for non-BlackBerry devices. It reports rapid adoption of the iPhone and iPad in the enterprise. But Android is holding its own as well, with nearly...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Vancouver

    When you talk about vibrant West Coast startup scenes, obviously Silicon Valley dominates the conversation. Then there's Seattle, of course. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Portland too. But just north of the border, the entrepreneurs in Vancouver, British Columbia insist that their city should be viewed alongside...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Vancouver

    When you talk about vibrant West Coast startup scenes, obviously Silicon Valley dominates the conversation. Then there's Seattle, of course. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Portland too. But just north of the border, the entrepreneurs in Vancouver, British Columbia insist that their city should be viewed alongside...

  • Social
    Twitter Blocked in Egypt in Response to Massive Protests (UPDATED)

    As the effects of the Tunisian protests roll out across the Middle East, those who are not going up in flame are going out on the streets. Today, Egypt has seen tremendous anti-Mubarak protests. In retaliation, the Egyptian government is doing what governments all-too-often do, blocking, cutting, filtering. Specifically, Twitter...

  • Social
    Twitter Blocked in Egypt in Response to Massive Protests (UPDATED)

    As the effects of the Tunisian protests roll out across the Middle East, those who are not going up in flame are going out on the streets. Today, Egypt has seen tremendous anti-Mubarak protests. In retaliation, the Egyptian government is doing what governments all-too-often do, blocking, cutting, filtering. Specifically, Twitter...

  • Web
    How to Port Your Phone Number to Google Voice

    Google officially announcedtoday that, for a one-time $20 fee, Google Voice users could move their mobile phone number over to the service. The move was rumored when Engadget first noticed the feature's availability last week, but Google said that it was only a test and that it planned to offer...

  • Web
    Research Finds Text-Messaging Improves Children’s Spelling Skills

    Teens' text-messaging habits are legion. They send thousands upon thousands of texts per month, and every once in a while, some unfortunate parents make the headlines when they get a bill in the mail for thousands upon thousands of dollars in texting charges. The increasing use of text-messaging by teens...

  • Web
    Research Finds Text-Messaging Improves Children’s Spelling Skills

    Teens' text-messaging habits are legion. They send thousands upon thousands of texts per month, and every once in a while, some unfortunate parents make the headlines when they get a bill in the mail for thousands upon thousands of dollars in texting charges. The increasing use of text-messaging by teens...

  • Mobile
    TestFlight Launches! Over-the-Air iOS Beta Testing Made Easy

    TestFlight, an iOS app beta testing service for mobile developers, recently launched out of its closed beta period and is now publicly available to all. Currently in an open beta, TestFlight offers a better way for developers to distribute iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) apps to testers via an over-the-air...

  • Web
    Manage Your Tasks on Android With Todo.txt Touch

    Busy Android users have a new way to manage their to-do lists thanks to the arrival of Todo.txt Touch in the Android Marketplace yesterday. The open source task management app is the latest phase of the Todo.txt project, which started with a command line interface for managing to-dos in what...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Latest Acquisition Aimed at Improving Local Deals

    Facebook's acquisition of Rel8tion, a stealth-mode startup out of Seattle, may hint towards the social network's growing interest in the local advertising space. Rel8tion was developing a system for matching up a person's location and their demographic profile with relevant ad inventory, according to AllThingsD, which was able to pull...

  • Mobile
    Developers Report Increased Interest in Android, Tablets for 2011

    The average developer is now building for four different devices, a joint survey from app development firm Appcelerator and analyst firm IDC has revealed. Of those multiple devices, building apps for Android tablets is now a consideration for many developers, with 74% of the 2,000 developers surveyed responding that they...

  • Web
    Print Documents and Emails from Your Phone With Google Cloud Print

    Google officially announced the roll-out of Cloud Print today, which will enable wireless printing of documents and emails from mobile devices. As we reported in November, the impending arrival of Cloud Print was revealed somewhat by accident when hints of an upcoming cloud-printing feature showed up in the Google Docs...

  • Work
    TIBCO’s tibbr May Be the Enterprise 2.0 Solution You’ve Been Waiting For

    TIBCO's enterprise 2.0 offering tibbr has been a long time in the making. We first covered it in Oct. 2009. It was finally released from beta today, and the reaction has been positive. It seems that TIBCO took its time and got the product right. It may be a bit...

  • Mobile
    Dragon Speech SDK Arrives for Android, iOS

    Nuance Communications recently provided access to its Dragon NatuarllySpeaking software development kit (SDK) to mobile developers building apps for the iOS or Android platforms. With the SDK, developers will be able to integrate speech recognition capabilities into their mobile applications and/or create "speech aware" apps.Beyond the new era of talking...

  • Work
    Why The Future of Java is with Large Customers, not Innovative, Young Developers

    Oracle is taking such lengths to control Java's future that companies need to start looking at alternatives such as .NET, Platform-as-a-Service and the Open Web.In a report issued today, John R. Rymer and Jeffrey S. Hammond of Forrester Research write that Oracle is controlling Java to such an extent that...

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