Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    SMB Tech Roundup: Google Cloud Print, LinkedIn Buys CardMunch and More

    Keeping up with every RSS feed item and tweet is hard enough for anybody, let alone someone trying to run a business. That's why each week, ReadWriteBiz rounds up the most important tech news and insights for small and medium-sized businesses.LinkedIn hinted at its own vision of the future of...

  • Mobile
    Android Now the #1 Smartphone Platform Worldwide

    Android is now the number one smartphone platform worldwide, according to new data from analysts at Canalys. In Q4 2010, shipments of Android-based smartphones reached 32.9 million while shipments of phones running Nokia's Symbian platform were 31.0 million. Previously, Nokia had held the top spot.?However, these rankings are based on...

  • Web
    Dial-Up Provides Internet Access for Cut-Off Egypt (Updated)

    Most people were extremely grateful to ditch their old dial-up Internet connections. But for the last couple of days, some Egyptians in the darkness of the Internet blackout, have been grateful to have it back. After over 90% of Egyptian access was shut down with its major ISPs, some have...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Internet Blackout in Egypt, Quora Blocks Startup Search Engines, 5 Arrested For Anonymous Attacks, and More…

    They are the common, proletarian tools of communication and now the crucial gears in budding revolutions: social networks, SMS, mobile phones. This week was filled with photos and stories about protests in Egypt, but it was Curt Hopkins' post about the Internet being blocked throughout the country that drew the...

  • Social
    Facebook Wins $360 Million in Anti-Spam Lawsuit

    Last October, Facebook filed three lawsuits in a federal court in San Jose, California alleging that three individuals were "attempting to trick people on Facebook into signing up for mobile subscriptions and sending spam to their friends."According to an update on Facebook's Security Blog, the decision came this week, kicking...

  • Web
    12 Tech Companies That Announced Funding This Week; Which is Most Likely to Change the World?

    Today's freshly funded tech startups could be tomorrow's world-changing household names. We've identified 12 companies relevant to ReadWriteWeb readers that announced investments this week and would like to know - which of these do you, readers, think is most likely to change the world? From streaming music to email newsletters...

  • Mobile
    Smartphone Tip: Use Gestures to Search Your Android Phone

    Gesture Search is an experimental application introduced to Android back in March of last year. So while I know that it isn't new per se, it's new to me, as a recent Android convert. And to be honest, it takes a little practice. I'm not sure how many Android users...

  • Web
    How 5 Big Companies Are Marking Data Privacy Day

    Today is global Data Privacy Day and companies all around the world are marking it in different ways. Below we've highlighted some of the activities of Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Opera and IBM.Those actions range from implementing new technologies through making blog posts highlighting existing policies. Do you feel like these...

  • Mobile
    POLL: What Would You Fix First in Google’s Android Market?

    At the Inside Social Apps conference in San Francisco this week, Android platform manager Eric Chu admitted to the audience (and quite a bit of press) that Google is "unhappy" about the purchases of paid applications in the Android Market. Chu said that that Google will address this issue with the...

  • Web
    5 Lessons From the Garage48 Helsinki Hackathon

    Garage48 Helsinki, the largest hackathon in the Nordics, took place last week. It gathered 120 hackers from Finland, Estonia and Latvia under the same roof and challenged them to go from zero to demo in 48 hours. Sixteen startups were created during the weekend. Together with Osma Ahvelampi (CTO, Sulake)...

  • Mobile
    iPhone to Android: Making the Nexus S Do Your Bidding

    Many weeks have passed since my iPhone met its unfortunate end thanks to a dive into a pond that left it, even after i-Hospitalization, without Wi-Fi, a functional USB port (it charges, but does not sync) and with a flaky Bluetooth connection. Now, the Mute switch has stopped working, too....

  • Mobile
    iPhone to Android: Making the Nexus S Do Your Bidding

    Many weeks have passed since my iPhone met its unfortunate end thanks to a dive into a pond that left it, even after i-Hospitalization, without Wi-Fi, a functional USB port (it charges, but does not sync) and with a flaky Bluetooth connection. Now, the Mute switch has stopped working, too....

  • Web
    Internet Blackout in Syria? (UPDATED)

    Update: The answer to the question in the headline seems to be no, for now. Following Egypt's severing of its main ISP connections to the Internet, Syria has now reportedly done the same. Possibly anticipating the political wildfire that has leapt from Tunis to Algeria to Libya and now to...

  • Web
    Internet Blackout in Syria? (UPDATED)

    Update: The answer to the question in the headline seems to be no, for now. Following Egypt's severing of its main ISP connections to the Internet, Syria has now reportedly done the same. Possibly anticipating the political wildfire that has leapt from Tunis to Algeria to Libya and now to...

  • Work
    Video in the Enterprise is Not What Most Workers Want

    Two new reports released from Forrester explore the state of video in the enterprise. "Information Workers Are Not Quite Ready For Desktop Videoconferencing" tells us that most workers polled do not want to use desktop video conferencing. Meanwhile, the "TechRadar For Content & Collaboration Professionals: Enterprise Video, Q1 2011" report...

  • Web
    Complete Internet Blackout in Egypt (Updated)

    After blocking Twitter on Tuesday and, intermittently, Facebook and Google on Wednesday, the Egyptian government has upped the ante, throwing a complete Internet access block across the whole of the country. Additionally blocked are Blackberry service and SMS.Reports are pouring in, many to Twitterers via landline, that the country has...

  • Web
    Ushahidi & Pete Warden Join Forces to Add Open Source Geocoding to Platform

    Let's say you've got a whole pile of free-form text content and you want to determine what geographic locations are discussed in it. And let's say you want to do that while you're rushing to respond to a catastrophic earthquake. What would you do?Disaster response network Ushahidi has been using...

  • Mobile
    Facebook: Again, We’re Not Doing a “Facebook Phone”

    New rumors about a Facebook-branded phone resurfaced this week. Again, Facebook has shot them down. According to multiplepublications, mobile manufacturer HTC was readying either one or two so-called Facebook phones for launch at next month's Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona. The smartphones would be the first to display Facebook's...

  • Mobile
    Sony PlayStation Games are Coming to Android

    At a Tokyo press conference yesterday, Sony announced a new program that will bring Sony PlayStation games to Google Android devices, both phones and tablets. The cross-platform software framework that makes this possible is being called the "PlayStation Suite," an initiative to deliver the casual games of the PSP to...

  • Web
    Sequoia Capital Raises $1.3 Billion for New Startup Investment Fund

    According to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing released yesterday, the investment firm Sequoia Capital has raised at least $1.3 billion for a new fund.The filing was uncovered in a story by Fortune, which points to a memo from the University of Michigan Regents, a longtime investor with Sequoia, to...

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