Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    WAC is Still Growing, Launch News Coming Soon

    The Wholesale Applications Community (WAC) is an allegiance of telecommunications firms and others working together to create a common mobile platform. The goal of the group is to simplify the mobile application process for developers, allowing them to deploy mobile apps across all member networks simultaneously. Or more simply put,...

  • Social
    U.K. Police Will Use Twitter to React to Protestors

    While some countries aim to stop revolution by cutting off access to services like Twitter and Facebook, others try to turn social media use on its ear and use these services to monitor its population. Late last month, the Egypt erupted in revolution and the government quickly shut off all...

  • Work
    10 Business Intelligence Tools for the iPad

    Gartner predicts that by 2013, 33% of business intelligence functionality will be consumed on mobile devices. And it seems that these sort of forecasts are usually over-aggressive, our commenters seem to agree that Gartner's forecast is a bit too modest. BI going mobile quickly, and tablets are leading that movement.Here...

  • Mobile
    A New Distribution Model for Apps: Tapjoy’s Pay-Per-Action Service

    Mobile app distribution service Tapjoy, known best for its "pay-per-install" advertising mechanism for user acquisition, has today introduced a new concept in application distribution models: "pay per action." Instead of simply rewarding users for downloading apps, this new form of mobile advertising only rewards users once they've taken a specific...

  • Web
    Live from HP’s WebOS Event

    Today HP is holidng a press conference to introduce its new webOS-based tablet and smartphones to the world, while also providing a roadmap for its mobile strategy going forward. WebOS is a mobile operating system that HP acquired when it bought Palm last summer for $1.2 billion and it's expected...

  • Web
    Live from HP’s WebOS Event

    Today HP is holidng a press conference to introduce its new webOS-based tablet and smartphones to the world, while also providing a roadmap for its mobile strategy going forward. WebOS is a mobile operating system that HP acquired when it bought Palm last summer for $1.2 billion and it's expected...

  • Web
    Parents Protest In-App Purchases for Kids’ iPhone and iPad Games

    A story in yesterday's Washington Post follows a pretty common narrative of parents, kids turned loose with technology, and sticker shock when a bill for that comes in. News of outrageous phone bills from texting charges have been commonplace. But the latest furor is over in-app purchases, virtual goods that...

  • Web
    My6Sense Chrome Extension Filters Your Tweet Stream on

    My6Sense, the personalized recommendation engine for both iOS and Android, comes to the desktop today with a Chrome extension that brings the my6sense experience to What exactly is the my6sense experience? my6sense uses what it calls "digital intuition" to determine what parts of your stream, whether Twitter, Facebook, Google...

  • Mobile
    Former Nokia Exec Claims CEO’s “Burning Platform” Memo a Hoax

    Consultant, author and most importantly, former Nokia executive Tomi T. Ahonen, is claiming that the widely-reported memo sent from new Nokia CEO Stephen Elop to Nokia company employees may be a hoax. According to Ahonen, there are several parts of the memo that "don't ring true" - and not just...

  • Mobile
    BBC iPlayer Coming to Android & iPad…and Soon, the World

    The BBC has clarified its plans for the release of its Android and iPad-compatible versions of its popular iPlayer application - the British TV and radio service that delivers streaming content to the desktop and mobile devices - in light of a flurry of recent speculation. According to a post on...

  • Web
    Inexpensive Virtual Assistant Service Fancy Hands Gets Even Fancier

    Today was Ted Roden's last day at his job working in the R&D Department of the New York Times, as the company's Creative Technologist. Roden is leaving what many would consider a dream job to focus on Fancy Hands, the low-cost virtual assistant startup he launched nine months ago. Long...

  • Smartphone
    Myriad Announce Alien Dalvik enabling Android Apps to Run on MeeGo / Maemo

    Myriad this morning announced 'Alien Dalvik' bringing Android applications to non-Android devices, allowing OEMs, operators and application stores to leverage the Android eco-system across a much wider range of mobile devices. Android applications run completely unmodified and with no loss of performance on non- Android platforms. This launch opens up...

  • Mobile
    Speak to Translate: Google Translate Gets an iPhone App

    Google has had a web-based translation app for several years. But today, it's released an official iPhone app that adds a few more bells and whistles to your ability to talk and translate on the go.You can input a word or phrase for translation by typing the text or by...

  • Mobile
    Android Apps Get Virtualized to Run on Other Phones

    Mobile technology company Myriad has announced new software called Alien Dalvik which will allow Android applications to run on non-Android phones. The software will be demonstrated live for the first time next week at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.Although Myriad may not be a household name, the company is...

  • Mobile
    NFC Gets More Flexible with “Open NFC” for Android

    Semiconductor solutions provider Inside Secure has released an open source NFC protocol stack for Android 2.3, code-named "Gingerbread," which it will provide to chip vendors, smartphone manufacturers, wireless carriers and software developers for free. The stack, called Open NFC, is the first hardware-independent implementation of NFC (near field communication) for...

  • Mobile
    Smartphones Outsell PCs

    According to IDC, smartphone manufacturers shipped 100.9 million devices in the fourth quarter of 2010, while PC manufacturers shipped 92.1 million units worldwide. Or, more simply put, smartphones just outsold PCs for the first time ever.The number of smartphones sold in Q4 2010 was up 87.2% from the 53.9 million...

  • Computers
    TI OMAP 5 Processors – Second Half 2012

    Texas instruments have announced that it is releasing its next-generation processors, the 5000 series in the second half of 2012. Yes, I know we are waiting for 4000 series devices to ship, but its always good to look forward isn't it. These processors will be aimed mainly at SmartPhones and...

  • Web
    NoSQL Consolidation: CouchOne and Membase Merge to Form Couchbase

    CouchOne, the sponsor company of CouchDB, and Membase, the sponsor company of Membase Server and Memcached, are merging to create a new company called Couchbase. The company will continue to contribute to the CouchDB, Membase and Memcached projects, but will also create a new open source project called Couchbase.Membase CEO...

  • Mobile
    Mint Drops iOS 3 Support: Bold or Blunder?

    Personal finance site and mobile app Mint updated its iPhone app today and, among the update details, noted that it is dropping support for iOS 3. That means that all those iPhone 3G models, which reportedly run like dinosaurs on iOS 4 and higher, are left in the dark. What...

  • Mobile
    Uh Oh, Instagram: PicPlz Launches API, Creative Commons & Brand Dashboards

    The battle of the mobile social photo apps has been taken to the next level today, high-profile but trailing startup PicPlz just made three big announcements that pose a big challenge to crowd-pleaser Instagram and the slew of other startups in this market. Not to mention Flickr.PicPlz, which is lead...

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