Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Facebook Could Change Telephones Forever

    There is no Facebook phone, the world's largest social network told everyone firmly last year. Instead, the company said this afternoon, there are "dozens" of phones that will include a deep software integration with Facebook features and some with Facebook branding on the hardware. (Above, the INQ Cloud Touch.) Make...

  • Web
    Google Introduces One Pass, a Micropayment Service for Publishers

    Although there have been rumors of Google's new micropayment system for publishers for some, the timing of this morning's news couldn't be better. Following Apple's announcement yesterday that it was rolling out its new subscription service, a move that seems to have sparked debate, if not panic among publishers and...

  • Mobile
    Twitter’s Goal: To Be Like “Water”

    Twitter CEO Dick Costolo gave a keynote speech at Mobile World Congress where he talked about Twitter's growth, its goals and even its fears. "Twitter should be instant, simple and always present," said Costolo. You shouldn't have to relearn how to use the service just because you switch between devices....

  • Mobile
    For Emerging Markets, Facebook & Twitter on the SIM

    Social networking services like Facebook, Twitter and Instant Messaging have been turned into SIM-based applications that work via SMS text messages. For users of low-end devices, sometimes called "feature phones," "messaging phones" or even "dumb phones," these new technologies will soon enable them to keep up with their smartphone-toting counterparts by...

  • Entertainment
    Customer Support from Your iPad With Zendesk’s New App

    Customer support software-as-a-service Zendesk released an iPad app today, aimed at helping customer support agents to help customers while on the go. Zendesk offers a Web-based help desk and support ticketing application, making it easier for companies to manage support requests from their customers. The new iPad app joins the...

  • Mobile
    LG Launches World’s First 3D Smartphone, Verdict: Not Bad

    At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, LG launched the first 3D smartphone, the LG Optimus 3D. With its dual camera system, the phone doesn't just support 3D video playback - it records in 3D too. Forget Avatar - you can now film baby's first steps in 3D! And thanks to...

  • Web
    From #Jan25 to Tahrir: What Comes Next for the Internet Revolution?

    Guest author Ahmed Zidan lives in Egypt and is the editor of Mideast Youth. The Egyptian protesters have overthrown Mubarak after nearly 30 years. Egypt has come second in row after Tunisia. The two revolutions, the Tunisian and the Egyptian, have succeeded. Egypt has seen its first people's revolution, and...

  • Web
    AT&T Makes App Creation Easier for Home Appliances, Other Objects

    Wireless connectivity: it's not just for cell phones anymore. Why then should apps be thought of as just for phones? A fast growing number of non-phone devices is coming online and publishing data about their surroundings and activities to the internet. From e-readers to bathroom scales to traffic signals and...

  • Mobile
    Can Blackberry Reinvent the Address Book?

    You've got a meeting in 15 minutes. You know who else is going to be there, but imagine whipping out your phone to get more context: what have the other meeting attendees posted this morning on Twitter, what have they written on their blogs, what were the last email threads...

  • Work
    Motorola and SAP Vie to Bring Enterprise Security to Android

    Android use in the enterprise is steadily growing but IT managers have to rely on either ActiveSync or use a third-party mobile device management solution to handle security. Motorola and SAP both revealed deals today that aim to bring security closer to the device.Motorola will acquire Android security company 3LM,...

  • Mobile
    Upgrades Ahead for Microsoft Windows Phone 7: Multitasking, IE 9, Kinect Integration

    Microsoft announced its plans today to make several important upgrades to its Windows Phone 7. Some of these features will be out in March - the first major upgrade to Microsoft's new smart-phone - and will include the addition of copy-and-paste. Other upgrades are set to roll out later this...

  • Social
    Twitter Opens Translation Center to Crowdsource Its Move Into New Languages

    The events in Egypt over the past few weeks have highlighted the important role that Twitter is taking in communicating and coordinating events of global significance. Indeed, over 70% of Twitter users come from outside the United States. And while English has been the service's dominant language, the company does...

  • Mobile
    HTC’s “Facebook Phones” are Real, Offer One-Button Access to Social Network

    As rumored, HTC did launch two "Facebook phones" at Mobile World Congress this week: the HTC Salsa and the HTC ChaCha. No, they're not the Facebook phones - that is, they're not branded or licensed by Facebook itself - but they offer such deep integration with the social networking service,...

  • Web
    Rumors of an iPhone Nano Continue: Smaller, Cheaper, No Memory?

    There have been a number of published rumors in the last week, including those in Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal that Apple plans to launch a smaller, more affordable iPhone - an iPhone Nano, if you will. According to yesterday's story in the Wall Street Journal, the new iPhone...

  • Mobile
    Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite is Coming to Android

    Adobe is announcing at Mobile World Congress that its digital publishing suite, which allows content publishers to craft magazine-like content for tablet computers, is now going to be available for Android in addition to iOS. Already, the Adobe software has been used to create over 100 publications that run on...

  • Web
    Why People Build Web Apps and What it Says About the Demand for Developer Talent

    I just came across two anecdotes that tell a story about the state of the developer market.The first is from Dan Zambonini, who posted a poll on Hacker News that asks: "Why are you building a web app?" The second comes from Stephen O'Grady of RedMonk who knows the developer...

  • Mobile
    Samsung Galaxy S II & Samsung Tab 10.1 Officially Unveiled

    Just ahead of the official start of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Samsung held its own press conference where it announced the second generation of two of its high-profile devices: the Samsung Galaxy S II smartphone and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet computer. Neither launch was much of a...

  • Developer
    What is the Future of Qt now ?

    Following yesterdays news of Nokia replacing MeeGo with Windows Mobile as its primary future SmartPhone platform, there was a lots of confusion if MeeGo would survive this calamity (Of COURSE it will), but the other prominent question wasContinue reading What is the Future of Qt now ?

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Groupon’s Offensive Ad, Ready For The Tablet Explosion? HP’s WebOS Event, and More…

    Groupon, long known for its smart-aleck daily deal descriptions, took the joke a little too far last weekend and ended up insulting pretty much the entire Internet with a tasteless Super Bowl ad. Marshall Kirkpatrick's reporting on the fiasco was this week's top post. In mobile news, Android's market share...

  • Computers
    Intel Stands behind MeeGo in the Multi-device Ecosystem

      Below is a Statement from Intel with regards to today's new from Nokia: By now you’ve probably heard that today, Nokia announced a new relationship with Windows focused around handsets and Windows 7. While Nokia mentioned theywill still participate in the MeeGo ecosystem and ship a MeeGo-based product this...

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