Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    Control Any Desktop Computer From Your iPad with GoToMyPC

    Have you ever wanted to operate an old Windows XP desktop computer from a multi-touch, tablet-based interface? Now's your chance. GoToMyPC, the remote desktop application from Citrix, launched an iPad app today, allowing you to access a desktop or laptop computer from Apple's popular tablet. Using the app, one can...

  • Web
    The Net Delusion: A Review

    Evgeny Morozov's book, "The Net Delusion," is a condemnation of what he calls "cyber-utopianism." This is the belief that the social web is so sui generis that its essential difference alone will save those who use it from repression and tyranny. Indeed, it may have seemed like that at the...

  • Mobile
    iPhone Application Development for Dummies

    Say what you want about the Dummies brand, but when you're brand-spanking-new to a task, topic, software program or anything else, those simplified, easy-to-read books and online tutorials are a good way to start getting your feet wet.With that in mind, when we stumbled across this "iPhone Application Development for...

  • Mobile
    Here Come the Geo-Targeted Coupons: AT&T Launches Location-Based Ads Service

    AT&T has announced ShopAlerts, a new location-based service featuring ads and coupons from major retailers which are sent directly to subscribers' mobile phones. Initially, the service will be available in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco with sponsors including HP, Kmart, JetBlue, SC Johnson, Kibbles 'n Bits, Nature's...

  • Work
    Does Your Social Media Strategy Include Africa and China?

    Facebook use is growing faster in Africa than on any other continent, and the Chinese are some of the most active social media users in the world.The first fact comes from Socialbakers, a Facebook analytics company, which found that Africa gained more than 50% of its Facebook users in the...

  • Mobile
    Gramfeed Brings Instagram the One Thing it’s Missing: A Website

    Instagram, the iOS photo sharing app, launched last fall and quickly rose to the status of iPhone app darling, hitting the 1 million user landmark in a mere 10 weeks. Why? Instagram is a beautiful, well-designed app that just works. In creating the app, Instagram passed over one thing that...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for Your iPhone and Android: February 2011 Edition

    In 2011, we launched a new series where we round up some of our favorite new apps for smartphones (primarily iPhone and Android) on a monthly basis. With February now coming to a close, we've listed some of the new apps that caught our eye this month below. This month's...

  • Web
    #EQNZ: Social Media Response to the Christchurch Earthquake

    Last Tuesday New Zealand time, the city of Christchurch suffered a destructive and deadly earthquake. Measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, the quake wreaked havoc because it was shallow and close to the city center. It was the second major earthquake to have hit Christchurch in 5 months, after a...

  • Entertainment
    Startup Claims It Can Sell Your Used MP3s Legally

    While not quite a truism, it's pretty widely accepted that a music startup is a bad idea. The record industry is at best unsupportive and at worst litigious when it comes to digital music sales and sharing and when it comes to welcoming (or crushing or suing) new companies and...

  • Web
    Spiceworks, the Free Cloud-based IT Management Tool, Launches iPhone App

    Spiceworks offers IT help desk, inventory management and server monitoring tools as an ad-supported software-as-a-service. Since we covered its launch, Spiceworks claims that it has 1.3 million IT professionals using the service. Earlier this week the company launched its iPhone app, bringing its set of IT management tools to mobile...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Zippy Cloud Machines, Will Libya Crisis Shut Down .ly Domains? Hotmail One-Ups Gmail, and More…

    Our top story this week was about "zippy cloud machines," which are not, as I first hoped, personal flying machines. Instead Marshall Kirkpatrick looked at the Jolicloud operating system, which you can now run on computers as old as 10 years. Turning a Dell that's older than your kids into...

  • Work
    Interview with Qwest Security Expert Bob Schroeder

    Bob Schroeder is the director of product management at Qwest Business. In this interview, he provides a high level overview of what you should be doing to protect your company against security threats.Schroeder talks about anti-virus, securing mobile networks, encryption and more.View more documents from ReadWriteWeb.For more resources from Qwest...

  • Web
    A Step Toward Inbox Zero: Email That Self Destructs

    If you go and look at your inbox right now, we're willing to bet that there's some email in there that's completely stale. There's no reason to reference it, search for it sometime down the road or keep it around for sentimental value. It's just expired.If Other Inbox CEO Joshua...

  • Computers
    First Shipping Fujitsu MeeGo Netbook Spotted at MeeGoHongKong

    Below is the first picture that we have seen in the wild of the Fujitsu MH330. I happened to be talking to a friend of mine on Skype who was at the MeeGo Continue reading First Shipping Fujitsu MeeGo Netbook Spotted at MeeGoHongKong

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: To Xoom or Not to Xoom?

    This week, the highly anticipated Motorola Xoom tablet launched to generally favorable reviews. WSJ's Walt Mossberg even said it is the "first truly comparable competitor to Apple's hit iPad." But the Xoom shipped with something else gadget bloggers couldn't help but take note of - an expensive price tag. The...

  • Web
    Startups Aim to Make Augmented Reality Easy & Cheap

    If your business has considered the use of 3D visualizations super-imposed on top of the physical world, you may be interested in two new efforts to make the creation of what's called augmented reality faster, cheaper and easier than it's ever been before. ReadWriteWeb research found that more than 1,000...

  • Mobile
    NFC in 2011: What’s NFC, and Why Do I Care?

    NFC is a term you're going to start hearing a lot more of this year, but many out there don't know what it means or only have a vague idea. Some equate the term only with mobile payments and mobile wallet initiatives, thinking that NFC is just for making purchases...

  • Mobile
    Android Apps Spotted Running on BlackBerry Devices

    The Android version of a popular barcode-scanning application has been spotted running on several different BlackBerry devices according to the app's maker ShopSavvy. In a recent blog post, the company revealed that, despite not having an official BlackBerry version of its smartphone application available, its analytics program shows that its...

  • Web
    Skype To Go Brings Internet Calling to Landlines

    Today Skype is touting the relaunch of its "Skype to Go" service as a new way to make international calls from any phone - even landlines. The service itself has been aroundfor years, but today's launch brings new features, specifically direct dial numbers for your Skype contacts. Previously, Skype to...

  • Entertainment
    Computers Double the Number of Americans Involved in the Arts

    A new National Endowment of the Artsstudy has looked back into the data from the 2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts. Expanding the definition from "benchmark" activities (like going to the opera) to the creation and viewing of art or art-related content digitally has yielded a radically different...

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