Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Web
    5 Tech Companies That Raised Funding Today: Which One Will Change the World? (Poll)

    Today we're profiling five different companies that announced over the previous 24 hours that they've raised funding. Which ones will prove to be successful and marketable further down the road? Time will tell. Each company is in the midst of developing very interesting technologies. We've got an app to block...

  • Web
    Paywall for The New York Times Set for March 28

    The New York Times has finally announced the terms and pricing for its paywall that will go into effect beginning March 28. The paywall is porous, meaning that you'll be able to read 20 articles a month without having to pay.But once you click on that 21st article, you'll have...

  • Web
    Never Arrive At Another Meeting Unprepared, Thank You Noteleaf

    Here's a confession: when I'm about to go into a meeting or a conference call, I often get that "wait, what are we talking about again?" feeling. I don't mean to be unprepared, I really don't. In the final minutes before a meeting, I do try to prep, which often...

  • Mobile
    Android Bests iPhone at Browser Speed? Maybe Not

    Much attention in the battle between Android and iPhone goes to the availability of apps on each platform. But one of the most important feature of a smartphone might not be the availability and performance of native apps but the performance of the mobile Web browser. According to a study...

  • Web
    7 Tech Companies that Raised Funding Today: Which Will Change the World? (Poll)

    Today we are featuring seven tech companies who announced today that they've raised venture capital to further their ideas and develop technologies that could change the way we live. Within this diverse body of companies, we've got an online pawn shop, a site to order in takeout in Europe, a...

  • Social
    Group Messaging: Why Now?

    If 2010 was the year of location-based services, then 2011 is certainly the year of group messaging. With a slew of new group messaging apps dominating this year's SXSW conference in Austin, Texas, the big questions have been why now and why not Facebook or Twitter? The answer, it seems,...

  • Mobile
    SXSW: Tips for Getting Your App Approved

    Michael Yuan of the medical-focused mobile company Ringful Health has submitted over 30 applications to multiple mobile application stores. It's what made him qualified to give a speech at this week's SXSW conference in Austin, Texas on the topic. His panel, "Tips on Getting Your Approved on App Stores," wasn't so...

  • Mobile
    The Future of Angry Birds & What it Means

    Rovio, the company behind the wildly popular app Angry Birds, has plans to launch a live, multi-player and multi-media version of its mobile game. That new, richer version of the game could be offered at no cost to the data plans of users, through carrier partnerships. If successful, this plan...

  • Work
    Yammer Joins Chatter on Seesmic Desktop

    Seesmic and Yammer announced today a plugin that brings Yammer's enterprise microblogging and social networking tool to Seesmic's desktop social media application. In addition to making Yammer more appealing to companies that also use external social media, the integration helps Seesmic differentiate itself from other social media dashboards by offering...

  • Web
    7 Tech Companies That Raised Venture Capital Today: Which Will Change the World? (Poll)

    Today's companies raising venture capital truly run the gamut of services and topics. We've got an app to enable college students to find the hottest party on campus, an online education option for graduate students, copywriters creating targeted ads with just the right words to get us clicking, a financial...

  • Web
    Google Extends Gmail SMS to More African Countries

    Google has extended its Gmail SMS chat functionality to three more African countries: Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi. Gmail SMS allows anyone worldwide to communicate with fellow Gtalk chat users even when they're away from their computer. This year, Google added the extension to Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana and Zambia. Africa...

  • Web
    YouTube Acquires Service That Makes Your Videos Better

    YouTube sees a whole lot of video uploaded to its servers every day - and a lot of that is bumpy, blurry, choppy footage. The Google-owned site said today that 35 hours of video are uploaded to the site every minute - much of it is now shot on mobile...

  • Web
    Report Finds Performance of Web Apps Throttled on iOS Devices

    Apple iOS devices run Web applications two-and-a-half times more slowly when they're launched from the home screen than when they're run from within the mobile Safari browser. According to numerous tests by the technology blog The Register, when Web apps are saved to the home screen and launched this way,...

  • Social
    Just How Popular Are Unofficial Twitter Clients?

    When Twitter's platform lead Ryan Sarver sent out a missive to developers last week telling them to stop building Twitter clients, he argued that users should rely on the "official" Twitter apps. Sarver maintained that, indeed, most users were already doing so: "According to our data, 90% of active Twitter...

  • Web
    5 Tech Companies Investested in Today: Which Will Change the World?

    In today's lineup of companies that earned venture capital funding, we've got a site to manage buying and selling tickets to a large or small event, a mobile network focused on growing in developing parts of the world and a video production system for editing HD and standard definition video,...

  • Mobile
    SXSW: Mistakes Made Building Netflix for iPhone (Plus, How to See Its Source Code!)

    Kent Brewster, the lead developer for the mobile version of Netflix for iPhone from 2009-2010 presented at a panel during this week's SXSW conference in Austin, Texas. The topic of his presentation was "Mistakes I Made Developing Netflix for the iPhone," and it covered the design and development errors he...

  • Web
    Couchbase Releases Its First Product Since Merger: Couchbase Server

    Couchbase has released its first product since its formation: Couchbase Server. It's powered by Apache CouchDB and is available in both Enterprise and Community editions. Couchbase is the result of the merger between the companies CouchOne and Membase.According to J. Chris Anderson, chief architect of mobile at Couchbase, the new...

  • Web
    Kayak Launches Direct Hotel Booking Feature as It Preps for an IPO

    Travel search company Kayak has just announced that it will begin handling hotel reservations itself, rather than just referring customers to its partner sites when they are ready to book a room. This marks Kayak's expansion beyond just aggregating travel information, so users can research and reserve their travel needs.Kayak...

  • Web
    Milestone: The Web (Finally) Surpasses Newspapers As Source for Americans’ News

    Although digital technologies have been changing the face of the news for at least the last decade, we have finally reached a important milestone: more people now get their news from online sources than they do from physical newspapers.That's according to the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism,...

  • Web
    Skype Launches Qik Video Connect iPhone App

    Once a competitor of Skype, the video-streaming company Qik was acquired by the VOIP giant in January. But it appears this hasn't ended the development of Qik's live-streaming software, as Qik is launching a new iPhone app today.Qik Video Connect offers video streaming and video calling - available for real-time...

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