Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    2011 Winners from CTIA’s E-Tech Awards

    At this week's CTIA conference in Orlando, Florida a contest was held to determine the best in mobile applications, mobile consumer electronics, enterprise and vertical markets and network infrastructure. The contest, called the E-Tech Awards, was judged by media and industry analysts. The criteria for determining the winners included innovation,...

  • Web
    Google Realtime Search Manager Leaves to Build Foursquare as Platform

    Akshay Patil became a software engineer at Google almost seven years ago. Now the product manager for Google Realtime, the Google tool to search Tweets and other real-time updates from around the Web, Patil announced this morning that he's leaving Google to become the new Platform Evangelist for location-based social...

  • Mobile
    iPhone to Android: A Confession of Infidelity

    I'm approaching the 3-month mark with my first Android phone - Google's flagship device, the Nexus S. I can fully confirm that it has taken at least this long for me to really begin thinking of this device as my phone, as my primary device and the one that I...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: Android Apps on PlayBook – Brilliant Idea or Big Mistake?

    As had been rumored, RIM officially announced yesterday that it will allow Android applications to run on its upcoming tablet computer, the PlayBook, when it launches on April 19th. The tablet will offer two optional "app players" which will provide run-time environments for BlackBerry Java apps and Android 2.3 apps,...

  • Mobile
    Google Announces In-App Billing Ready for Testing

    Google has announced that its in-app billing platform is ready for testing, in advance of next week's public launch. The system allows Android developers to sell items within their mobile applications, which mobile users can then purchase using Google Checkout. Popular use cases for this system include selling virtual goods,...

  • Social
    Color CEO: The Tech Justifies the $41 Million

    Last night, an app called Color hit the app stores for both iOS and Android. It made a big splash for a number of reasons, not the least of which being its $41 million prelaunch funding. It has all-star founders who have a impressive track records. It launched days after,...

  • Web
    Australian Incubator StartMate Graduates Its First Class of Startups

    StartMate, a new seed fund that has brought the Y Combinator-model of incubator program to Australia, has just graduated its first class of startups. StartMate's three-month program offers mentorship and investment to five selected startups. The program culminates in a two-week trip to Silicon Valley, which the startups are now...

  • Web
    Iran Tracks Tor Users: This Week in Online Tyranny

    Iran can now track Tor users. Tor users in Iran more than doubled to 2,800 after the 2009 presidential election. Tor, the onion-routing tool that allows users to visit the Internet without betraying what sites they are using, is now traceable by the Iranian security forces. UPI quoted Andrew Lehman,...

  • Mobile
    RIM Confirms, BlackBerry PlayBook Will Run Android Apps

    In talking with one mobile developer recently, we spoke of all the platforms their app was available on, but one was missing - RIM. BlackBerry, they explained, was simply a pain to develop for.Today, the company behind the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet and new QNX-based BlackBerry smartphones confirmed that it would...

  • Mobile
    CTIA: Urban Airship Launches Push for Android

    Mobile services platform provider Urban Airship launched a new service for Android developers at the CTIA Wireless 2011 conference in Orlando, Florida this week. The service, Embedded Push for Android, is an end-to-end push notification system, an alternative to Google's default solution, C2DM.The benefits of the new solution include features...

  • Mobile
    CTIA: The Secret Sauce for Application Storefronts

    At this week's CTIA 2011 Wireless conference in Orlando, Florida, several industry execs sat down to discuss the ever-growing application ecosystem, and the challenges developers face, in a panel session entitled "The Secret Sauce for Application Storefronts." The session, moderated by ABI Research's Mark Beccue, and including Appcelerator's Scott Schwarzhoff,...

  • Web
    Pen-based Apps? HTC’s Scribe Technology Will Open to Third-Party Development

    Even if you're only casually following the developments in the tablet ecosystem, you've probably heard a little something about the HTC Flyer. It's the tablet that works with a pen. Not a stylus, mind you, but a pen. "A stylus is just a dead stick," HTC PR guy Keith Nowak...

  • Web
    Are We in a Bubble?

    That was the question I got asked the most during my time in Austin and San Francisco this month. Perhaps it's become the new ice-breaker at networking events. But also people are genuinely curious and unsure about whether the tech scene has entered another bubble. My answer to that perennial...

  • Web
    How 50 Billion Connected Devices Could Transform Brand Marketing & Everyday Life

    Web-connected devices, not just mobile phones and 3G tablets but everything from home electronics to consumer packaged goods instrumented to transmit data to the Web, have become a part of every major speech here at the wireless industry's giant conference in Orlando, CTIA. "All devices that can benefit from connectivity...

  • Work
    IDC Executive Brief: The Extended Enterprise: Manage Complexity, Cost, and Compliance

    New technologies, such as collaboration tools and mobile devices, create new opportunities for enterprises to innovate and provide better customer service. But they also introduce new costs and new risks.In an executive brief sponsored by Qwest Business, IDC outlines the security, compliance and cost issues facing the organization of today.Find...

  • Work
    How to Choose and Migrate to a Cloud E-Mail Provider

    Forrester released two reports on cloud-based e-mail this week: one on selecting a provider, and another on migrating to the cloud.Although Forrester doesn't recommend any specific providers, the firm does cite three areas to consider when comparing providers.For the migration report, Forrester looked at the lessons learned by major companies...

  • Web
    Smart Phones & Devices Now Growing 3X As Fast as Babies Are Born [Stats]

    Did you know there are 3X as many smartphones being activated every minute around the world than there are babies being born? That's according to Hans Vestberg, CEO of Ericsson. "Those of us in this room can remember when mobile coverage was rare and we chose when to go online,"...

  • Web
    A Big Google Problem: 37 Android Related Patent Disputes [Infographic]

    The number of patent lawsuits related to the Android operating system is unprecedented. Never has an operating system had so many challenges to its intellectual property in such a short time period as the Google operating system has had in the last year.As Florian Mueller points out, the latest Android...

  • Mobile
    Quickoffice Comes to Honeycomb, Shipping on Xoom Tablets

    Mobile office giant Quickoffice has released a number of updates for its software programs, including a custom-built application designed specifically for Android's tablet operating system, code-named "Honeycomb." The new app will ship on Motorola Xoom devices, and will be upgradable to a full version for a fee.The Google Honeycomb version...

  • Work
    2 Looks at the The State of LinkedIn [Infographics]

    The news comes today that LinkedIn now has 100 million users. We have two infographics to show the growth and what it represents. LinkedIn created its own infographic and the Italian blog Vincos has a number of other nuggets of interest in an infographic of its own. LinkedIn's infographic has...

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