Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Web
    Brewed on the Startup Bus En Route to SXSW: Lemonade Stand

    It's easy to be dismissive about something like Startup Bus, where teams of hackers build and launch their projects over the course of the bus ride to South by Southwest. There's only so much you can do, of course, in such a short period of time, thrown together with strangers...

  • Entertainment
    SMB Tech Roundup: Facebook Marketing Challenges, Plus New Tools From HootSuite and Gmail

    Keeping up with every tech headline is hard enough for anybody, let alone busy professionals. To help, ReadWriteBiz rounds up the week's most important tech news and insights for small- and medium-sized businesses.Foursquare 3.0 was released this week and the upgrade included significant enhancements to the location app's Merchant Platform...

  • Mobile
    SXSW: PathCrosser, an App for Comparing Facebook & Foursquare Checkins with Friends

    Only a few weeks ago, when local discovery app WHERE launched a recommendation engine for sharing places with friends, I said I wished someone would build an app that used Facebook or Foursquare checkins instead. As it turns out, someone did just that. A new application called PathCrosser, launching right...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Teens Don’t “Like” Your Company, New XML Standard, 5 Must-Have Apps for SXSW, and More…

    Our top story this week came from our ReadWriteBiz channel, where writer John Paul Titlow discovered that even though teenagers in the U.S. are online pretty much all the time, they don't want to like your business on Facebook. Here's one of the more damning statistics: Only 26% said they...

  • Web
    4 Tech Companies That Raised Venture Capital Today: Which One Is Poised to Change Our World? (Poll)

    Today's round-up shows a variety of companies that raised funding. We've got a site to make running a music business more efficient, software to secure our identities as we shop online, a digital advertising network that uses social analytics and data to target consumers and a service to help us...

  • Work
    iPad Business App Round-Up: Adobe SiteCatalyst, Rackspace Cloud 2.0 and More

    Looking for an excuse to buy an iPad 2, which hit the streets today? The iPad continues to be used as a device for business as well as pleasure, and several enterprise apps were either released or updated since our last round-up. Take a look and see if any of...

  • Entertainment
    Rdio Launches Developer & Affiliate Platforms

    Streaming music subscription service Rdio today announced availability of a series of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that outside developers can use to add playback of Rdio's 8 million song catalog and social features like popular playlists to their web applications. Developers that can sign up new subscribers to Rdio's $5...

  • Mobile
    Via SXSW: Infochimps Shows off New Site, 1000’s of New API Calls

    Last night, the folks over at Infochimps, an online data marketplace - or the "Amazon of data," as they like to call it - were celebrating the launch of their new website and the thousands of new API calls it contains. These API calls are like plug-and-play bits of code...

  • Web
    7 Tech Companies That Raised Funding Today: Which Will Shape Our World? (Poll)

    Today we're looking at seven companies that announced investments raised over the past 24 hours. In the cutthroat world of startups and great ideas, which company will significantly affect our lives? On today's list we've got a site that makes it even easier to order in a pizza for dinner...

  • Hack
    Couchbase Releases Developer Preview of Its CouchDB for iOS Package

    Today Couchbase released a developer preview Mobile Couchbase package of CouchDB for iOS. Developers will now be able to use CouchDB in iOS apps, or create CouchApps and deploy them to as iOS apps.CouchDB is already available for Android.The reaction has been positive. "I'm really excited for this," Adam Feldman...

  • Mobile
    Roll Your Own Foursquare: Ushahidi Launches Open-Source Location Service

    Until now, Ushahidi has been most known as a service for reporting location during times of crisis. From its use during the earthquake in Haiti to, most recently, the revolution in Egypt and Libya, the service has been used to help humanitarian workers quickly report location using SMS technology. Today,...

  • Web
    Now We Can Read Alone, Together: Instapaper Adds Social Features

    Let's say you're about to get on an airplane. That means it's time for some pleasure reading, if you're lucky enough to be free from work obligations on a wifi-free flight. What you need to do is fire up Instapaper, the offline mobile reading application made for good times like...

  • Web
    New XML Standard for Super-Fast, Lightweight Applications Announced by W3C

    From embedded sensors to high-frequency stock trading to everyday mobile Web applications, the race is on for technologists to build the most efficient systems for quickly streaming large sets of data from one device to another. Sometimes the language that data is communicated in can come with high costs in...

  • Work
    Should You Invest in Better Tech, Or In Better Call Center Conditions?

    "Call centers treat agents like slave labor," writes Forrester analyst Kerry Bodine. She suggests that instead of spending money on the latest technology - cloud, mobile, social analytics and all that stuff we like so much - companies should invest more into their call center employees. Why invest in those...

  • Work
    Top 10 Tech Priorities of CIOs in India

    Want a more global perspective of enterprise technology trends? Gartner's 2011 CIO Agenda survey included responses from 2,014 CIOs across 50 countries and 38 industries. In a recent announcement, Gartner detailed the responses of 36 top CIOs in India.Cloud and mobile technologies beat more traditional concerns like enterprise resource planning...

  • Social
    Cameroon Bans Twitter

    In an attempt to stave off future Tunisia- and Egypt-inspired opposition protests, the government of the West African state of Cameroon has banned mobile Twitter. The opposition had planned protests against the country's longtime president, Paul Biya, last month. But those were put down by security forces. Clearly, President Biya...

  • Web
    The Fabulous Prizes of SXSW: Free Phones, Plane Tickets, Vacations & Cars

    How do you get noticed at the jam-packed tech extravaganza that is this week's South by Southwest Interactive event in Austin, Texas? How about giving away free cars and flights around the world? A number of startups in the location tech market appear to be trying to one-up each other...

  • Mobile
    Case Study: Developer Says Android More Profitable than iOS

    There's an interesting case study over on Computerworld this week regarding mobile application revenue generation, and this time, it's not an iPhone success story - it's just the opposite. JR Raphael takes a look at one development firm that's actually earning more revenue via its Android application, a popular mobile...

  • Mobile
    comScore: Android Now Top Smartphone Platform in U.S.

    Remember last week when U.S. trends-tracking firm Nielsen reported that Android had passed both RIM's BlackBerry and Apple's iOS to become the number one mobile platform in the U.S.? Well, prepare for a little déjà vu. This week, a report from comScore is confirming the exact same thing. According to...

  • Web
    $9 Million Program Gives Students Wireless Internet Access At Home, Not Just At School

    FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski is set to unveil a $9 million pilot program aimed at making sure students have access to mobile broadband not just when they're in the classroom, but when they leave for home.At an event in New York City today, Genachowski will announce a list of 20...

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