Let’s say you’re about to get on an airplane. That means it’s time for some pleasure reading, if you’re lucky enough to be free from work obligations on a wifi-free flight. What you need to do is fire up Instapaper, the offline mobile reading application made for good times like this.
Instapaper announced its 3.0 version tonight and has added a long list of features that will please and delight you. It was already a great way to read good articles without internet connectivity. Now it includes: an in-line browser that will make grabbing things to read offline really easy, qued social sharing so you can post links to share great articles automatically when you come back online, social discovery of articles your Twitter and Facebook friends have Liked on Instapaper and much more. It’s a big update to a great app.
Additional new features include a new Editors’ Picks section for great reading right away, a full-text archive search to bring up that thing you remembered reading but can’t remember where and quote-posting to curation platform Tumblr.
The net effect is that this app that’s great for taking valuable content from the online world with you offline will no longer leave you feeling stranded and alone once you’ve made the time to get excited about what you found. Instapaper just feels good to use, but now that it’s got so much more connectivity – it’s probably only going to be better.
Competitor ReadItLater includes a number of the same features already. It also supports video viewing and offers an automated categorization system on its iPad app. It may be a case of different strokes for different folks, but there’s something especially joyful to me about reading long articles on a plane on Instapaper.