Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    Manage Contacts With a Social Twist Using ContactZilla

    Teams that need to manage a large number of contacts will want to consider taking a look at ContactZilla, a relatively new contact management tool comparable to Gist. ContactZilla allows you to import contacts from Twitter, LinkedIn and Google, as well as manually enter information about people one-by-one. The app...

  • Hack
    What Data-Mining Apple, Google and Microsoft’s PR Reveals

    What topics are the big three software giants focused on? Their press releases show what areas of their business they want the media to cover, so I thought analyzing them in bulk might reveal some of their priorities.I started off by downloading every press release that Apple, Google and Microsoft...

  • Mobile
    Anyone For Squirrel Fishing? is Your Social Networked Bucket List

    I don't know about you, but when I hear the words "Wanna go squirrel fishing?" I think "Heck yeah!" The same would go for a hot air balloon ride, a ride in a wind tunnel or tracking down some bison in Golden Gate park. But how could I get all...

  • Mobile
    Apps Outside the App Store: 5 Developments to Watch

    There's no doubt that the iTunes App Store is the market leader when it comes to being the best place for developers to earn money from their mobile applications. In fact, according to a recent study from IHS Screen Digest, Apple was found to have generated 82.7% of the total...

  • Mobile
    What To Do if the Windows 7 Update Bricked Your Samsung Phone

    Yesterday, Microsoft publicly addressed the reports that its first Windows Phone 7 update was "bricking" users' handsets - that is, effectively turning them into non-functional paperweights after the update was downloaded to the device. According to Microsoft's official statement on the matter, only 10% of users experienced problems with the...

  • Mobile
    FaceTime for Mac Arrives in Mac App Store…and It’s Not Free

    Apple has released FaceTime for Mac in its Mac App Store today, allowing any Mac OS X user to chat with friends and family on their iPhone 4 or iPod Touch. The app, which has been in beta testing since October, is now available as a $0.99 download. The price,...

  • Work
    Live Bog: How the Hosting World Prepares for the Small Business Move to the Cloud

    The hosting business is going through a shift that could make many providers obsolete or conversely give the smart ones the keys to the kingdom.It's very clear why this is the case. Cloud computing is serving as a catalyst for innovation that is just beginning to be felt in all...

  • Mobile
    Betaworks Launches iPhone App Promotion Ring

    Mobile apps are proliferating so quickly that getting yours discovered is a big challenge. Leading New York startup incubator Betaworks (Twitter, Tweetdeck, Bitly, Tumblr), in collaboration with technology shop Prehype and NYC tech community organizer Nate Westheimer, have launched a new app promotion service that brings a familiar formula to...

  • Web
    Collaborate in Real-Time via iPhone or Desktop with Sazneo

    Sazneo, a real-time collaboration Web app, has launched an iPhone-friendly mobile version, allowing team members to stay in touch while on-the-go.Sazneo is a relatively new group chat app that enables businesses to break conversations down into different channels, which can include team members as well as people from outside the...

  • Web
    MIT OpenCourseWare Turns 10: What’s Next for Open Education?

    April will mark the 10th anniversary of MIT OpenCourseWare, the university's initiative to provide free and open access to its core academic content - the syllabi, lecture notes, problem sets and solutions, exams, reading lists, and even a selection of video lectures from over MIT 2,000 courses. Over the past...

  • Mobile
    Survey Finds High Rate of Tablet Adoption Among U.S. Immigrants

    Mobile VOIP company Rebtel has released results from its latest study on U.S. immigrant consumer mobile usage and behavior. According to its findings, 13% of those who responded said they currently own a tablet device, representing approximately five million Americans.According to the survey, the iPad remains the tablet of choice...

  • Web
    Live Blog: Parallels and How Small Business is Moving to the Cloud

    Parallels Software is having its annual conference with discussions about the cloud and virtualization.The big takeaway we see from this event? The small business market is beginning to see significant growth.We'll be live blogging this morning to give you a view about the trends that are evolving in the market.9...

  • Developer
    Movial present Developer Board "SnowBall" – WMC

    Movial were at Mobile World Congress (MWC) with the Snowball board, a new low cost, low power and high performance board for the embedded Linux community, consisting of a dual Cortex A9 processor and the MALI 400 GPU from ARM. This board aims to be of particular use of Android...

  • Developer
    Renee James, Senior Vice President, Intel speaks about MeeGo – MWC

    At Mobile World Congress, Softtalkblog spoke with Renée James, senior viceContinue reading Renee James, Senior Vice President, Intel speaks about MeeGo – MWC

  • Technology
    Intrinsyc Joins Linux Foundation – Embedded MeeGo

    The Linux Foundation announced that Intrinsyc is its newest member, Software Design Firm to Participate in Foundation's Embedded and Mobile Continue reading Intrinsyc Joins Linux Foundation – Embedded MeeGo

  • Mobile
    Get Ready for Honeycomb Apps: Full Android 3.0 SDK Available Now

    Google has just announced the availability of the full SDK (software development kit) for Android 3.0, the tablet-optimized version known as "Honeycomb." The updated SDK Tools component is now available for download from here and the Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin is here.Why is this news so exciting? Because it...

  • Web
    Your Neighborhood Data Visualized: Startup Builds Census Map Block by Block

    The 2010 US Census has begun publishing its detailed demographic data state by state and the race now begins to see which data geeks can do the coolest things with the information. Remember when large-scale social data was only collected once a decade? When terms like "social graph" and "interest...

  • Mobile
    Square’s “Simple Revolution”: No More Per-Transaction Fees

    Mobile payment startup Square, named after the tiny white device that turns any iPhone into a credit card processing payment system, announced this morning that it would be leaving other payment systems behind by dropping the standard 15 cent processing fee. Calling the move a "simple revolution," Square CEO Jack...

  • Mobile
    Android Market and Windows Phone 7 Marketplace are Today’s Fastest-Growing App Stores

    In cleaning out my inbox, post-MWC, I came across a report released earlier this month from research firm Distimo. The report finds that the two fastest-growing mobile application stores are now the Google Android Market and Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 Marketplace. Android's app store had a growth rate of 18% during...

  • Entertainment
    Your iTunes Music May Soon Sound A Whole Lot (24-Bit) Better

    Music aficionados know: there's a trade-off that comes with the move to digital music. Sure, you can house your entire record collection on your computer. You can fit thousands of songs on your mobile phone. But if you're downloading your mp3s from an online store like iTunes, you're often getting...

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