Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    Sony PS3 Hacker Geohot Starts a Blog, Raises Cash for Legal Defense

    George Hotz, the hacker better known as "Geohot," started a blog over the weekend - aptly titled "Geohot Got Sued" - an effort in part to raise cash for his legal battle with Sony."This is war," he says in the first post, arguing that Sony has declared war on hackers....

  • Mobile
    WHERE and Bump Partner for Place Recommendations by Tapping Phones

    Local discovery app WHERE has partnered with mobile startup Bump for a new local recommendations service called Perfect Places. Bump's technology, which lets developers build apps that share data when users tap their phones phones together, is already available in a number of applications including PayPal, HootSuite and a universal...

  • Web
    Skype Hits New Record: Approaching 30 Million Concurrent Users

    A record 29,527,474 people were logged into Skype all at the same time today, around noon PST. The new high is up 4.3% from the previous high mark set last month, according to the watch-dog blog Skype Journal.Skype Journal Editor Phil Wolff says his "rambunctious" December 2010 prediction for 2011...

  • Web
    Stumped on Your Next Travel Destination? Ask Wanderfly

    You and your friends want to go on a trip, you know that you each have $1,000 to spend, eight glorious days of freedom, and a serious case of wanderlust. How do you figure out what to do where in the budget you have? You might do a ton of...

  • Developer
    Myriad Dalvik Alien at MWC – MeeGo – Maemo

    This has definitely been a busy time for the Myriad Group after their launch of their virtual environment, Dalvik Alien, that can run on Maemo and also targeted at MeeGo as one of the first platforms that they will run on. What is Dalvik Alien? It is a virtual machine...

  • All Categories
    Intel Press Event at MWC – Dough Fisher – MeeGo is different

    Intel held a press event at Mobile World Congress 2011 where they outlined their roadmap for their upcoming processors, but also Dough Fisher (corporate vice president and general manager of the Software and Services Group'sContinue reading Intel Press Event at MWC – Dough Fisher – MeeGo is different

  • Web
    Turning Cell Phones into Urban Supercomputers

    One of the primary ideas behind IBM's Smarter Planet concept is a web of sensors all over the planet, leading to a data explosion. But what if that web of sensors was more directly under the public's control? Strategic forecast consultant Chris Arkenberg hits on an interesting idea in a...

  • Web
    No More Crippled iBooks? Jailbreaking Tool’s Update Claims to Fix Issues

    Last week, Apple updated its e-reader app iBooks with several minor new features and one very unwelcome tweak that affected users of jailbroken phones. Jailbreakers who downloaded the update were no longer able to use iBooks on their mobile phone. "Apple deliberately crippled my device," wrote an angry blogger on...

  • Web
    Fallout and Frustrations From Apple’s New Subscription Plan Continue

    Since announcing its new subscription plan last week, Apple's move to collect a 30% cut of revenue has had raised the ire of a number of developers and commentators. Mike Melanson offered a round-up on some of the initial reactions, that ranged from "greedy" to "anti-competitive" to "Brilliant, Brazen or...

  • Developer
    Intels Application Lab (AppLab) at MWC – MeeGo

    The Application Lab on Feb 16th at Mobile World Congress (MWC) was the place to be for developers to learn how to develop apps for Intel AppUp center and also MeeGo. Intel had 2 sessions planned for the day, but due to demand they had to open up an additional...

  • Entertainment
    The Creative Web: Is SoundCloud the YouTube of Audio?

    There are no shortage of consumption apps on the Web, especially since the iPad (in many ways the ultimate Web consumption device) arrived on the scene. But what about content creation apps? In the Web 2.0 era, we saw the rise of blogging platforms, social networks, and media sharing services...

  • Social
    Twitter Reinstates API Access For Twidroyd and UberSocial for Blackberry

    Twitter announced this afternoon that it has reinstated API access for the developers of Twidroyd and UberSocial for Blackberry (formerly UberTwitter). The news follows Friday's decision by Twitter to suspend the apps due to privacy and trademark violations.Twitter updated its blog post from Friday that announced the suspensions, saying that...

  • Entertainment
    Augmented Reality Field Trips & the 150th Anniversary of the U.S. Civil War

    April 2011 will mark the 150th anniversary of the first hostilities of U.S. Civil War, and museums, municipalities, and historic sites are making their preparations for the events and exhibits to commemorate it. And while, no doubt, times are tough for funding cultural heritage projects, there's a lot of excitement...

  • Mobile
    iPhone to Android: Nexus S Goes Overseas

    It has now been nearly two months since my iPhone fell into a pond, forcing me to transition to Android. I had a review unit of the Nexus S on hand at the time which served as a backup phone in the wake of the tragedy. I've now moved to...

  • Entertainment
    The Creative Web: Is SoundCloud the YouTube of Audio?

    There are no shortage of consumption apps on the Web, especially since the iPad (in many ways the ultimate Web consumption device) arrived on the scene. But what about content creation apps? In the Web 2.0 era, we saw the rise of blogging platforms, social networks, and media sharing services...

  • Web
    How the Cloud Flattens Formats and Changes the Way We Create and Edit Documents

    It's a gradual move that we see people make to the cloud. It may seem slow at times but it is happening. What moves it along are the incremental changes to applications that make the services just a little bit easier to use.Here are three news items from this week...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Why Facebook Marketing Fails, Watson’s Victory Isn’t Science, Twitter Beyond 140, and More…

    A dissection of failed Facebook marketing campaigns topped this week's list of our readers' favorite stories. As a few commenters noted, success comes down to one thing: keep things simple. As always, this week we followed several of the key trends shaping the Internet today. In mobile news, Netflix had...

  • Web
    Big Memory: An Interview with Terracotta CEO Amit Pandey

    I did an interview this morning with Terracotta CEO Amit Pandey about the fascinating new dimensions of in-memory data and its use for search. How excited I was when I learned that the public relations person had been transcribing the interview. It felt like a Mad Men moment!It turned out...

  • Work
    Tablets are Great, but Don’t Forget About Smartphones in the Workplace

    New research from Gartner indicates that despite all the buzz about tablets, smartphones are still the number one priority for consumers - and by extension, for workers. Forrester has a new report out on the use of personal smartphones at work. According to Forrester's research, 18% of workers are using...

  • Mobile
    New NFC-Enabled Phones to Hit Europe

    At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week, Orange announced it will introduce its first NFC-enabled smartphone in the second quarter of this year to select European markets, with others soon to follow. The phone is a mid-tier Samsung Wave 578, which runs the Samsung bada operating system. As it...

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