Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Web
    Check-In and Level Up With 8-Bit Style Avatar Creator

    If you've had an eye on your Twitter stream, you've probably noticed the conversion over the last couple of months of a number of your friends' avatars from photos to 8-bit style graphics. That's thanks to which moves out of private beta and opens its doors to the public...

  • Web
    Foursquare’s Google Moment: Recommendations Launch Tonight

    The race between tech companies aiming to tell you what to do with your free time will heat up tonight with the midnight launch of version 3.0 of location-based social network Foursquare. According to the company, its long awaited recommendations feature will be included.It's one thing for Amazon or Netflix...

  • Web
    6 Tech Companies That Were Invested in Today: Which Will You Take Note Of?

    Our venture capital roundup for the day features a range of companies raising large and (relatively) small amounts of money. We've got software for school teachers to keep their classrooms organized and an app to make keyword advertising easier for small businesses, among several other useful technologies. We want to...

  • Web
    Live Blog from CloudConnect: Amazon CTO Werner Vogels and the Scaling Cloud

    Amazon CTO Werner Vogels is the lead keynote today at CloudConnect, an event that has sold out this year with about 3,000 people in attendance.Lew Tucker, Cloud CTO, Cisco Systems and Cloudscaling CEO Randy Bias will follow Vogels.We'll be looking for three key themes:The Importance of an Open Infrastructure.How the...

  • Web
    Jolicloud Becomes Joli OS, Announces Cross-Platform Apps

    Jolicloud, the company whose online operating system was doing personal cloud computing long before Google's Chrome OS ever existed, is today announcing several major changes to its core products. First, its cloud-connected operating system will be rebranded, changing its name from "Jolicloud" to "Joli OS," in order to avoid confusion...

  • Mobile
    Meet LiquidSpace: The Airbnb of Office Space

    Over the last year, I've worked in countless noisy coffee shops and dropped in to various co-working spaces. And I'm not alone. Analytics firm Forrester reported that there were 375 million mobile workers worldwide in 2010, with many of them working out of noisy, concentration-breaking locations where client meetings and...

  • Web
    You Had a Good Run, OId Stamps: SMS Codes for Postage Coming to Europe

    Sticking a stamp to the front of an envelope could become so last century, if a logical plan in Europe ends up spreading as far as it could. Danish letter mailers, beginning April 1st, will be able to send an SMS to that nation's Postal Service and receive a short...

  • Web
    6 Tech Companies That Raised Venture Capital Today: Which Will Change the World? (Poll)

    There was a whole lot of money passing between hands today and we want to know which of these freshly funded companies interests you the most! There's a motley, but exciting line-up featuring companies that will help us find storage space, keep us from using our phone as we drive...

  • Mobile
    Kik Jumps On the Bandwagon, Adds Group Messaging

    Last fall, when Kik Messenger launched for iOS, Android and Blackberry, I quickly urged my friends to download the app and quit costing me an arm and a leg in SMS fees. The Kik honeymoon lasted but a short while, however. Soon enough, I was in love again, but this...

  • Mobile
    Google Maps Navigation Now Directs Android Users Out of Bad Traffic

    One of the great features of the Android is its integration with Google Maps, including the turn-by-turn navigation directions. Those directions just got even better, as Google has announced that Google Maps Navigation will now automatically route you around traffic.The app has always directed users to the fastest route. But...

  • Mobile
    GetJar Touts Its “No Fee” Philosophy, Says Developers Keep More Money

    Third-party mobile application store GetJar is touting its "no fee" philosophy, in an effort to position itself as an alternative to the official app stores from Apple, Google and others. Recently, the company highlighted an example of its success in this area, citing Android developer Papaya Mobile's first-time conversion rates...

  • Technology
    Digia to acquire Qt commercial licensing business from Nokia

    Today Digia Plc. has signed an agreement with Nokia to acquire the Qt commercial licensing and services business. This will mean around 3500 desktop and embedded customer companies from various industries are targeted to be transferred to Digia. The transaction is expected to be closed by the end of March...

  • Entertainment
    Google Music Sync Working on Rooted Android Phones

    Users over on the XDA-Developers forum have managed to get Google Music sync working on their rooted Android phones, even though the service has not officially launched. This was accomplished by removing the stock music app that came with their Android phone and installing a different version instead - the...

  • Web
    Adobe Releases Flash to HTML5 Conversion Tool

    Today Adobe is launching an experimental Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tool called Wallaby. The tool takes content created with Adobe's Flash Professional and converts it to HTML5, the latest revision of the Web markup language. HTML5 is supported in most Web browsers, but, most importantly, it's supported on Apple's iPhone, iPad and...

  • Mobile
    Google Responds to Android Malware with Remote App Removal

    Last Tuesday, news broke that over 50 applications in the Android Market were found to contain malware that could be exploited to gain root control over a phone and steal sensitive data. Google removed the applications from the market but offered no public comment about the issue, and so questions...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Ashton Kutcher’s Twitter Account Hacked, iPad 2 Specs, Light Painting Wi-Fi, and More…

    Ashton Kutcher, star of TV and Twitter, was at TED this last week when a surprising tweet popped up in his stream: "Ashton, you've been Punk'd. This account is not secure. Dude, where's my SSL?" Laugh all you want - when was the last time you double checked to see...

  • Web
    Cloud + Machine-to-Machine = Disruption of Things: Part 2

    Editor's note: This is the second in a two-part series on the advantages that cloud computing brings to the machine-to-machine space. It was first published as a white paper by Ken Fromm. Fromm is VP of Business Development at Appoxy, a Web app development company building high scale applications on...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: Too Little, Too Late for a Microsoft Tablet?

    According to news from Bloomberg today, Microsoft won't release its iPad tablet competitor until fall 2012. This is according to "people with knowledge of the plans," the report says, so take that as you will. But assuming it's accurate (which would fit into Microsoft's typical MO of entering a market...

  • Mobile
    How to Find Your Lost or Stolen Android Phone for Free (Smartphone Tip)

    No one ever plans on losing their phone, but when it inevitably happens, panic quickly sets in. As someone whose iPhone sat on the bottom of a pond for over half an hour, believe me, I know the feeling. But now I'm on Android (and yes, the pond incident had...

  • Mobile
    Google Releases Compatibility Package to Address Fragmentation Issues

    Yesterday, Google launched a new tool for Android developers that will help to address the fragmentation issues facing those who want to build apps for a diverse range of Android devices, including older handsets. This tool is a static library called the "Android Compatibility package," and it's an extension of...

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