Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Web
    3 Things Google Might Unveil on Wednesday

    On Wednesday morning, ReadWriteWeb will be heading down to Mountain View with everyone else to see the latest that Google has to offer. The company is holding an event to provide "an in-depth look at Honeycomb, Android ecosystem news and hands-on demos" and we thought, what's a super secretive event...

  • Mobile
    5 Diet Apps for Smartphones

    Many of us go on diets from time to time, to lose weight or simply eat healthier. In this post we look at 5 smartphone apps that help you manage your diet. Common amongst these apps is the ability to track the nutritional value of foods. Some, such as DailyBurn,...

  • Web
    Google Brings Shopper App to the iPhone

    When Google released Google Shopper last year, we asked "Is there any business Google doesn't want to be in?" The simple answer, of course, is "no" and now the company is bringing this same shopping app to the iPhone. Just like you might expect, Google Shopper does all your favorite...

  • Developer
    LinuxFoundation offers MeeGo and Android training courses

    The Linux Foundation today announced that it will be offering MeeGo and Android training courses. The course is primarily intended for business and engineering Continue reading LinuxFoundation offers MeeGo and Android training courses

  • Mobile
    Samsung’s Galaxy Tab Sales Exaggerated, Negates Data from Android Market Share Report

    A recent report from Strategy Analytics stated that the Apple iPad lost a good bit of tablet market share to Android-based tablet computers, dropping from 96% to 75% in the fourth quarter. As it turned out, however, the numbers the analysts were basing their findings off of were incorrect.As revealed...

  • Web
    Google Adds 3 New Ways to Check In to Places, Including Automatically

    Google Latitude, the search giant's mobile location service, has announced this morning that it is adding the ability to check in to specific places to its Android and iPhone apps. Android users will be able to check in automatically, using two brand new, different and very interesting methods. Latitude has...

  • Web
    Google Adds 3 New Ways to Check In to Places, Including Automatically

    Google Latitude, the search giant's mobile location service, has announced this morning that it is adding the ability to check in to specific places to its Android and iPhone apps. Android users will be able to check in automatically, using two brand new, different and very interesting methods. Latitude has...

  • Web
    Live Blog: The Workings of Social Business

    Yesterday at Lotusphere we heard about IBM's big push into social business. Today, the focus is on the way social business works. IBM executives say the company is past the tipping point in its adoption. This session will be more about how to use social technologies in a business setting.Let's...

  • News
    Intel Medfield smartphone prototype possible brief preview

    Details are quite sketchy on this one and at the moment it's leaning more on the side of a rumour than fact, but according to a thread on  Anand Chandrasekher, senior vice president and general manager of Intel’s Ultra Mobility Group is holding in his hands what many are calling...

  • Web
    What is Apple Without Steve Jobs?

    By now you've probably seen several reports about how Steve Jobs, 55, has taken a medical leave of absence to focus on his health. According to the New York Times, an anonymous source at Apple stated that Jobs had been looking "increasingly emaciated," and that he was on a "down...

  • Web
    What is Apple Without Steve Jobs?

    By now you've probably seen several reports about how Steve Jobs, 55, has taken a medical leave of absence to focus on his health. According to the New York Times, an anonymous source at Apple stated that Jobs had been looking "increasingly emaciated," and that he was on a "down...

  • Web
    4 More Projects to Create a Government-less Internet

    Last week we told you about three projects to create a government-less Internet by taking advantage of wireless mesh networking. Wireless mesh networks are networks that don't require a centralized authority to create networks. These can provide an alternative way to communicate and share information during a crisis such as...

  • Hack
    Qwerly Hopes to Power Rebel Alliance Against Facebook

    The Qwerly API lets developers easily link together users' various social network accounts. For example, given Tim O'Reilly's Twitter username, it can reveal his public profiles at other services like Facebook, Flickr and Plancast. Why is this interesting? Bridging the barriers between different social networks weakens the lock-in effect that...

  • Web
    Egypt’s Communications Crisis: An Update (Update: Noor Down)

    Last Thursday, after having blocked Twitter, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak reacted to the increasing protests against his reign by shutting down the four major ISPs that provided Egyptians with connections to the Internet. Land lines and mobile phones followed, but the shutoff was intermittent. Today, the cage has slammed down...

  • Mobile
    AR for Everyone: Layar Player Leaves Beta

    Layar, the mobile augmented reality platform and maker of an app by the same name, has announced that its Layar Player tool is out of beta and available to all. This tool allows mobile developers to embed Augmented Reality (AR) into mobile applications just by using a piece of code.The...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Announces 30,000 Ovi Apps, Talks Strategy

    Nokia revealed during its Q4 earnings call last week that its mobile application market, the Ovi Store, now offers 30,000 apps available for download. In previous announcements regarding Ovi Store numbers, Nokia talked in terms of downloads, not actual apps. For example, in October 2010, Nokia announced its Ovi Store...

  • Social
    Facebook Deals Launches in Europe

    Facebook launched Facebook Deals in Europe today, the location-based checkin service that offers specials and discounts to users who login and register their location using Facebook on their mobile phones. The service, already live in the U.S. since last fall, is now offering deals with several European-based companies as well...

  • Work
    Developers are the Future – IBM and its Social Business Tool Kit

    We saw in the Twitter stream yesterday a slide for IBM's new social business tool kit that is being unveiied today at Lotusphere. The details are bare but you can see how social business will take center stage this week at the annual event.The social tool kit is a developer...

  • Web
    Live Blog: The Workings of Social Business

    Yesterday at Lotusphere we heard about IBM's big push into social business. Today, the focus is on the way social business works. IBM executives say the company is past the tipping point in its adoption. This session will be more about how to use social technologies in a business setting.Let's...

  • Web
    Live Blog: IBM Lotusphere is all About Social Business

    IBM Lotusphere is now just getting underway. It's fiddling and super rock. That is all I can call it. We'll be live blogging through the two days here at Lotusphere. The whole theme is about social business, which says a lot about the evolution of the market and a testament...

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