Results for "mobile"

We found 14382 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Is Android More Open? Google Kicks Kongregate Out of the Marketplace

    Google's Android is widely considered the more open and democratic of the two leading smartphone operating systems, whereas Apple is criticized for its allegedly tight control over what apps get accepted into its app store. Perhaps contrary to that reputation for openness, tonight we learn that casual game service Kongregate...

  • Mobile
    Is Android More Open? Google Kicks Kongregate Out of the Marketplace

    Google's Android is widely considered the more open and democratic of the two leading smartphone operating systems, whereas Apple is criticized for its allegedly tight control over what apps get accepted into its app store. Perhaps contrary to that reputation for openness, tonight we learn that casual game service Kongregate...

  • Work
    Tablets Will Rock the Enterprise This Year

    Deloitte made a prediction today that organizations will buy on the order of 10 million tablets this year.We see this as another sign of the transition to an enterprise that requires better device portability and accessibility to information that you can act upon no matter where you might be.According to...

  • Entertainment
    Report: Spotify Inks Deal With Sony

    Last week, the word on the street was that everyone's favorite European music service, Spotify, was finally nearing a deal with major music labels in the U.S. and would soon enough be on its way across the pond. Today, Media Memo's Peter Kafka reports that the company "has finally signed...

  • Web
    Collecta Ends its API, Says “We’re Changing”

    For the past two years we've been keeping an eye on real-time search engine Collecta, watching as it's inked some big deals, widgetized its real-time feeds and raised some funding. Today, however, it looks like the company has decided to change directions. Collecta announced to developers today that "Collecta is...

  • Mobile
    9-11 Oral Histories Saved and Shared via Smart Phone

    Broadcastr, a Brooklyn-based mobile start-up, has struck an agreement with National September 11 Memorial and Museum to make 50 oral histories of first-responders available via smart phone and online. When Broadcastr leaves beta In February, it will welcome the collection of additional cell-recorded oral histories it is hoping users will...

  • Web
    A Future Without Personal History

    Remember those pieces of paper with handwritten words on them that you used to post to people? "Letters" I think they're called. To be honest though, I wouldn't have a clue, as I've neither sent nor received one in my 16-year-old life.I'm sure the majority of readers here have at...

  • Web
    5 Ways Small Businesses Can Use QR Codes

    After a few years of buzz in mobile marketing circles, QR - or "quick response" - codes are finally starting to pop up in the United States, thanks in large part to the proliferation of smart phones. While they're still not exactly mainstream, QR codes are appearing in major print...

  • Mobile
    Bloomberg Confirms Playstation Phone

    Think the mobile space is crowded now? Just wait until next month. According to Bloomberg sources, Sony is indeed launching a mobile phone, as previous rumors had indicated. The so-called "Playstation Phone" will be shown at next month's Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, alongside a new portable game player,...

  • Web
    The Guardian Launches Its New Subscription-Based iPhone App

    The British newspaper The Guardian launches a new iPhone app today, which the paper touts as delivering more frequent updates and broader content. But the rationale behind the new app isn't simply to provide a better user experience, but to initiate the new subscription model that this digital version of...

  • Web
    Port Your Phone Number to Google Voice (Maybe)

    Google is testing the option for Google Voice users to port their existing phone numbers to the company's Web-based telephony service. Although Google Voice has become a popular VOIP service for some users, particularly with its ability to transcribe messages, it has always seemed like a supplement rather than a...

  • Mobile
    Starbucks Launches Smartphone Payments Nationwide

    >Seattle-based coffee chain Starbucks is taking its mobile payments plan nationwide. The company started testing mobile payments in September 2009 and now it is expanding the program to 6,800 stores across the country and soon onto other devices.According to The Seattle Times, one in five transactions is now made with...

  • Web
    Are You Watching This?! Never Miss an Epic Game Again

    If you're a sports fan, then you know how difficult it can be to keep track of all the games without missing the best ones. Without a room full of screens, it can be all too easy to watch one defensive snoozer while an action packed display of offense is...

  • Social
    Twitter Now Available In Seventh Language: Korean

    Twitter announced this afternoon that it is adding its seventh language to its arsenal - Korean. According to the blog post (which is entirely in Korean, but which Twitter provided to us separately in English), South Korea has been one of the fastest growing regions for the microblogging company."As of...

  • Technology
    Intel In-Vehicle Infotainment at CES

      Here is a demo setup of an In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) unit at the Intel Booth at CES 2011. Intel wants to provide the end customer with whatever solution the customer is interested in work very well on their platform. May that be Windows, QNX or our beloved MeeGo. They...

  • Web
    Microsoft Releases OneNote, Its First Office App for iPhone

    No, it's not Microsoft Word or Excel, but with the release of OneNote Mobile for iPhone today, Microsoft has made the first move towards putting its Office suite on the iPhone.It's a note-taking app, and the mobile version lets you easily jot down notes, record audio, and scan documents. The...

  • Work
    3 More Ways to Mobilize Enterprise Applications

    In September, we covered five tools for building mobile enterprise apps. And in November as part of our round-up of enterprise mobile app store, we looked at Apperian, another way to create enterprise mobile apps. Since that time three more ways to build mobile apps have hit our radar: Bitzer...

  • Mobile
    Jailbreak Round-Up: 10+ New Apps, Hacks and Tweaks for iPhone & iPad

    Last year, we examined the many reasons why people jailbreak (that is, hack) their iPhones, with two articles detailing some of the best apps out there for jailbreakers. In August, we shared a list of several top apps, including the ever-useful Wi-Fi hotspot app MyWi, hacks that let you use...

  • Mobile
    Jailbreak Round-Up: 10+ New Apps, Hacks and Tweaks for iPhone & iPad

    Last year, we examined the many reasons why people jailbreak (that is, hack) their iPhones, with two articles detailing some of the best apps out there for jailbreakers. In August, we shared a list of several top apps, including the ever-useful Wi-Fi hotspot app MyWi, hacks that let you use...

  • Web
    Facebook Suspends Phone & Address Sharing Feature

    Just before the weekend, Facebook announced that it would begin allowing third-party applications and websites to request that users share both their mobile phone number and address. Now, the company has said that it will be putting the new feature on hold while it makes changes to make sure that...

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