Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Popular BitTorrent Client Transmission Gets an iPhone App

    In what may prove to be the first "yanked from the App Store" story of 2011, TorrentFreak reports that there's a new BitTorrent app available for iPhone users. The app, iControlbits (iTunes link), offers an interface for Transmission, the popular BitTorrent client for Mac. The iControlbits app allows you to...

  • Web
    Popular BitTorrent Client Transmission Gets an iPhone App

    In what may prove to be the first "yanked from the App Store" story of 2011, TorrentFreak reports that there's a new BitTorrent app available for iPhone users. The app, iControlbits (iTunes link), offers an interface for Transmission, the popular BitTorrent client for Mac. The iControlbits app allows you to...

  • Mobile
    Apple Still U.S. Smartphone Market Share Leader…Barely

    Apple is still the U.S. market share leader when in comes to smartphone operating systems, according to new data revealed today by Nielsen, but just barely. In fact, its lead is so tenuous, that the margin of error on Nielsen's report places second-place platform RIM BlackBerry in a statistical tie...

  • Web
    Crisis-Mapping Platform Ushahidi Announces Crowdmap:CI, “Check-ins With a Purpose”

    "Location" was one of the buzzwords of 2010, but arguably some of the most interesting developments weren't how people checked in via Foursquare and the like. Rather, they were the ways in which people used mobile phones and mapping to report other things. The most notable example of this is...

  • Mobile
    Samsung’s TV Rival Vizio Announces Android Phone and Tablet

    Vizio, the electronics manufacturer known best for its flat-panel TVs and LCD displays will soon join its rival Samsung in becoming an Android mobile phone and tablet company, too. According to The Wall St. Journal, Vizio has announced its first mobile phone called the "Via Phone" and its first tablet...

  • Hack
    10 Most Important Flash Platform Developments of 2010

    All the buzz about HTML5 in 2010 and the Apple/Adobe rift makes it pretty easy to think it was a grim year for Flash. But the Flash team at Adobe wouldn't agree. They've posted The Flash Platform Top 10 for 2010, an interesting list reminding us that 2010 was actually...

  • Cloud
    How Twitter Uses NoSQL

    InfoQ has released a video of Twitter's Kevin Weil speaking at Strange Loop earlier this year on how the company uses NoSQL. Weil is quick to point out that Twitter is heavily dependent on MySQL. However, Twitter does employ NoSQL solutions for many purposes for which MySQL isn't ideal. According...

  • Web
    2011 Staff Predictions

    Editor's note: Every December the ReadWriteWeb team looks into the murky depths of the coming year and tries to predict the future. How did we do last year? Well, Facebook didn't go public, Google Wave didn't make a comeback, and Spotify didn't make it to the U.S. But our forecasts...

  • Web
    2011 Predictions: Audrey Watters

    Editor's note: Every December the ReadWriteWeb team looks into the murky depths of the coming year and tries to predict the future. How did we do last year? Well, Facebook didn't go public, Google Wave didn't make a comeback, and Spotify didn't make it to the U.S. But our forecasts...

  • Web
    2011 Resolutions for SMBs: Move to the Cloud (If You Haven’t Already)

    In 2010, we continued to hear a lot about how the cloud can benefit businesses both big and small, especially when it comes to cutting IT costs. If you haven't yet taken the plunge, the ringing in of 2011 may be the perfect excuse to get started.Gartner recently put cloud...

  • Web
    Yext Heats Up Battle Against Google For Local Ad Dollars

    Remember when Google launched Tags, a local advertising up-sell aimed at local small businesses? Companies like Yelp and YellowPages certainly do, and they've joined a few other local directory sites in launching a competing product by the same name.Techcrunch reports that about a dozen sites, all feeling the heat from...

  • Mobile
    Report: Samsung’s Bada To Offer In-App Advertising Capabilities

    Bada, Samsung's own mobile operating system, on track to power around 5 million phones by year-end, has just updated its software development kit (SDK) to version 1.2.1. The update reportedly includes an important new feature: in-app advertising capabilities. The feature, which will allow bada developers to monetize their apps, will...

  • Web
    Yes, Finds Pew Study, People Will (and Do) Pay For Digital Content

    For a long time - right or wrong - content on the Internet has been synonymous with "free." Free music. Free videos. Free access to your local newspaper. Free blogs. And so some have worried that people might be reluctant to actually spend money to buy digital content if they...

  • Web
    2011 Resolutions For SMBs: Get Serious About Security

    This week on ReadWriteBiz, we're running down our list of recommended New Year's resolutions for small and medium-sized businesses. Today we discuss the importance of bolstering information security in 2011.A few weeks back, we looked at how small businesses have a tendency to be less-than-diligent about data security. Not cool,...

  • Web
    Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2010

    Every year ReadWriteWeb selects the top 10 products or developments across a range of categories. We kick off the 2010 'Best Of' series with our selection of the top 10 Semantic Web products and implementations of the year.This year we've chosen 5 products by semantically charged startups and 5 implementations...

  • Web
    2011 Predictions: Sarah Perez

    Editor's note: Every December the ReadWriteWeb team looks into the murky depths of the coming year and tries to predict the future. How did we do last year? Well, Facebook didn't go public, Google Wave didn't make a comeback, and Spotify didn't make it to the U.S. But our forecasts...

  • Social
    8 Steps to Facebook Photo Privacy, According to Facebook Engineer (We’re Still Confused)

    Let's get this out of the way first: yes, we found this on Quora, the Q&A service poised for media overhype as the second coming of Twitter or blogging or journalism or whatever. But it was an interesting nugget of information from someone in the know and seemed worthy of...

  • Web
    Skype for iPhone Now Makes Video Calls

    There have been rumors of video-calling coming to mobile versions of Skype for the last week or so, and now it's official: the popular VOIP service has announced an update to its iPhone app that will allow video calls over both 3G and WiFi networks.The new Skype app works on...

  • Web
    Top 10 RSS and Syndication Technologies of 2010

    "RSS is Dead", tech sage Steve Gillmor said in May of 2009. I know that's not true, because I spend a lot of my work and my leisure time reading RSS and other forms of syndicated content feeds.If you're not familiar with Really Simple Syndication (RSS) - it is, in...

  • Social
    Best BigCo of 2010: Facebook

    At the end of every year, ReadWriteWeb reviews the progress (or otherwise) of big Internet organizations and names one of them our 'Best BigCo.' We started this tradition in 2004, making this the 7th year. In 2009 it was Google, thanks to Chrome, Android and other advancements. In 2008 we...

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