Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: Is There Hope for Windows Phone 7?

    The launch of Microsoft's new mobile operating system, Windows Phone 7, is just around the corner. In a matter of days, the OS will be officially unveiled at an exclusive, high-profile event taking place in New York City.There's no doubt that Windows Phone 7 has its work cut out for...

  • Web
    Yahoo to Offer Video Chat on Android & iPhone

    Yahoo let the cat out of the bag earlier this week, when one of its executives told Reuters that it would begin offering video chat via Yahoo Messenger to both the iPhone and Android smartphones. The move would bring Yahoo, which already has 81 million Yahoo Messenger users, again to...

  • Mobile
    Firefox 4 Beta for Android Now Available

    Mozilla has released the first beta of Firefox 4 for Android and Maemo. Also known as Fennec, the mobile version of the browser is built on the same platform as the desktop version and includes features like Firefox Sync, Add-ons, and the Awesome bar.According to a blog post announcing the...

  • Web
    If Blogs Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Blog (in Saudi Arabia): This Week in Online Tyranny

    Want to blog in Saudi Arabia? Get a license. Saudi Arabia has trotted out a couple of the old stand-bys, libel and porno, to justify a tightening of blogging rules in that country. If the proposal goes through, no Saudi will be able to write a blog post without a...

  • Web
    How Apps Affect the Network

    Mobile apps on iPhones, Android phones and BlackBerries are now standard issue in most companies as employees are now generally expected to be available far beyond regular working hours. As more business communications and data moves through these mobile devices and app, the demands on a business network also change.Until...

  • Work
    CA Dips Its Toe Into Enterprise Collaboration With CA Open Space

    CA announced its SaaS service desk application CA Service Desk Manager On Demand and the service desk collaboration platform CA Open Space yesterday. Open Space, which focuses on community and collaboration between IT and the rest of an organization, is available for both CA Service Desk Manager On Demand and...

  • Mobile
    How to Use Skype Over 3G on Any Android Phone

    This week, Skype finally released a version of its mobile application for Android phones. Unfortunately, the fine print revealed the new app was crippled, restricting U.S. users to Wi-Fi only calls, just as it had when the iPhone version was first launched. But now, only days after the official Android...

  • Mobile
    Sprint Launches “Sprint ID:” App Packs and Customizations for Android Phones

    At this week's CTIA Enterprise and Applications conference in San Francisco, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse announced a new project called "Sprint ID," aimed at mobile phone customization. The Sprint ID service lets users create separate mobile profiles for work and play, each with their own application packs, wallpapers, widgets and...

  • Work
    The State of Enterprise Mobility

    Forrester Research's latest enterprise mobility report is "Mobile Applications Will Empower Enterprise Business Processes" by Paul D. Hamerman. It's geared towards business process professionals, but gives a good overview of the current state of enterprise mobility and where Forrester thinks the enterprise is going.Other Than E-Mail, Calendar and Contacts, Business...

  • Web
    Facebook Granted Patent on Check-ins, Don’t Bet on Them Using it

    "First!" Facebook was awarded a broad patent on location based social networking today and observers wonder what it will mean to upstart innovators in the sector. Erik Sherman caught the patent and reported on it over at CBS's BNet today. Hopefully the patent is just defensive and will never be...

  • Web
    Check In With Google Latitude, Even At Your Desktop

    Although the emphasis of much location-based technology has been on its mobile implementation - the ability to stay updated on whereabouts when you're out-and-about - there's still a place for desktop uses. And with that in mind, Google has updated Google Latitude so that you can both see where your...

  • Web
    W3C: HTML5 Not “Ready For Production Yet”

    HTML5 is all the rage. Everyone from mobile developers to Apple CEO Steve Jobs to Google CEO Eric Schmidt have backed the standard as the future. Everyone, that is, except for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the official standards organization of the Web.An official for the W3C is calling...

  • Mobile
    iPhone vs. Android vs. Blackberry, According to VCs

    The smartphone battle, as everyone knows, is raging these days. Analysts have been making predications about which mobile operating system platform will end up on top and Nielsen has been tracking market share trends. But what do venture capitalists think about all this? A recent post on Thomson Reuters's peHUB...

  • Web
    5 Essential WordPress Plugins for Small Businesses

    Yesterday, we rounded up some handsome, business-friendly Wordpress themes for small business sites. Regardless of which design you go with, you're going to want to bolt some plugins on to your installation of Wordpress to extend its functionality.If Wordpress doesn't do something you need it to, chances are there's a...

  • Web
    Google Invokes History of Java, Responds to Oracle Lawsuit

    In August, Oracle filed a lawsuit against Google, claiming that its Android software infringes on patents and copyrights related to Java, patents acquired when Oracle purchased Sun Microsystems. And today, Google expanded on its initial comment that the Oracle lawsuit was "baseless," with a detailed response to the lawsuit's claims,...

  • Mobile
    Freak Out: Google Goggles for the iPhone is Here

    The much-awaited day has finally come: Google Goggles is Now Available on the iPhone.Search for "Google Mobile App" in the iTunes app store and if you've got a 3GS or iOS4, you'll be able to use this incredible visual search technology. Take a picture of a landmark, a book, a...

  • Work
    4 Trends in Enterprise Video Conferencing

    Not long ago, video conferencing was science fiction - now it's a key part of many enterprises' communication strategy. According to a survey conducted by LifeSize, 51% of mid-sized enterprises polled use video conferencing and the majority of those that don't are planning to. And it's getting cheaper, easier and...

  • Mobile
    Android Most Popular Smartphone Operating System in U.S. Among New Users

    New data from The Nielsen Company shows that Google's Android mobile operating system is now the most popular OS among those who bought a new smartphone in the U.S. during the last six months, with a 32% share of recent acquirers. Blackberry and Apple are meanwhile tied for second place,...

  • Mobile
    Netflix iPhone App Updated, Now Streams to TV

    The Netflix iPhone application has just been updated to a new version which now supports "video out" on the iPhone 4 and the 4th generation iPod Touch devices. That means that Netflix subscribers can now use the app to stream the on-demand programming from their mobile handheld to their TV...

  • Web
    5 Apps That Connect Your Internet Devices

    As different Internet-connected devices become scattered around your home - laptop, smartphone, iPad, netbook, Internet TV box, and more - it's useful to have apps that connect them together and sync data when necessary. Below we look at 5 products that do this. Ultimately, they help you take control of...

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