VLC has made its way fully onto iOS with this week’s release for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The open-source, multi-platform video player will allow Apple’s mobile device users to play a number of different video formats, from DiVX to AVI and more.
This latest version of VLC works on the iPhone 4 and 3GS, as well as the iPod Touch 3rd and 4th generation. This version of VLC allows users a greater flexibility by providing support for more file types as well as allowing them to delete files directly from the app, rather than resorting to using iTunes on their computer.
The app first broke onto iOS in late September with an iPad app, surprising many. As we mentioned when the iPad app was approved, it seems that after Apple clarified its App Store guidelines, it moved to a more liberal policy.
9 to 5 Mac took a look at the app and offered up an early review of the features, which you can see below.
VLC 1.1.0 is available in the App Store.