Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Social
    The Rise of the Anti-Facebooks

    Facebook is dominating social media in almost every country where it hasn't been banned, and the six-year old site shows no signs of slowing down. It's creeping across generations, replacing things like the phone book and introducing tools the masses had no idea they needed. It's also indoctrinating the world...

  • Web
    Prldr: RSS Meets Design and Everybody Wins

    Ever skip a headline in your RSS reader because you don't feel like investigating whether it's worth your time? It sounds lazy, but time is scarce and the proliferation of content on the Web means that vaguely intriguing headline could turn out to be a waste of a minute (or...

  • Work
    3 Ways Google Will Invade Your Enterprise

    The end of Google Wave and rumors that the company is building a Facebook competitor has a lot of people talking about Google's need to get better at social. Fortune's article on Google's future growth last month, apart from highlighting absurdity a company becoming "too successful," speculates as to what...

  • Entertainment
    Google Buys SocialDeck for Multi-Platform Support

    Google has made another step in the direction of social networking and gaming with today's acquisition of SocialDeck. A note left on the mobile game developer's website announced that "SocialDeck has been acquired and we've joined the Google team". The acquisition is the third this month and leaves little doubt...

  • Mobile
    Turn Your Head & Swipe: Doctors Love the iPad (Infographic)

    The iPad meets many of the needs doctors say that have for a lightweight mobile computer and many are very interested in the device. An infographic below, from Mobile Health News, articulates various things doctors are taking into consideration. ComputerWorld's Matt Hamblen wrote about medical, legal and other professional use...

  • Social
    Nearby Friends: New Cyber-Stalking App for Tracking Facebook Places Check-Ins

    Nearby Friends is a new Facebook application which taps into the recently launched Facebook Places check-in service to locate all your Facebook friends plotted on a Google Maps interface. The app, a simple tool that places Facebook profile photos as a pin on the map, doesn't limit itself to where...

  • Work
    Skype’s Business Service Graduates from Beta – Will You Use It?

    Today Skype officially moved Skype Connect (formerly known as Skype for SIP), its first product targeted at enterprise customers, out of beta. Skype Connect will enable business customers to use Skype over regular PBX phones or unified communication systems from Avaya, Cisco, SIPfoundry, ShoreTel and others. The announcement follows a...

  • Social
    Polar Rose Shuts Down Its Flickr/Facebook Facial Recognition Service

    Polar Rose, a Swedish-based facial recognition startup launched in summer 2007, is shutting down its consumer-facing service that allowed users to tag people in photos anywhere on the Web. Last spring, the innovative company introduced facial recognition to popular photo-sharing site Flickr by way of a third-party browser plugin. With...

  • Web
    Buy Together, Donate Together: Startup Combines Social Shopping & Charitable Donations

    This past weekend marked the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's destructive landfall in New Orleans, Louisiana. While the flooding caused by the hurricane was horrific, the events brought out the best in humanitarians - many of whom leveraged the power of the Web to help raise money and gather supplies...

  • Social
    Tornadoes, Lightning, Sunsets – The Weather Channel Taps Into Human Passion For Talking Weather

    "Talking about the weather" has become synonymous with idle chatter. But admit it - everybody loves to talk about the weather. It's amazing, it endlessly affects our lives and anyone can have an informed opinion about it.That's why The Weather Channel is announcing the official launch of iWitness Weather, an...

  • Mobile
    Popular Android Mod Now Supports Froyo, Breathes Life Into Old Phones

    The new Android 2.2-compatible version of Cyanogen, a hacker-created extension for the Android mobile operating system, was released this weekend. The new version of the popular mod is already being downloaded by scores of Android users who want more from their phones.Android owners who "root" their phones can install CyanogenMod...

  • Web
    5 Ways Tech Startups Can Disrupt the Education System

    "Revolutionary." "Disruptive." These terms are used with such frequency that they may have lost much of their meaning. That's not to say that there aren't plenty of products and services that are innovative, and plenty of systems, plenty of organizations that are ripe for disruption or "revolution." Take education, for...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 27 Aug. 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of something taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Digg 4 Takes a Dive, Reddit Founder Was “Terrified,” Diaspora Update, And More…

    This week's top story was a no-brainer: the spectacular implosion of Digg's attempt to create a newer, better version of the site. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: We found 10 videos about the Internet of Things; augmented reality took a trip to the...

  • Mobile
    Mozilla Fennec: First Browser for Android with Support for Add-Ons

    Even though mobile devices are getting increasingly powerful, most mobile browsers are still limited versions of their more fully featured desktop counterparts. With today's release of the latest alpha version of Fennec for Android (2.0 or higher) and Nokia N900, Mozilla is aiming to change this. Specifically, Mozilla hails Fennec...

  • Web
    Facebook Places: Google-backed SCVNGR Says It Will Win

    SCVNGR, a Google Ventures backed mobile location startup, will become one of the first few trusted partners to be allowed to write updates to Facebook through the Places API today. The company says it has already brought its game and challenge-based service to more than 600 companies, museums, universities, conferences...

  • Mobile
    The Great Big Spreadsheet of All Known Android Devices Everywhere

    How many Droids are there? How much RAM is in the Nexus One? Does the Samsung Galaxy S support Wi-Fi N? Does the Droid X have a bigger screen than the Droid 2? Can you get Android in a TV? In a car?If these are the sort of questions you've...

  • Web
    War Against God: This Week in Online Tyranny

    Shiva Nazar Ahari is said to be facing a charge of moharebeh. Ahari is a blogger, human rights activist and editor of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters website, currently imprisoned in Iran. Moharebeh is an Islamic legal term meaning warring against God. In Iran it is a death-penalty offense....

  • Work
    What does RIM Need to Do to Stay Relevant in the Enterprise?

    It's no secret that RIM is in trouble on Wall Street as it loses out in the consumer market to Android vendors and Apple. But what about RIM's core competency, the enterprise? We've been covering the rapid adoption of Android and especially iOS in the enterprise, and the availability of...

  • Social
    Twitter in Real Time: TweetDeck Opens User Streams Preview to All

    A few weeks ago, TweetDecklaunched a limited beta of its Twitter client with support for Twitter's new User Streams Preview API and today, the company is opening up this beta to all. Thanks to this update, @mentions, direct messages and searches now appear in real time, without the need for...

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