Results for "mobile"

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  • Entertainment
    MOG isn’t Just a Streaming Music App: It’s a Music News Destination

    MOG, an up-and-coming streaming music service, has just launched its own editorial hub called the MOG Music Network. This online news source goes hand-in-hand with its music listening service, the latter which is available both online and as mobile applications for the iPhone and Android. The MOG Music Network (MMN)...

  • Mobile
    Tap Snake Game in Android Market is Actually Spy App (UPDATE)

    Another day, another Android app scare. This time, the app in question isn't a Russian-created Trojan that drains bank accounts but rather an innocent-looking clone of the "Snake" game called "Tap Snake." However, Tap Snake isn't just a game. It's actually client software for a commercial spying application called GPS...

  • Web
    eTextbooks: iPad & eReaders Lag Behind, PCs Still Dominant

    Last week we looked at the pros and cons of eBooks vs traditional paper books. For the consumer market, eBooks are still at the early stage of adoption - but becoming more popular due to the iPad and the price point getting lower for eReaders like Kindle.Another market where eBooks...

  • Web
    Lefty Startup Offers Free Apps for Democratic Candidates

    The founders of Campaign Live want to level the playing field for political candidates running for state, county and local office - if those candidates are Democrats.The month-old company has been offering Facebook, MySpace, Web and mobile Web apps for between $0 and $999, depending on a client's ability to...

  • Social
    Facebook Profile Pages Becoming Irrelevant

    As Facebook becomes more and more popular, the social network giant is putting more emphasis on the real-time feed. In other words, the activities of your friends displayed in reverse chronological order on your Facebook homepage. In the old days of Facebook - and indeed traditionally with social networks like...

  • Web
    Exploring How to Build a Cloud With Smartphones

    It's the earliest of days of smartphone cloud computing. But it 's time has arrived as demonstrated by a group of researcher who have showed how smartphones can be used to create a self-contained cloud computing network.Using smartphones to create a cloud computing infrastructure is a bit quizzical. Each smart...

  • Web
    Beyond Messaging: Open APIs in Marketing

    Siri - an iPhone application that uses its speech recognition technology to act as a mobile personal assistant that was purchased by Apple earlier this year - is an excellent case study in how to leverage open APIs to satiate utilitarian consumer needs. So why don't more marketers create open...

  • Web Offers iPhone App to Find Cheap Textbooks On The Go

    With college students around the country heading back to school in the coming weeks, the hunt for cheap textbooks is on. If you've ever spent a couple hundred collars on a single book, only to read a few chapters and put the book back on the shelf, then you know...

  • Mobile
    New App Makes it Easier to Become Foursquare Mayor (if You Care)

    A new application called "Mayorama" has just arrived in the iTunes Application Store to help users of the Foursquare location-based social networking service more easily earn the title of "mayor," the honorary designation awarded to those who have checked in the most at a particular venue. Regular visitors to their...

  • Web
    Teachers Pick Their Top 5 Back-To-School Tech Tools

    American consumers will shell out an estimated $2.6 billion for back-to-school supplies this fall. That's up 1.7% over last year, incidentally, an indication that even in tough economic times, there's no escaping the lure of the 64-box of Crayons. And as parents and students are shopping for their back-to-school supplies,...

  • Web
    Vimeo Releases Embeddable HTML5 Video Player

    Vimeo is releasing a "universal player" today that allows user to watch embedded Vimeo videos on mobile devices including the iPhone and iPad using the video playback capability built into the new HTML5 standard.Vimeo will deliver the optimal player - Flash, HMTL5 or native - based on a user's browser,...

  • Web
    Which Email Marketing Platform is Right for You? Here Are 3 of the Best

    As much attention as social media marketing is commanding these days, it's nowhere close to replacing good old fashioned email as a means to reach current and potential customers. With so many services out there for building and deploying eNewsletters, it's not always easy to know which one is right...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 14 Aug. 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of something taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Flash For Your iPhone, Paper Books vs. E-Books, Android Trojan, And More…

    Our top story this week was one that must have given Steve Jobs nightmares: How to Install Flash on your iPhone (The Easy Way). We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: The dead can speak thanks to the Internet of Things; we've got a big...

  • Mobile
    Geofencing: What’s Next For Location-Based Services?

    Until recently, iPhone location app designs were limited by the constraints of single-tasked OS capabilities: launch Foursquare and check-in, use Yelp find a nearby place of interest, open another app to update your status and tag it with location.All of these scenarios require users to have a participatory role in...

  • Web
    Foodspotting & Zagat Partner to Share Restaurant Photos and Guides

    During a recent family vacation in Boston and New York City, my mother was perplexed by my obsession with photographing every plate of food I had during the trip. I did this not just to remember the delicious meals I enjoyed (clam chowder was the best of all), but also...

  • Entertainment
    Big Brand AR Marketing Roundup: Nike, Ray-Ban & More

    As the popularity of augmented reality (AR) marketing grows, it is becoming difficult to keep up with all of the important brands that are looking to test out the technology. This is great news for AR fans. As I've mentioned several times before, big brand acceptance of AR as a...

  • Web
    Virtual Bank Plans for Apps – And Wants Your Input

    BankSimple, the potentially disruptive Web-based banking service started by Twitter forefather Alex Payne, wants your input.The company announced it will be launching an API for use by third-party developers at the same time it releases its first Web- and mobile-accessible banking service to users. But first, BankSimple has created a...

  • Web
    Of Words and of Worlds

    It's an old idea by now that writers can influence technology. How many astronauts and inventors have left orbit or cobbled together a world-beating doodad because of one too many Star Trek episodes?How has speculative fiction, whether in film, television, book or graphic novel form influenced not just what we...

  • Web
    Why Net Neutrality is Critical to Startups & Innovation

    Net neutrality has been in a the news recently due to rumors, speculation and interpretation surrounding Google and Verizon's newly proposed legislative framework for the enforcement of net neutrality. The key principal behind net neutrality is ensuring service providers (like Verizon) cannot forge agreements with companies (like Google) to exclusively...

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