Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Report: More Than 60% of Phones Web Capable by 2015

    From laptops and tablets to smart phones, the Web is going increasingly mobile. While not everyone can afford one of these devices, the Web is even creeping onto other, low-cost devices like feature phones and these are becoming increasingly Web-enabled. According to research firm ABI Research, this is a trend...

  • Web
    Google Begins Offering Multiple Account Sign-in

    If you're anything like us, then you have multiple accounts for multiple purposes. Maybe you have one for your work life and one for your personal life, and even another for another realm of your life. To account for this, Google has begun offering multiple sign-in capabilities, allowing users to...

  • Entertainment
    In Streaming Music Battle, What Matters More: Features or Catalog?

    Rdio, a newcomer to the crowded playing field of streaming music services, launched this morning for U.S. and Canadian listeners. The service offers a socially-infused online music streaming experience for $4.99 per month or you can purchase a $10-per-month plan to access Rdio from both the Web and your mobile...

  • Web
    Tough Talk from Ultimate Fighting Championship Yields User IDs from

    The parent company of Ultimate Fighting Championship announced subpoenas for the live streaming websites and just over a week ago, alleging that users were broadcasting the pay-per-view events for free and demanding their IP addresses be revealed.Ustream put out a statement today saying that the subpoena actually came...

  • Web
    Network Convergence Requires A Change in the Politics of IT

    The network is not as sexy as the world of mobile devices and social technologies. But it is critical for all the voice and data that passes over IP networks in unprecedented amounts. It's a new challenge. And it is why network convergence technologies are considered to be a foundation...

  • Work
    How to Secure the iPhone and iPad for the Enterprise

    iOS is becoming increasingly popular in the enterprise. It's sometimes been a bumpyroad, but according to Forrester iOS has reached a level of security that should be acceptable to most enterprises. Forrester released today a new report titled Apple's iPhone And iPad: Secure Enough For Business? In addition to covering...

  • Web
    Study: Social Networks, Gaming Account for Quarter of Time Spent Online

    Chances are, you're here by way of a status update on Facebook, a tweet on Twitter or some other method of sharing on a social network. A study released today by Nielsen - the company you're used to getting all of your television show ratings from - says that Americans...

  • Social
    Forget Check-ins, Hotlist Brings Facebook and Twitter “Geo-Trends” to iPhone

    The Hotlist is going mobile. The service, a trend-tracker that connects users with upcoming events in the area and across their social networks, is now available as an iPhone application. Although location-based social networking (LBS) apps like Foursquare, Gowalla, MyTown, Brightkite and Loopt may be all the rage right now...

  • Mobile
    Android Shipments up Nearly 900%

    Research firm Canalys is today reporting a surge in the worldwide shipments of Android smartphones. Thanks to Android-based products from HTC, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericssion, LG and others, smartphones running the Android operating system grew 886% worldwide in Q2 2010. Also in the U.S., the largest smartphone market in the...

  • Work
    Highlights from Black Hat and Defcon

    Unfortunately, we couldn't be at Black Hat and Defcon in Las Vegas this week, but here's our round-up of highlights from the two security events from around the web. Of course, if you look through the schedules for both events, there were dozens of other paranoia inducing talks than the...

  • Mobile
    Browser-based Jailbreak Available for All iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches at

    A hacker has created a website that will jailbreak iPods, iPads and iPhones running almost any version of iOS, freeing the devices from software restrictions placed on them by Apple.Users who want to access unauthorized apps or use their phones in multiple countries, for example, can surf to to...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 31 July 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of something taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Street Slide vs. Street View, StumbleUpon’s Success, Digital Natives Not So Savvy, And More…

    Readers were in the mood for maps this week because they pushed this story about a must-see video of Microsoft's Street Slide into the most-viewed category. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Internet of Things sensors are chicken; golfers get a hands-on augmented reality...

  • Web
    Like a Robot Struck by Lightning: Gowalla to Launch Write API, Possibly With Pictures

    Imagine you were a robot who only knew how to describe the world in four ways: self, other, time, and object. Now imagine you were struck by a bolt of lightning and found your robot brain aware of a whole new column in the spreadsheet...Place. You'd feel like a whole...

  • Work
    Developer of Android App That Transmits Users’ Voice Mail Passwords Denies Malicious Intent

    Update:Google has lifted the suspension of the apps in question.Many news outlets, including ReadWriteWeb reported yesterday that the first piece of Android malware may have been discovered in the wild. It now appears that we were mistaken. In an interview with Android Tapp Jackeey Wu, the developer of the wallpaper...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Startups In Malaysia

    This week's roundtable was organized in collaboration with my partner MAD Incubator, a technology incubator in Malaysia that is dedicated to giving technopreneurs a chance to succeed and make a difference.First up was Max Teoh presenting GetToDo, a real-time, vicinity-based sales and promotions solution for the Malaysian lifestyle market. It...

  • Web
    Apple Patents Travel, Hotel and Fashion Applications

    Three new patent applications that just became public on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website reveal that Apple is now patenting ideas for mobile applications. Specifically, these patents applications describe iPhone apps that would aid in making travel arrangements, booking hotels and shopping. The patent applications were uncovered...

  • Web
    Video Content Farms: Howcast

    Content farms have been in the spotlight over the past year. They're companies that generate hundreds or thousands of new pieces of content on a daily basis. Much of their traffic comes from Google search, so the aim of content farms is to rake in the money with online advertising....

  • Entertainment
    3 Promising Digital Business Card Solutions

    As our professional lives increasingly happen in the cloud and on the go, one decidedly old school aspect of networking that remains prevalent is the paper-based business card. Dozens of Web and mobile apps have attempted to recreate the business card for a digital world, some more effectively than others....

  • Web
    Google Places API Could Do For Check-ins What Google Maps Did For Maps

    Google has begun opening up access to a new Application Programming Interface (API) called the Places API. Developers building apps that include a "check in at this place" feature can use the Places API to search across all the places users might check in for basic information like business name,...

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