Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Firefox Home Brings Bookmarks, Open Tabs & History to iPhone

    Mozilla, the company behind the world's second most-popular browser, writes this morning that it is "happy to announce that the wait is over." Firefox, its open-source entry into the browser market, has made its way onto the iPhone and iPod Touch. Before you get too excited, it's not as a...

  • Web
    Smith Micro: When You Just Want To Send a File

    Services for file sharing and storage often will include collaboration features. Smith Micro Software has a new cloud-based service called SendStuffNow that has at its core one major purpose. It is designed to send files. It is not for storing files and collaborating. It is for sending files in a...

  • Web
    Geeks Gather to Plan for Disaster

    In the aftermath of the Haiti and Chile earthquakes, millions of people showed their support with simple text message donations. A few clicks of their phone, and they did their part, but some have taken it upon themselves to do much more.One group going the extra mile is CrisisCommons, which...

  • Web
    My TSA iPhone App Offers Crowdsourced Wait Times

    If you've ever flown, then you know this scenario: Your flight leaves at the crack of dawn. If you leave home with several hours to spare, you'll blow through an empty security line - but then what? Will the flight be delayed, leaving you with a two hour wait? In...

  • Web
    Google Translate & Wikipedia: 16 Million Words Later

    With its translation efforts now recognizing more than 30 languages, what better partner to work with the user-created encyclopedia Wikipedia than Google? The search engine touted its efforts last week at Wikimania 2010, claiming that its translation tools have been used to translate "more than 100 million words of Wikipedia...

  • Mobile
    MasterCard Launches Woot-Like iPhone App for Daily Deals

    MasterCard recently launched a new mobile application called "MasterCard Marketplace Overwhelming Offers," which delivers daily deals to iPhone users. Despite its mouthful of a name, savvy shoppers planning on purchasing a big-ticket item in the near future may want to keep an eye on this one. Like the popular Internet...

  • Web
    Apple to Address iPhone 4 Issues at Friday Conference

    Apple, the company that has found itself in the limelight over recent weeks for the antenna trouble experienced by some iPhone 4 users, has said that it will hold a news conference this Friday, according to The Wall Street Journal. While the company has kept tight-lipped about the conference, it...

  • Mobile
    Best Small Cities to Live, According to CNNMoney & Gowalla

    We wrote before of "location as platform." How much more rich can location-based apps make the mobile experience? CNNMoney and Gowalla are hoping, much. They've partnered to make Money's yearly Best Places to Live list into a dynamic experience. Now, when Gowalla users check into a venue within a 25-mile...

  • Mobile
    Opera 5.1 for Android Outpaces Safari in Side-by-Side Comparison [VIDEO]

    Back in April when Opera Mini was released into the AppStore, as an iPhone user I naturally downloaded it and checked it out. Yes, some pages loaded faster, but navigating was choppy and there was no way to make it the default browser. These days I am lucky enough to...

  • Web
    Evernote Gets an App Store

    Evernote just revealed the next phase of its business plan during a small press conference at the company's Mountain View offices. Evernote, which wants to be the "global platform for human memory," currently allows its users to capture a lot of different types of data but doesn't offer a lot...

  • Web
    Apple Acquires Mapping Company Poly9

    The word this morning from AppleInsider is that Apple "recently" purchased mapping company Poly9. The company produced a lightweight, Web-based 3D globe similar to Google Earth, and now some are speculating that an "Apple Earth" is on the way.While Google Maps is currently the default on Apple's mobile devices, there's...

  • Mobile
    Survey: Over Half of Location-Based Services Users Fear Loss of Privacy

    Remember PleaseRobMe? The social experiment (now shuttered) formerly displayed real-time updates from Foursquare users who publicly broadcasted their current location via Twitter. In aggregate, the site's founders said, this data could be used by burglars looking to find empty houses to rob.Although many in the tech community dismissed the experiment...

  • Web
    Yahoo Personals to Close: Free Dating May Have Spelled Its Demise

    According to the Yahoo help site, Yahoo Personals will close permanently on July 21. Users may either quit the pay-to-date service or transfer their profiles to Dating services have been online for quite a while - the debate over their efficacy beginning about eight seconds after the first personal...

  • Web
    Hootsuite to Add Delicious Blackberry Flavor

    Hootsuite Twitter client is launching a private beta of its Blackberry app. Blackberry may arguably not be as cool as other smart phones anymore, but the people who use them tend to do so in an enterprise context. Their concerns are more around efficiency, ease and profitability than cool. Hootsuite's...

  • Entertainment
    Ben & Jerry’s: How a Big Brand Explores Augmented Reality

    As we have mentioned previously, the success of augmented reality depends partly on its exposure through major mainstream brands. Late last week, the Ben & Jerry's ice cream empire took its first steps into the world of AR by adding the functionality to its iPhone app - but not in...

  • Mobile
    5 Big Questions About Google’s New App Inventor

    Google has announced the pending availability of App Inventor, a visual development software for the Android platform. Depending on your perspective, Android is the most or second most exciting mobile operating system on the market - and an easy and popular platform for everyday people to make apps is big,...

  • Entertainment
    MP3tunes Wants You to “Buy Anywhere, Listen Everywhere”

    MP3tunes, which offers cloud storage and playback for your music library, just launched a new initiative called "Buy Anywhere, Listen Everywhere" which highlights how the service's users can buy music from any of the major online music vendors like iTunes, Amazon or Napster and then sync this music wirelessly with...

  • Web
    E-Textbooks: Barnes & Noble Targets Students with NOOKstudy

    Earlier this morning, Barnes & Noble revealed?NOOKstudy, a new software e-reader for Mac and Windows that focuses on making electronic textbooks more useful. Barnes & Noble developed this software with input from students and universities. NOOKstudy will allow students to read and annotate textbooks, as well as store copies of...

  • Web
    Google Now Highlights Local Businesses in Top Search Results

    It looks like Google's Place Pages are moving into the limelight today, as they have begun appearing in a prominent position at the top of Google search results. Mike Blumenthal first reported the pages appearing in Google's "OneBox" results, noting Google's move to using the phrase "Place Pages" instead of...

  • Mobile
    Google Launches App Inventor: DIY App Creation Tool for Android

    Today Google launched "App Inventor," a do-it-yourself mobile app creation tool that lets anyone build their own Android applications without needing to know how to program or even write a line of code. Instead, using an online interface, would-be developers visually design the app's interface and interactions, using drag-and-drop blocks...

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