Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Web
    Producteev Launches API for Task Managing Apps

    Producteev, the up-and-coming task management service which launched the newest version of its service earlier this month, just launched its first API. With this release, developers can now make use of Producteev's scheduling back-end to create their own online, desktop and mobile front-ends for Producteev or integrate the service into...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: Captain, I’m Picking up Something on the Sensors

    I've owned an iPhone now for two years, but I'm still getting my mind around it.Not the app store, or the display, or the ubiquitous connectivity. But the way the damn thing is so aware of its surroundings.A motion sensor tells it if it's being jostled and which way is...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 10 July 2010

    We're always on the lookout for upcoming Web tech events from around world. Know of any we're missing? Let us know in the comments.You can import individual events in the Events Guide into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or download the entire thing as an iCal file...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Location Layers, Chrome Checkout, Half-Year Report Card, And More…

    The story at the top of the headline chart this week was appropriately alliterative: Foursquare Launches Location Layers - This is Big. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: China is taking the lead on the Internet of Things; augmented reality is the future of...

  • Web
    As the Internet Loses its Way – the Cloud Will Carry the Most Importance

    A well-respected university professor said at a futurist conference today that the cloud will surpass the web in importance.According to, Georgetown University Professor Mike Nelson made the remarks today at the World Future Society conference in Boston.His comments came in the context of a discussion about the Internet, the...

  • Mobile
    iPad & Nexus One: Voted Best of the Web 2010 by RWW Readers

    This week we ran a poll asking you to vote for the Web product or platform that has most impressed you in 2010. The overwhelming winner was the Apple iPad, launched in January. This isn't a surprise, but the fact that the iPad garnered over twice as many votes as...

  • Web
    Microsoft Readies For War with New Small Business Division For Cloud Push

    Microsoft is making two big bets for the new fiscal year: the cloud and the small business market.So it's fitting that the company is creating a new division that will be chartered with offering cloud computing services for the small business sector. According to ChannelWeb, the division will include all...

  • Work
    Despite Tablet Mania, Laptops Still Selling in Record Numbers

    Despite the world's love affair with the iPad and other tablets, and ongoing economic concerns (particularly the debt-crisis in Europe), sales of plain old fashioned laptops are still strong. According to Focus Taiwan, Quanta, the world's largest contract laptop manufacturer, reported record laptop sales in June. The Taiwanese company, responsible...

  • Entertainment
    Flash-based AR Gets High-Quality Markerless Upgrade

    One of the turning points in the evolution of augmented reality (AR) was the porting of the ARToolKit - an open?source software library for building AR experiences - to the widely accessible Adobe Flash platform. The toolkit allowed Flash developers to easily create computer vision AR applications and opened the...

  • Mobile
    10 Lessons in Creativity From the ArtGame Weekend in Paris

    ArtGame weekend is a creative and collaborative challenge that brings together developers, game designers, and artists to create mobile artgames. The first ArtGame weekend took place in Paris, France last month. By combining art plus gameplay plus open collaboration, nine ideas became nine artgames - and more than 40 artists,...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for Your iPhone: July Edition

    There are some 225,000 mobile applications for Apple's iPhone and iPad, and counting. How on earth do you find ones that are actually worth using? You could use a recommendation service like AppsFire (itself a nifty little iPhone app too), or you could ask a friend. But every now and...

  • Social
    Closing the Gift Shop: Facebook Redefines Credits

    We know some of you may be saddened by the news of Facebook closing down its Gift Shop, but we have just one thing to say: good riddance to virtual junk. Whether it's a box of chocolates you can't actually taste or a teddy bear you can't squeeze, you'll have...

  • Web
    Facebook’s Location Feature Gets More Hands on Deck With Acquisition of Ex-Googler Startup NextStop

    Facebook will unveil its entry into the location-based social networking space someday and today's acquisition of innovative trip-sharing service NextStop will undoubtedly influence what Facebook users eventually get to see.NextStop was founded by a team of ex-Googlers and best-known for an HTML5 mobile web site that makes innovative use of...

  • Web
    Apple’s Siri Teams Up With Wolfram Alpha

    When we first reviewed Siri last February, we called it "one of the most ambitious mobile services we have seen in the last few years." At the time, we acknowledged that, while Siri - which was recently acquired by Apple - has answers for a plethora of questions, it wouldn't...

  • Entertainment
    AR Textbooks, Virtual Chemistry Sets & the Future of Learning

    Though augmented reality (AR) as a technology has existed for roughly two decades, it has only just begun to break into the mainstream by way of immersive desktop and mobile experiences. Much of what has been seen so far has been either in the entertainment, marketing and location-based sectors, but...

  • Mobile
    OpenFeints Ups Stakes & Heads for Android Country

    AuroraFeint's OpenFeint was a pioneering platform for providing developers with the tools to create social gaming options on the iPhone. Then Apple decided to create its own Game Center. Then, as now, the company's insists its still playing nice with Apple. But the fact is, OpenFeint has decided to take...

  • Mobile
    iPad Sales in 2011: 18-25 Million or More, Say Analysts

    We already know the iPad is popular - it sold 2 million units in its first 60 days, and then 3 million by the 80-day point. But how big of an impact will the iPad have in 6 months? A year from now? Analysts are starting to weigh in on...

  • Web
    YouTube Offers Personalized TV-Like Experience

    Today YouTube has announced the launch of LeanBack, a TV-like viewing experience. Go to LeanBack and a full-screen feed, personalized for each viewer, begins playing. Using your enter and direction keys you can navigate the feed. No need for the mouse or for entering URLs. Given the fact that this...

  • Web
    Google’s Next Big Play After Travel – Gaming?

    In a bit of a "told you so" moment, HitWise's Heather Hopkins wrote this morning that Google's acquisition of ITA was something they had been waiting for since 2006, when they first predicted Google's move into the travel industry. This initial prediction had been made by looking at Google's downstream...

  • Social
    BlackBerry Users Get an Official Twitter App

    Beginning Tuesday night, BlackBerry maker RIM began rolling out its official "Twitter for BlackBerry" mobile application to users by way of the BlackBerry App World site, where it can be found under the "social networking" category.The app, which has been in beta since April, supports all the features one would...

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