Tired of iPhone news? Then you’ll like this week’s top-stories list: None of them are about an Apple product. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Watch out for an Orange Cone on the Internet of Things; augmented reality from Qualcomm is coming to Android this fall; and Google makes the news more real-time than ever. Read on for more.

Top Stories of the Week

- Antivirus Product Testing is Changing, Whether Vendors Like it or Not
- Why We Check In: The Reasons People Use Location-Based Social Networks
- Facebook Snags the Guy Who Built Google’s Chrome OS
- Google Me a “Facebook Killer”? Place Your Bets!
- Chrome Surpasses Safari in U.S.
More coverage and analysis from ReadWriteWeb
Real-Time Web
- Yahoo Search Suggestions Go Near Real-Time
- Web Apps With Push Notifications: W3C Begins Work to Make it Happen
- New Google News is More Personal and Spontaneous
More Real-Time Web coverage. Don’t miss the next wave of opportunity on the Web supported by real-time technology! Get ReadWriteWeb’s report, The Real-Time Web and its Future.
Augmented Reality
More Augmented Reality coverage
Augmented Reality for Marketers and Developers: Our Newest Research Report
We’re pleased to announce ReadWriteWeb’s latest premium report, Augmented Reality for Marketers and Developers: Analysis of the Leaders, the Challenges and the Future. This report will help you develop a sophisticated understanding of Augmented Reality (AR), the mobile and Web technology that places data on top of a user’s view of the physical world. The research included will help you decrease your AR development time to market by learning from the first wave of early adopters. AR offers a new marketing and product paradigm for a high impact, high value customer experience. More than 1,000 AR campaigns were kicked-off last year and we expect to see many more in 2010. In this report, we profile key AR development companies, their campaigns as well as development lessons learned. For more information or to buy the report, visit here.
Mobile Web
- Kindle App for iPhone, iPad Now Does Audio and Video
- Despite Glitches, iPhone 4 is Apple’s Biggest Launch Ever
- Footfeed Jumps into the Check-in Aggregation Game
Internet of Things
More Internet of Things coverage
Check Out The ReadWriteWeb iPhone App
We recently launched the official ReadWriteWeb iPhone app. As well as enabling you to read ReadWriteWeb while on the go or lying on the couch, we’ve made it easy to share ReadWriteWeb posts directly from your iPhone, on Twitter and Facebook. You can also follow the RWW team on Twitter, directly from the app. We invite you to download it now from iTunes.
Our channel ReadWriteStart, sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark, is dedicated to profiling startups and entrepreneurs.
- Top 5 Reasons Why Your Startup Needs an API
- GitHub Introduces Organizations, Makes Managing Code Repositories Easier
- YouPhonics Launches Music Collaboration Tool
Our channel ReadWriteCloud, sponsored by VMware and Intel, is dedicated to Virtualization and Cloud Computing.
- Alcatel-Lucent Acquires Programmable Web – Well-Known Source For APIs
- How to Connect an Office Building to an Activity Stream
- The Cloud Can Save Us Billions…But Can We Afford it?
Our channel ReadWriteEnterprise is devoted to ‘enterprise 2.0’ and using social software inside organizations.
- Antivirus Product Testing is Changing, Whether Vendors Like it or Not
- Scheduling App Doodle Now Features Calendar Integration
- Cisco Entering Tablet Market with Android-Based Device
Our channel ReadWriteBiz is a resource and guide for small to medium businesses.
Enjoy your weekend everyone.
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