Results for "mobile"

We found 14377 results for your search.
  • Web
    The Future of Location Data, Beyond Social Networking

    Data about the geographic locations of people and things will in the near-term future become a massive flow of sensor, satellite and citizen input made freely available to developers through government and other collaboration programs. It will be available in real time, to and from mobile devices, and be machine...

  • Social
    World Cup Becomes Most Popular Web Event Ever

    The 2010 FIFA World Cup is now the most popular event in Web history. Record usage began last Friday before the wins and losses. Not since Obama's election day victory has the Web swayed under a greater burden of Internet-connected hope.The official FIFA World Cup website is currently receiving as...

  • Entertainment
    Layar Celebrates 1st Birthday With New Features and Partnerships

    Today in Amsterdam, popular augmented reality (AR) mobile browser maker Layar is celebrating the one year anniversary of its launch with an event called NEXT. In the company's brief lifetime, it has attracted millions of users to the Layar mobile application on Android and iPhone devices with its impressive catalog...

  • Web
    Google Chrome Gets Extension Sync

    The developer's version of the Google Chrome Web browser was updated this week to include the ability to sync your extensions. The new feature joins Chrome's other sync options, in place for some time (Bookmarks, Preferences and Themes), to more fully round out the browser's synchronization platform. How to Enable...

  • Web Publicly Testing iPad-Ready Video is experimenting with HTML5 video, the plugin-free video technology supported by Apple mobile devices including the iPhone and iPad. With HTML5 running on the CBS website's back-end, visitors from these and other Internet-connected devices could stream videos without having to install the Adobe Flash plugin, something that Apple CEO...

  • Work
    5 Ways Google Can Up Its Game Against Office 2010

    As Google Docs rolls out the updates we wrote about in April, Microsoft Office 2010 is hogging the limelight. And just last week Microsoft released Office Web Apps. It may seem like Microsoft is encroaching on Google's territory, but Google doesn't have much territory to defend.According to Forrester, only 4%...

  • Web
    Japanese Gaming Company DeNA Announces Social Gaming Venture Fund

    DeNA, the Japanese mobile social gaming company, announced yesterday its contribution of $27.5 million towards a new venture capital fund called Incubate Fund No. 1 Limited Partnership. With its investment, DeNA holds an 83% stake in the fund.Based in Tokyo, the fund is designed to find and invest in companies...

  • Social
    Tweetmeme Serving 500M Buttons Daily, Adds Language and Translation Support

    While the majority of Twitter users reside within the United States, there is also a massive international population of users sharing info and links in various languages around the world. Tweetmeme, a service for sharing and tracking links on Twitter, announced today that it serves a half of a billion...

  • Mobile
    Skribit Founder Joins Notifo as Co-Founder

    Paul Stamatiou, founder of blog suggestion company Skribit, and automotive spokesgeek, has joined real-time mobile notification outfit Notifo. A product of this Winter's Ycombinator, its product is currently available for iPhones and in development for Android and Blackberry.Stamatiou is joining the San Francisco-based start-up as a co-founder with fellow Georgia...

  • Web
    HTML5 & WebM Support Make New Opera Shine

    Each time Norway-based Web browser Opera releases a new version, the company boasts about how much faster this version is than the last - and this time is no exception. Opera 10.60 beta claims to be 50% faster than its predecessor and will support a number of cutting edge Web...

  • Web
    Memeo Launches “GDrive” with Google’s Blessing

    Memeo, the company behind a host of backup, sharing and synchronization tools and mobile applications, has just launched Memeo Connect 2.0, an updated version of its earlier desktop-to-cloud synchronization service for Google Docs.Like its progenitor, Memeo Connect still offers drag-and-drop uploads, but in the latest release, the application's operating system...

  • Web
    YouTube Gets a Cloud-Based Video Editor

    If you have found yourself like I recently have - stuck with video on an iPhone and a netbook, but no real way to edit it - then fret no more, because YouTube has added an editor. While the YouTube Video Editor is certainly nothing to compete with the likes...

  • Work
    IBM Buys Real-Time Analytics Company Coremetrics

    In what is the latest inIBM's series of acquisitions, the company today announced an agreement to purchase Coremetrics for an undisclosed sum. The acquisitions expands IBM's ability to deliver real-time intelligence to enterprises. Coremetrics is a SaaS provider that gleans data from not only a company's own website, but also...

  • Web
    Enterprise Video Search Down To The Spoken Word

    The concept of video in the enterprise is not new. But the inherent problem has always been about its usefulness more than anything else.Video can be monolithic, passive and painful to watch if executed poorly. But in context, video can be immensely valuable. A video that a mechanic can watch...

  • Web
    Report: Online Ad Revenue Will Soon Surpass Print

    We are all aware of the floundering print industry that has seen a steady decline in revenues over the last several years. Newspapers that once thrived on the cash-cows that were classifieds and print advertising have had their lunch eaten by the disruptive forces of Craigslist and online advertising, which...

  • Web Reboots Travel

    A couple of weeks ago, we wrote about social travel site's expansion. After months of retooling, the user-built travel guide site has relaunched and we have had a chance to play the virtual flâneur. Among other changes, has struck deals with TripAdvisor, TopTable and OpenTable. They are planning...

  • Web
    Buy the New iPhone from your Current iPhone? There’s an App for That

    It's "pre-order your new iPhone day" and just in time, Apple has released its own branded iPhone application called simply "Apple Store." Not to be confused with "App Store," which houses the 225,000 mobile applications (at last count), this new iPhone application instead allows mobile shoppers to browse through official...

  • Web
    Google Earth on iPad…Wow!

    Google Earth's iPhone application has just been updated with iPad support, allowing you to now touch and swipe your way through the high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery available in the desktop version of Google Earth and its prior mobile counterparts. The end result is an application that's well worth the...

  • Entertainment
    Habbo Hotel Turns 10

    Habbo Hotel, one of the world's largest virtual communities, turned 10 today. Starting as "Mobile Disco," an interactive chat for a friend's band, it has become a leading teen community and social game site. In 1999 Sampo Karjalainen and Aapo Kyrölä started Mobile Disco in their native Finland. The next...

  • Work
    RIM Speeding Up BlackBerry Browser with New Patents

    RIM filed patents for technology that prioritizes different components of a Web page when loading and displaying it according to GoRumors. Specifically, it should make BlackBerry Browser load and display a page's main content before processing CSS and Javascript files. The patents further RIM's efforts to improve its mobile browsing...

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