Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Google Goggles Coming Soon to iPhone

    Back in December of 2009, Google launched Goggles - a mobile image recognition beta application for the Android Operating System. In a presentation Thursday at the Augmented Reality Event in Santa Clara, California, Google project manager Shailesh Nalawadi confirmed that the company's mobile visual search tool would be making its...

  • Mobile
    Qik on EVO Does Free Video Chat

    Future, we are here. With today's launch of the Sprint HTC EVO 4G, the hotly anticipated smartphone running Google's Android OS, video chatting moves off the desktop and into the palm of your hand. Using the popular Qik mobile application, EVO owners will be able to chat with other EVO...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Finland

    Finland is quite a paradox. One would not think that a country with only 5 million people, plunged into darkness for a greater part of the year, would be the inventor of Linux, SSH, IRC, Nokia, F-Secure and MySQL. While the country is known for its technical feats, heavy metal...

  • Work
    Yammer Brings its Microblogging Service to Microsoft Sharepoint

    Yammer introduced today its Microsoft Sharepoint Web Part, which integrates Yammer with Sharepoint. Using the Web Part, available for Windows SharePoint Server 2007 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS), Yammer users will now be able to put a Yammer feed on "virtually any SharePoint page" and post to Yammer...

  • Web
    Personal Sensors: Measure Your Sleep with Zeo

    One of the big trends on the Internet today is people's penchant for measuring every aspect of their lives with the help of diaries and personal sensors. Most of the tools allow you to quantify your daily activity deal with fitness and exercise, but a number of new gadgets also...

  • Web
    The New Networking Reality – Welcome to the Age of the Zettabyte

    In four years, Internet Protocol (IP) traffic will increase fourfold to 767 exabytes, or more than three-quarters of a zettabyte. That is equivalent to 16 billion DVDs; 21 trillion MP3's; or 399 quadrillion text messages.That's the conclusion of Cisco's annual Visual Networking Index, a report that demonstrates how data will...

  • Social
    Facebook Cracking Down on Rogue Apps with New Verification Program

    Facebook is launching a new security measure that is clearly a response to the recent threats caused by numerous rogue applications that have spread virally across the social network. According to news from the Facebook Developers blog, all application developers must now verify their Facebook account by either confirming a...

  • Work
    SAP Ventures Invests in Instant-On Computing Vendor DeviceVM

    DeviceVM, makers of instant-on software Splashtop, announced today a $10 million strategic investment led by SAP Ventures. The investment will be used to expand Spashtop's mobile enterprise reach.Many laptop and netbook vendors, such as Acer, Dell and HPSplashtop pre-install Splashtop on their devices alongside Windows. Splashcast boots in seconds, enabling...

  • Social
    George W. Bush Has Joined Facebook

    The 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, now has a Facebook profile. The man who famously said he liked to "use the Google" to look at aerial maps of his ranch will now have a presence in arguably the most democratic publishing community in history.So far the...

  • Mobile
    Poll: Is AT&T Strangling the Future or Is Everything Going to Be OK?

    AT&T's announcement that it will begin offering mobile tethering to additional devices for a fee but will stop offering unlimited data plans to new customers is being called cynical and anti-consumer. But the cap is 2 GB a month, with extra GB available for an extra $10 if you go...

  • Mobile
    Google Gets Ready to Challenge Apple’s iAds

    AdMob, the mobile advertising platform that was acquired by Google, just launched a new software development kit (SDK) for the iPad that will make it easier for developers to integrate AdMob/Google ads into their iPad apps. This is an extension of AdMob's unified iPhone OS SDK. Currently, the iPad SDK...

  • Mobile
    Steve Jobs: Tablets will Usher in Post-PC Era

    "When we were an agrarian nation, all cars were trucks," began Apple CEO Steve Jobs at last night's D8 conference, trying to come up with an apt analogy for the recent changes we're seeing in the computing landscape of the new millennium. "But as people moved more towards urban centers,...

  • Web
    Producteev Takes Online Task Management to the Next Level

    We don't usually get very excited when we hear about a new task management service. After all, with Basecamp, Remember the Milk, Todo and numerous other services already in this market, what could really be so interesting about the next new service? It turns out that there is still a...

  • Mobile
    Netvibes Launches iPad-Friendly Custom Feed Reader

    Since the device's release 2 months ago, many have praised the iPad for its media consumption capabilities while admitting that media creation is not its strong suit. It may not be the best device to compose a day's worth of emails, but watching video and reading books and news on...

  • Entertainment
    Museum of London’s Streetmuseum App Puts Historic Photos in Perspective

    Have you ever walked the streets of a historic city such as Boston or New York and recognized famous buildings from old photographs or movies? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to view those various locations through the eyes of the past? History fans undoubtedly have considered...

  • Mobile
    There’s a Stat for Apps

    Nielsen, the ratings and measurement company, has just announced the sale of something it is calling its App Playbook, built after surveying over 4,200 people who had downloaded a mobile application in the preceding 30 days. Perhaps surprising isn't the word for the conclusions they've published, since there is not...

  • Web
    PicClick Visualizes More Search

    I know what you're thinking. "Where can I look for a mate, a book and a blender at the same time? Oh, and it has to be a visual search." PicClick looks to be the answer.When Ryan Sit, also the founder of TopicFire (ReadWriteWeb coverage) started PicClick, a year and...

  • Web
    The FCC Wants to Know if Your ISP is Honest

    According to a new survey commissioned by the Federal Communications Commission, 80% of Internet users in the U.S. don't know the advertised speed of their home Internet connections (PDF). A quarter of respondents thought that they were always getting the advertised speed their ISPs promised them, even though they did...

  • Web
    Planes, Parliament & Roadside Magic: The iPad is Everywhere

    As announced yesterday, Apple has sold 2 million iPads in its first 2 months of production. With that many iPads out in the world (and mostly in the U.S.), it's no surprise that iPads are popping up everywhere. From the device's first celebrity appearance with Stephen Colbert on the Colbert...

  • Mobile
    iPad Publishing Sees Promising Early Returns – Will it Last?

    When Apple's iPad hit the shelves just over two months ago, many wondered whether it would become as ubiquitous and as popular as the iPhone and iPod touch. One area many thought would benefit by the iPad was publishing, and some early stats could be a sign that the industry...

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