Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    The Cloud’s Important Role for WebEx on the iPad

    The cloud computing story for the iPad will fill out as more applications become available. The first few applications we've seen give a glimpse into how the cloud plays a role in the iPad's future, especially with collaborative services such as online meetings.Cisco is launching a WebEx client for the...

  • Web
    Gmail Updated for the iPad

    The latest in the wave of special iPad versions of your favorite apps? Gmail. Built on the year-old HTML5 Gmail web app for the iPhone, the Gmail for iPad sports a double column display and looks great with whole threads unfurled. "Tablets like the iPad give us even more room...

  • Web
    Make Shortened URLs More Interactive With Nurph Chat Rooms

    Nurph, which just launched its public beta, combines a URL shortener and chat rooms. You simply create a shortened link by going to and share it with your friends. That link will then take your friends over to the URL you shortened, which now features a Nurph chat room...

  • Mobile
    What’s a “Universal” iPad App and How Do You Use It?

    Do you already own an iPhone or iPod Touch and are planning on buying an iPad, too? Then you need to know about the new "universal" applications now available in the iTunes App Store. These combo apps for Apple's line of mobile devices are basically "buy one, get one free"...

  • Mobile
    iPad’s Top Apps and Early Trends

    What applications are the earliest testers of the Apple iPad trying out? Even though the "official" launch day for the new slate touchscreen computer isn't until tomorrow, April 3rd, several journalists and even somecelebrities have already got their hands on one. And what are the top applications for folks like...

  • Mobile
    NFC: Never Mind Credit Cards, Pay With Your Phone

    One of the emerging trends of the Mobile Web is using your phone to interact with the real world. We're not just talking about 'checking in' to locations, either. There's a world of more practical functionality that hasn't yet ramped up in the West - using your phone as a...

  • Mobile
    Developer Support for iPad Spikes

    Flurry, the analytics firm for mobile applications, has released an updated snapshot of iPad developer activities. Flurry's Peter Farago broke it down on the Flurry blog. "iPad made up 22% of new projects starts within Flurry over the last 60 days. In March, over 3,000 unique applications were created within...

  • Entertainment
    Practical Application is the Golden Ticket of Augmented Reality

    Augmented reality (AR) has a long way to go before it achieves widespread acceptance and exposure to the public, but thankfully, many of the leading companies are continuing to make large strides towards this goal with commercialization of applications and the growing popularity of AR advertising. Earlier this month, metaio,...

  • Mobile
    Wolfram Alpha is Coming to the iPad and E-Books

    Yesterday, Wolfram Alpha announced the price drop of its iPhone app and the return of its mobile site. Today, after Apple itself broke a press embargo that was originally set for Saturday, Wolfram Alpha is also announcing the launch of its iPad app, as well as the launch of its...

  • Work
    Is the iPad Secure Enough for the Enterprise?

    What are the security issues with the iPad and how is it suited as a device for developing enterprise scale applications?Those are the questions we posed to Ken Westin, the founder and CEO of ActiveTrak. Westin is a a security expert. His company develops a software and a service to...

  • Web
    Tellmewhere Makes Location-Based Social Networking More Useful

    Tellmewhere is a location-based iPhone and Android app that offers its users personalized recommendations for restaurants, bars, grocery stores and other local retailers. The service, which also offers a full set of location-based social networking features, is already very popular in Europe where it has about 500,000 users. With the...

  • Mobile
    ‘Local Faves’ SDK Brings Location to Apps

    Location, location, location. That's the common refrain about how to have a successful business, right? Well, now it's the common refrain of mobile app developers, too, and the song is reaching a crescendo this week, with Where 2.0, the location-based everything conference going on in San Jose. Today, Skyhook Wireless...

  • Web
    Worried About Flash on the iPad? Apple Tries to Ease Your Fears

    Will popular websites, especially those from news and entertainment companies, work on the iPad? Apple, in an arguably brilliant PR effort now has an answer: an online collection of iPad-Ready sites. The Cupertino-based maker of iPods and iPhones made a bold, potentially Internet-changing decision when it decided that the upcoming...

  • Web
    Netflix for the iPad: April Fools Joke or Breaking Story?

    The news is all over the Web - Netflix is coming to the iPad! For all of you doubters and naysayers, you can put away your beloved netbooks, laptops and miniature iPads (iPhones) and...oh, wait, is this true? It might all be an April Fool's Day joke that's getting repeated...

  • Web
    User Ignorance Causes Cloud Security Leak; Accounts, Passwords Revealed

    At 1:00 a.m. on Sunday morning I was doing routine maintenance on my personal Amazon Web Services account and instead found myself looking at something I had no right to be seeing: A database with 800,000 user accounts to the e-card site Along with that were the database passwords...

  • Web
    Where 2.0: Quova and SimpleGEO Make App Building Easier

    If you believe in matches made in heaven then you will understand why the new partnership between Quova and SimpleGeo is just that. Developers can now harness the power of Quova's complex IP geolocation technology within SimpleGeo's framework for creating location apps. Quova announced the partnership today at Where 2.0...

  • Mobile
    iPhone Users Are More Than Willing to Pay for Apps – But Don’t Want to Pay a Lot

    Mplayit, a Facebook-based mobile app store, just released some interesting new data about people's willingness to pay for mobile apps. According to Mplayit's report, about one-third of users across all the major mobile platforms (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry) are interested in paid apps. iPhone users are the most willing to pay...

  • Social
    Location-Based Social Networks: Delightful, Dangerous or Somewhere in Between?

    Are location-based social networks privacy disasters waiting to happen? Or are the supposed "dangers" simply being overhyped by those without a thorough understanding of what these new networks can and cannot do? Today, these questions are the subject of a serious debate among early adopters - the group of people...

  • Web
    Coalition of Tech Companies Wants to Give You Digital Due Process

    Google, together with Microsoft, AT&T, AOL, Intel, the ACLU, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and a number of other organizations launched a new effort to modernize the Electronic Communications Act (ECPA) today. ECPA, which was enacted in 1986, sets standards for low enforcement access to electronic communications and other data. According...

  • Web
    Earth Hour: Is it Time to Virtualize the Electrical Grid?

    Another Earth Hour has passed by this weekend. Electrical systems across the globe were shut down to observe, for an hour, that energy is precious. In this moment, we also acknowledge that as humanity, we have the power to do better for ourselves. One great thing about Earth Hour is...

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