Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Want to Read Good Journalism? Try NewsTrust’s New Personalized Filtering Tool

    Fair, thorough, enterprising and in context - that's what we're looking for in the journalism we read, isn't it? At a time when shallow ranting takes up so much space in public discourse, a new media evaluation technology offers hope, inspiration and is a lot of fun to use.NewsTrust is...

  • Mobile
    Popular Real Estate App Zillow Debuts on Android

    As of today, Zillow's online real estate marketplace application is now available on phones running the Google Android mobile operating system. The new Android app is similar to the previously launched iPhone version but includes a couple of additional features like voice search and the incorporation of Google Street View...

  • Web
    Rulers of the Cloud: Will Amazon’s Computing Fabric Become a New Economy?

    This is the third entry in our exploratory series "Will One Company Dominate the Cloud". Today we're blinking twice after reviewing the innovation engine at Amazon. The Amazon AWS product is all about services. While others are marketing the cloud with an explanation point, the cloud leader is focused on...

  • Web
    DoubleDutch: Build Your Own Check-In App For Your Event, Business or School

    Ten year old local business rating company RateItAll has released a white-label location based mobile social networking platform called DoubleDutch. Events organizers, companies that work with multiple locations and others can work with DoubleDutch to offer their patrons a branded check-in app targeted specifically to their use case. You might...

  • Entertainment
    Spotify Founder Leaves Us Looking to MOG, Napster & Others

    Everybody piled into the ballroom today at the Austin Convention Center to hear Spotify CEO Daniel Ek give the final keynote interview of SXSWI of 2010 fully expecting to be blown away with the release of the peer-to-peer music player.Instead, we got somewhat evasive and allusive answers on when to...

  • Web
    BizSpark Accelerator Finalists: Our Pick for ‘Most Innovative Web Technology’

    Today at the South By South West festival in Austin, three finalists competed in the Microsoft BizSpark Accellerator finals in the "Innovative Web Technologies" category.The companies, RecycleMatch, Siri and Skimble argued their positions on stage in front of three judges and tonight the winner will be announced at 6pm CST.The...

  • Mobile
    The Rocky Road for LBS: Beyond Smartphones and LBS Games

    The first thing we think of these days when someone mentions "location-based services", or LBS, are the mobile social platforms we've gotten used to "checking in" to wherever we go - Gowalla, Foursquare, Brightkite, MyTown and the like. But looking forward in the LBS market actually requires us to look...

  • Mobile
    Nexus One Flopped, but Android Didn’t

    A new report from mobile analytics firm Flurry reveals some interesting numbers about Google's first attempt to sell its own custom branded Android device, an HTC-built phone called the Nexus One. It's a flop. After 74 days, the same amount of time it took the original iPhone to sell its...

  • Entertainment
    NPR and WSJ Building iPad-Only Websites

    The Wall Street Journal and National Public Radio (NPR) will be launching custom-built iPad-only websites next month when the new Apple slate computer known as the iPad is made available for sale. Both sites will automatically detect when web surfers arrive via an iPad device and will then show those...

  • Web
    LadyGaga as a Service: Bringing Apple and Google to Commerce 2.0

    Lady Gaga, along with her record company, is evolving the album in the form of software as a service. Considering the content of her hit new video, Telephone, it is fitting that she would use software to tackle the hard problem of getting paid by amazing fans.On her path to...

  • Mobile
    Prepare for an iPad App Explosion: Developer Activity Up 185%

    Recent data from mobile analytics firm Flurry shows iPhone OS developer activity has increased by 185% since Apple announced their upcoming slate computing device known as the iPad earlier this year. By measuring new application starts within the Flurry community, the firm was able to determine significant increases in developer...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: The Greatest Camera of Our Time? It’s in Your Phone

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 13 March 2010

    It's SXSW weekend so you may be pretty burnt out on conferences - or just sick and tired of hearing about them - but if you're in New York City this week, don't miss what's sure to be a profound and fascinating conversation between Chinese digital activist and artist Ai...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Bike Trails, Location Madness, SXSW, And More…

    Our top stories this week were about cutting the strings that tie us to our desks. And also about stalking celebrities at SXSW. Read on for our coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Internet of...

  • Web
    Will Google’s Cloud be a Cozy Nest for Aviary?

    Aviary, the online creative platform is a visionary tool. When it launched a few years back, the irony of a Flash based Photoshop competitor was, well, ironic. With the launch of Aviary in Google's App Marketplace, we can say that the company is close to making lightening strike twice, this...

  • Web
    What Google Will Do in China (SXSW Presentation)

    Kaiser Kuo presented today at SXSW about Google in China. He spoke about how the Google situation will impact Chinese Internet users, other companies and the Chinese government.In the presentation, Kuo (who also spoke to ReadWriteWeb a week ago) clarified how censorship in China works. Contrary to popular belief, it...

  • Work
    OneLogin: Enterprise-Class Security Services and OpenID For The Small and Medium Sized Business

    We're seeing a lot more discussion on the topic of single-sign on for SaaS environments. The issue is becoming more important as security emerges as a top concern for companies considering making the move to cloud-based environments. OneLogin is a new company that offers single sign-on, cloud-based service that allows...

  • Social
    While Facebook & Twitter Sit on Sidelines, MySpace Jumps Into Bulk User Data Sales

    MySpace has taken a bold step and allowed a large quantity of bulk user data to be put up for sale on startup data marketplace InfoChimps. Data offered includes user playlists, mood updates, mobile updates, photos, vents, reviews, blog posts, names and zipcodes. Friend lists are not included. Remember, Facebook...

  • Social
    How Did MySpace Become Number One on Android?

    When MySpace announced earlier this week that they had now established themselves as the number one social networking application on the Android platform and the number three download overall, needless to say, we were a bit shocked. After all, (with no offense to MySpace intended), there are more Facebook users...

  • Web
    Health Clouds Forming: California’s Health Internet Exchange

    Today, the California Health and Human Services convened a summit with an expected three hundred people in the interest of a state HIE (Health Information Exchange). This project has been tasked by volunteers and state groups and led by Jonah Frolich, deputy secretary of California Health and Human Services. The...

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