Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Social
    Can Brightkite Beat Foursquare & Gowalla With a Universal Check-in?

    Location based social network Brightkite plans to launch a universal check-in API that will let users update their information on competing services like Gowalla, Foursquare and others later this month at South by Southwest, we believe. In a poll we ran last night about competing location networks, Mark Krynsky, founder...

  • Web
    Can Geosense for Windows Help Kickstart the Development of Location-Aware Apps for Windows 7?

    Location-based services are definitely a hot topic right now, but sadly, Windows 7 doesn't offer an easy to use, built-in platform for detecting a computer's location. Due to this, the number of location-aware and location-enhanced applications for Windows 7 remains extremely low. Thanks to Geosense for Windows, however, which was...

  • Mobile
    Glow: Location-Based “Feelings” for iPhone

    Ever wonder how the people in your neighborhood are feeling? How about those that work downtown? Are people really happier on a Friday than a Monday? A new mobile application called Glow will tell you. Designed for the iPhone, this app lets you share your feelings using a simple star-based...

  • Entertainment
    Netflix on the iPhone? Yes, Please!

    Recently, Netflix sent out a survey to select subscribers in order to determine interest in an iPhone application for streaming movies via mobile phones. According to the survey's wording, the proposed app would be Wi-Fi only and would offer the same content that the Netflix "Watch Instantly" service provides. Currently,...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Developer Community 101: Treat Your Developers Like Customers

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google vs. China, And More…

    The big news of the week was Google's efforts to remove censorship from its search results in China - read on for our coverage and analysis of this news. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Internet of Things.Note:...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 27 February 2010

    There's plenty of new stuff on this week's calendar but nothing comes close to Global Ignite Week. And with more than 50 events all around the world, it's likely that there's an Ignite close to you. Remember, they're almost guaranteed to make you smarter. Like the the Ignite motto says:...

  • Entertainment
    Now Silverlight Does Augmented Reality Too

    Last year, the ARToolkit, a fundamental building block for creating augmented reality applications, was ported to Flash in the form of the FLARToolkit. This was a watershed moment for AR, as it became exponentially easier for Flash developers to create their own augmented reality experiences. Before then, AR had been...

  • Web
    In Hindsight: When VC Associates Misread the Landscape

    When a startup entrepreneur tells the story of his/her mistakes and how they've corrected them, it's endearing. When an investment associate for one of the more prestigious VC firms does it, it's surprising. Union Square Ventures' Andrew Parker recently started a Got It Wrong Series on his Gong Show blog...

  • Web
    Be Found on Twitter: Connecting Our Dots in the Social Graph

    Today, Twitter took the wraps off a new feature of the site. When logging in, it prompts the user to set defaults on being discovered with their email address or mobile phone number. It's called "Be Found on Twitter". Our contact at Twitter told us that, like many new features,...

  • Web
    Multi-factor Authentication and the Cloud

    High profile security breaches into cloud-based applications like GMail and Google Apps serve to remind us that when people and companies stores all their information "out there" then security measures are of critical importance.In most cases the security breaches are "front door" attacks where a hacker has exploited a weak...

  • Web
    Entrepreneur Social Network Sprouter Now With 100% More Twitter

    A few weeks ago we brought you a brief list of social networks for meeting and conversing with entrepreneurs, and in the comments section we received lots of suggestions that could have made the list as well. One such suggestion was Sprouter, which is, for lack of a better description...

  • Web
    Too Busy to Read This? Save it for Later with ReadItLater’s Newest Service

    ReadItLater, the company behind the Web browser add-ons and mobile applications that let busy Web surfers mark articles for later reading, has just released a new service that will make it easier for you to finally catch up on your saved items. Before, as you browsed the Web (either via...

  • Mobile
    Location-Based Services: Hype or Hit?

    Earlier this week, Juniper Research published a report which said the market for location-based services (think mobile check-in games like Foursquare, social networks like Loopt, location-enabled apps like Google Maps, etc.) will bring in revenues of more than $12.7 billion by 2014. Spurring this growth are a number of factors,...

  • Mobile
    Are Modern Web Apps Killjoys?

    Is 'checking in' at places using location-based mobile apps like Foursquare and Brightkite resulting in us enjoying life a little less? Is there such a thing as too much data for a fun activity such as running? We address these and other questions in the final installment of our interview...

  • Mobile
    Recognizr: Facial Recognition Coming to Android Phones

    Swedish software and design company The Astonishing Tribe, also known as TAT, has been developing a rather astonishing augmented reality application for mobile phones. Originally built as a software concept, the Android app called "Recongnizr" is a mobile prototype that allows you to use your phone in order to "see"...

  • Mobile
    Why are So Many Android Owners Male?

    ...and other interesting smartphone statistics. When compared with some of the other smartphones on the market, owners of phones running Google's Android mobile operating system are predominantly male. This finding comes from analytics firm AdMod's latest Mobile Metrics Report, which revealed that 73% of Android users are male. Meanwhile, on...

  • Web
    Gowalla is the Anti-FarmVille

    Millions of people click, click, click their way mindlessly through repetitive casual games like FarmVille every day. Such games spread like a virus, infecting Facebook news feeds and eating up big chunks of the precious little time on earth that players were blessed with before they face their inevitable, if...

  • Web
    How the Real-Time Web Will Impact Social Change

    Earlier this month Amy Sample Ward interviewed ReadWriteWeb's Marshall Kirkpatrick about our report on the real-time Web and how real time impacts the world of nonprofit organizations. Sample Ward helps nonprofits, community groups and those in the social change sector use new technologies, and is the co-author of Social by...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Washington DC

    The words "fat cats in Washington" have been uttered in every corner of the nation from Texas to the Bay, yet DC's tech scene is anything but sluggish. Companies like AOL, Nextel, MCI and Uunet found early success in the region and since then, a slew of young entrepreneurs have...

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