Results for "mobile"

We found 14376 results for your search.
  • Social
    Twitter Analysis: Influencers Still Signing Up; Lots of Followers Doesn’t Equal Lots of Lists

    Twitter launched lists in October 2009 and this feature has quickly become an essential part of the Twitter ecosystem. The power of lists isn't just in their ability to organize your followers, they also provide an an insight into how other users use Twitter. The number of followers an account...

  • Web
    Mediagazer: Techmeme Launches Memetracker for Media News

    Techmeme founder Gabe Rivera just launchedMediagazer, a new memetracker for topics related to media news. This new site will be based on the same technology as Techmeme, memeorandum, the gossip site WeSmich and the baseball memetracker Ballbug. The content on Mediagazer will be edited by Megan McCarthy.As McCarthy notes in...

  • Entertainment
    Getting Away From it All… And Taking it With You

    You've probably heard that ReadWriteWeb has just announced the 2010 Mobile Summit, which – judging by last fall's real-time web summit – is going to be a bang-up event. (With Kaliya Hamlin facilitating, how can it be otherwise?)This one's in honor of the summit... and in honor of all of...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 6 March 2010

    This week we added one of the most exciting events of the year to the calendar: the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit 2010. Sure, we're a little biased, but we think the conference is the place this year to learn about mobile development trends. We hope to see you in Mountain View...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Location, Location, Location, and More…

    Our top story this week was location - location-based networks, services, advertising and even "feelings". Read on for our coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Internet of Things.Note: We've refreshed the format for our longest...

  • Work
    ActiveTrak: A Hybrid Service To Track Stolen or Lost Laptops

    Portland has a fast emerging tech culture that is seeing a number of new technology startups.Today, $225,000 is on the table for one of the year's biggest events: The Oregon Entrepreneur Network's annual Angel Oregon.One of the major contenders is ActiveTrak, which tracks lost or stolen devices. The company is...

  • Work
    Google Buys DocVerse: People as Important as the Technology

    The news that Google is buying DocVerse is now official.The reasons why Google bought this small company can be learned by taking a look at the people who started this small company out of Seattle.Shan Sinha and Alex DeNeui worked at Microsoft before launching DocVerse in 2007. Sinha ran product...

  • Web
    iPad Arrives April 3rd: 8 Apps We Can’t Wait to Try

    News from Cupertino, California this morning has Apple fans in a tizzy: the "magical and revolutionary" (yes, that's really how Apple describes it) iPad now has a confirmed launch date. According to an Apple press release, the iPad will be available in the U.S. on Saturday, April 3rd in Wi-Fi...

  • Web
    Steve Ballmer: Microsoft’s Future Is in the Cloud

    Steve Ballmer gave a live webcast today and said that Microsoft is betting its future on the cloud. He illustrated that by saying 70% of Microsoft's 40,000 employees are working on cloud related efforts. By next year, 90% of Microsoft employees will be working on cloud matters.Ballmer spoke at the...

  • Web
    Google Chrome Becomes Location Aware

    Google just launched the latest developer version of Chrome, which now includes preliminary support for Google's the W3C's geolocation API. Google's Geolocation API allows developers to pinpoint your computer's location by looking at the WiFi networks around you, similar to SkyHook's technology that is part of Apple's OSX and iPhone...

  • Mobile
    Can We Kick Our Keyboard Addiction by 2013?

    This morning, everyone is looking agog at the words of Google Europe boss John Herlihy, who's quoted in the Silicon Republic predicting the demise of the desktop computer. "In three years time, desktops will be irrelevant. In Japan, most research is done today on smart phones, not PCs," Herlihy said....

  • Web
    iPad Owners to Go Wi-Fi Only? AT&T CEO Thinks So (POLL)

    When consumers rush out to purchase Apple's new handheld device, the slate-like computer called the iPad, they'll have several options to choose from. In addition to multiple storage capacities, iPad buyers will have to make an even more critical decision: Wi-Fi or 3G? Although Wi-Fi hotspots are in many places...

  • Web
    McKinsey: Get Ready For Sensor-Driven Business Models

    Consulting firm McKinsey has just released a report on the Internet of Things, one of ReadWriteWeb's top 5 trends of last year. The report, available for free if you sign up as a member of McKinsey Quarterly, focuses on the "new sensor-driven business models" that Internet of Things brings.McKinsey sees...

  • Web
    Cloud Computing Security: What The Big Guns Have In Store

    The RSA Conference is the event for news to spill over with talk about cloud computing security.Let's take a look at some of the announcements from the major players in the market, including Intel, Novell and Cisco.Intel, RSA, VMware and the Trusted ServerAccording to Dark Reading, the companies demonstrated a...

  • Web
    E-Books: After the Hype and Before the iPad

    The e-book hype reached its apex just before the holiday season. Now seems like a good time to take a closer look at the e-book market, especially given that this business is heading for another disruption once Apple's iPad launches. According to the latest stats from the Book Industry Study...

  • Web
    Ads with Eyes: Keeping Digital Signage in Check

    While geolocation based services have been in the forefront of our minds lately, with websites like PleaseRobMe making us second guess announcing our whereabouts, another industry has been quietly ramping up its data collection practices. The Center for Democracy & Technology issued a report yesterday addressing the growing "digital signage"...

  • Web
    Chrome Beta Auto-Translates, Offers Privacy Settings

    Chrome, Google's entry into the browser market, has a new beta version today that shows off two new features - instant language translation and privacy settings.The browser was the only browser to make gains in February and we're thinking additions like these will only help to propel it's popularity.According to...

  • Mobile
    Washington Post Offers Subscription Model App for iPhone

    In the continuing effort to stop the bleeding, newspapers continue to try new ways to recover some losses and stop giving away all of their content for free. As online advertising has not proven sufficient to fully cover costs, some publishers, such as the Wall Street Journal, have turned to...

  • Mobile
    Watch Out, iPhone Devs: One-Man Android App Nets $13K Monthly

    To all those companies and developers focused exclusively on iPhone apps: Watch your back. The Android platform is catching up, and none too slowly.As Android's growth continues to explode since the release of the Droid, only the most foolish of app shops are not planning to expand beyond Apple's walled...

  • Web
    SXSW 2010 for Noobs

    A ReadWriteWeb Guide So, you've booked your passage, you've made sleeping arrangements, you've got your Interactive Badge all lined up and you just can't wait for the second week of March to roll around. You're a first-time SXSW attendee!We know the feeling: The manic excitement, the trepidation, the wondering which...

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