Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    Skout’s Location-Based Dating: The Quest for Love and Profit

    Less than a decade ago, online dating was by no way considered mainstream. Not only were you judged for putting your profile up on a dating site, but your choice of site between Lavalife, Match and Nerve Singles told others whether you were there to date, get married or make...

  • Web
    Cause-Based Funding: Startl and Philanthropic Startup Investment

    Raising funding is hard any way you slice it, but the emergence of cause-base resources is helping pave the way for ethical startups that might have otherwise gone unseen. A few years ago we featured 13 seed funding options for entrepreneurs. Since then a few investment groups have come forward...

  • Web
    Paperboy 2.0: Using the Cloud to Get Paid for Application and Content Subscriptions

    For content and application developers there is more opportunity than ever to monetize subscriptions. The Apple App Store has sparked a revolution in the mobile space generating billions of dollars for Apple and also creating look-alike services from nearly every mobile vendor. In the iPhone OS 3.0, Apple included a...

  • Entertainment
    Kids on The Web: Are They Satisfied With Virtual Worlds and Games?

    For kids under 12 years of age, entertainment websites and virtual worlds are all the rage. My 8-year old daughter plays ToonTown a lot. Club Penguin and Moshi Monsters are also popular in this demographic. But are these types of sites fulfilling the potential and talent our kids have with...

  • Web
    Google Buzz: The Mainstream’s Geo-Social Network?

    Google Buzz could quickly become the most popular location-based service on the Internet. Not only does Buzz integrate itself into Gmail, which will give it a large mainstream user base, but Buzz also puts geolocation front and center on its mobile sites. In addition, the new Buzz layer in the...

  • Web
    Can Google Buzz Succeed Where FriendFeed Couldn’t?

    Google just launched Google Buzz, the company's new social networking service which will be tightly integrated with Gmail. There can be little doubt that Google Buzz looks a lot like FriendFeed, the social aggregation service that was acquired by Facebook in August 2009. Today, FriendFeed's developers are Facebook employees and...

  • Web
    Live Blogging from Google: Launch of Google Buzz

    This morning, Google is announcing some exciting new features for two of its most popular applications.Team Red, as we affectionately call ourselves, is present at the Googleplex in Mountain View, and we'll be live blogging the event, giving you, dear reader, a fascinating play-by-play. Stay tuned for updates! The event...

  • Social
    Europe’s 17 Golden Rules for Keeping Safe on Social Networks

    Are you using your real name on your social network profiles? According to the European Union's Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), that's a big mistake. A new report, published to coincide with Europe's Safer Internet Day, details the dangers of using social networks and lays out 17 "golden rules"...

  • Web
    Will Apple Crack? Opera Unveils Plans for iPhone Browser

    Opera just announced that it plans to bring its mobile browser, Opera Mini, to the iPhone. The Norwegian company will give the press and its partners a sneak peek of the application during next week's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Opera Mini on the iPhone will include all of Opera's...

  • Web
    Green Goose: Save Money Using Sensors

    Green Goose is a new financial management service that launched today, which connects sensor activity to your savings account. At first Green Goose sounded a little gimmicky. Using green Internet-connected eggs, it measures how much energy you expend on your bike or how much water you use in your shower...

  • Mobile
    Android Market Share Doubles – Will Overtake Palm Soon

    RIM's BlackBerry platform is still the most popular mobile smartphone platform in the US, but Google's Android was the big winner in the last quarter of 2009. According to comScore, Android's share of the US mobile market more than doubled from 2.5% in September 2009 to 5.2% in December. While...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: IE6 RIP

    The word that Google has decided to stop supporting Internet Explorer 6 as of March 1 will come as welcome but bittersweet news to designers and developers who have wrestled for years to make perfectly compliant sites work properly in that wretched browser.Welcome, because this could well be the death...

  • Web
    Google Rebuilds the Tower of Babel with Real-Time Language Translation

    If our attempts at getting such simple information as bus schedules or account balances from automated voice recognition systems are any indication, then we imagine Google has a lot of work to do in its latest endeavor - real-time, spoken-language translation.According to the the Times in the UK, Google is...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: The Week in Web Technology

    The big news of the week was Facebook getting faster - read on for our extensive coverage and analysis of this news. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web, Internet of Things and Augmented Reality.New! We've refreshed the format for...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 6 February 2010

    Looking for conferences this month in warm locations? We've got a bunch of 'em in Florida and California. Tired of your hometown's balmy winter weather? We've got you covered, too, with events in New York City. Look at that - who says you can't make everyone happy?How do you like...

  • Web
    Friday Podcast Parade! Location-Based Technologies

    Welcome to the weekend, friends - and what a week it's been. Facebook announced a huge open-source code dump; Social Media Week kicked off in six cities around the world; and the tech world was constantly humming with news and opinions about the iPad.Frankly, we're exhausted.One topic that's been top-of-mind...

  • Web
    Why Geolocation Services Are Exciting For Poets, Musicians, Educators & Comedians

    The era of location-as-platform for software development is just beginning. No longer of interest only to uber-geeks, everyday people are now reporting their physical locations online, often through their phones. Geolocation services are hot and ever more prominent ones (like Facebook) are believed to be right around the corner.This is...

  • Web
    NYC’s BigApps Winners Announced: WayFinder, NYC Way Lead the Pack

    Last fall, we told you about an exciting and innovative competition to find - and fun - civic-focused web abd mobile apps in New York City.Tonight, after an all-star panel of judges had reviewed more than 80 apps over a month-long period, a handful of winning applications were announced. These...

  • Mobile
    Did Apple Just Ban Location-Based Ads in iPhone Apps?

    Apple has posted a shocking, if vague, warning to iPhone app creators in its developer forums: submit an app that uses user location data "primarily" for targeting advertisements and that app will be sent right back to you to be changed.Many mobile developers are planning on monetizing their apps precisely...

  • Social
    Seesmic for Android Now Offers Support for Multiple Twitter Accounts

    Seesmic just launched a new version of its Android app, which, among other things, now offers support for multiple Twitter accounts and cross-posting from different accounts. The Seesmic team also worked hard on polishing the app's user interface and added a number of minor new features like extra large font...

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