Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Google: Would You Like to Be Connected?

    Google just made it a little bit easier to call ahead for reservations or to order a pizza for pick-up while you're on the go. In addition to its recent addition of location-based search suggestions, Google has added the ability for businesses to include a clickable phone number in their...

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    iPad Gets Its First Development Fund

    A regional development firm in the UK is the first to announce a development fund for the Apple iPad, offering up to £40,000 ($64,500) for iPad application ideas. The introduction of this fund comes less than 24 hours after Apple's chief executive Steve Jobs demoed the company's highly anticipated touchscreen...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Beijing

    It's Data Privacy Day and when it comes to generating privacy-related buzz in the blogosphere, there are few governments as controversial as China. From Google's recent security issues, to blocked social media sites to the proposed Green Dan censorship program, Western netizens have always had a tenuous relationship with China....

  • Web
    In Networks We Trust? Sure, But Privacy Is Another Matter

    Privacy is a touchy subject. In almost all cases, the more fame and fortune a person or company acquires, the more scrutiny they receive. And, out comes the trolls, worms and paparazzi. Twitter and Facebook are the beacon examples of this issue. People like being famous, and we want followers!...

  • Web
    Open Thread: Is the iPad a Flop?

    So far, the reaction to Apple's iPad has been very mixed. For some, the absence of a camera is a deal breaker, while others bemoan that Apple still doesn't allow multitasking on its iPhone OS and that Safari still doesn't support Flash. Others, however, are excited about the iPad's potential...

  • Entertainment
    iBummer: Augmented Reality Fans Disappointed By iPad

    Been living under a rock these days? There's this hip new tablet device from Apple called the iPad. Most are in agreement that the new toy is pretty slick, but they also agree on where the iPad fails - there's no camera. iPod Touch fans were disappointed last year when...

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    Do We Love the iPad? The Numbers Say We Do

    There seem to be a lot of middling responses to yesterday's announcement of the iPad, Apple's latest entry into the world of really neat looking mobile devices. A quick look at the front page of Techmeme shows the variety of responses, from the iPad killing the PC to the lack...

  • Web
    VoIP Over 3G Comes to the iPhone – And Maybe Even the iPad

    Yesterday's iPad launch continues to dominate the tech news today. Besides announcing the iPad, however, Apple also quietly announced a major change to its iPhone policies yesterday: Apple now allows developers to use a 3G connection to make VoIP calls. The first application to make use of this is iCall...

  • Web
    Americans Sending 4 Times as Many Text Messages as Brits

    There was a turning point a couple of years ago when it was suddenly undeniable: It was either text message or be left behind. If you were paying for it by the message, you suddenly had to find a plan, because you started having more and more friends that wouldn't...

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    Augmented Reality: Heaven or Hell?

    Augmented Reality, technology that places data or images on top of our view of the world around us, is hot. Under development in research labs for decades and in use in industry for years, Augmented Reality (AR) began to hit the mainstream consumer market in 2009. Hundreds of AR applications...

  • Work
    Will the iPad Be as Much of an Enterprise Success as the iPhone?

    The iPad is clearly one of those universal technologies that will be as useful in the home as in the office. Much like the iPhone, people will want it for work simply because it will be useful for getting work completed. Like any Apple product, it's easy to use. It's...

  • Web
    Apple Announces the iPad: WiFi, 3G, iWorks and an E-Book Store ($499 and Up)

    Apple just announced the launch of the iPad, Apple's rumored tablet computer. Judging from what we have seen so far, the iPad is basically a very large iPod touch with a modified interface. According to Steve Jobs, the device will be far better than an iPhone or netbook for browsing...

  • Web
    Third Wind: Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment with New Business Models

    With the highly anticipated Apple event finally underway in San Francisco, tech fans around the globe are already speculating how Apple's new iPad might change the state of computing. Another group of people listening intently to the happenings at the Yerba Buena Center are iPhone application developers, who are curious...

  • Web
    Google Could Lose 50% of iPhone Traffic to Bing

    A week ago, the cat was let out of the bag: Apple and Microsoft were in talks over replacing Google with Bing, and have been for weeks, as the default search engine on the iPhone. Immediately, there were questions over the implications of this move, both for the companies involved...

  • Web
    How to Hack Your Android Phone (and Why You Should Bother)

    Do you want to take control of your Android phone? By "rooting" your device, a process similar to jailbreaking an iPhone, you can install custom ROMs (images), which add stability and speed improvements to Google's mobile operating system, as well as install new features developed by the hacker community themselves....

  • Web
    5 Reasons to Wait for iPad 2.0

    With yesterday's reveal of the iPad now past, we can finally put myth and speculation behind us and focus on the reality that is Apple's entry into the tablet PC business. Whether the iPad is revolutionary or evolutionary is still hotly debated, but what we do know is that the...

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    Arrayent Called The Cisco of Internet of Things

    Arrayent is a new Internet of Things company being billed as the "Cisco of small things." It is basically middleware for companies wanting to connect their products to the Internet. In particular it's targeting smartphones, which is a trend we're closely tracking too. Arrayent made its first public appearance earlier...

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    US Tech Sector Growth Slowed Significantly in 2008

    According to data released earlier this month by the US Census, the growth of the nation's software and IT tech sectors dramatically slowed in 2008 - the first such drop since the dot-com crash. Overall, revenue still grew, just at a slower rate - 7.7% - than in 2007 when...

  • Web
    Why Social Enterprise and Cloud Computing Go Hand in Hand

    IDC reported today that the majority of business workers use the social Web at least once a week.Social computing and the cloud are becoming equally integral in the enterprise. IDC makes the point that if social computing represents the new business process then cloud computing is the delivery mechanism.Mike Fauscette...

  • Work
    A New Era For Corporate Culture: iPhone Use Doubles in the Enterprise

    iPhone use has doubled in the enterprise since last summer when Apple released the 3GS. The big bump in sales helped Apple post $3.38 billion in profits this past quarter. More than 70% of Fortune 100 companies are now testing the iPhone as their smartphone of choice. A big driver...

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