Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Google Voice on the iPhone: Is HTML5 Good Enough?

    Google launched a new web-based version of its telephony service Google Voice on the iPhone today at, built on HTML5 like Google's other iPhone apps are. This after a long and heated battle with Apple over allowing Google Voice on the iPhone. Once it's a website, though, there's nothing...

  • Web
    4 Tech Trends You Must Understand to be an Effective Marketer

    The days of SEO as the primary traffic driver to your website are over. Don't get us wrong, organic search engine optimization isn't about to disappear as a key traffic driver. And thankfully, Google AdWords is still going strong. However, recent technology trends enable a brave new world of marketing....

  • Web
    The Healthcare System: An Apple Tablet’s Biggest Opportunity

    Apple's "iTablet" - whatever it may be - could be destined to transform our care delivery system in a major way. For years, key hardware vendors like Panasonic, Toshiba, HP and Intel have been working hard to embed tablet computers into hospitals. The promise of improved clinical information systems, based...

  • Web
    The Era of Location-as-Platform Has Arrived

    The mobile location "check-in" is fast becoming the hot new status message type online. It was only a matter of time until "where you are" became a platform to build added value on top of just like "who you know" has on social networking sites like Facebook.Canadian newspaper chain Metro...

  • Mobile
    Echoecho: Locating Your Friends Made Easy

    Echoecho is a location-based mobile application that wants to make it easier for you to locate your friends, family members and colleagues in the real world. Echoecho only tries to get you to answer one straightforward question: Where are you? Unlike other location-based application, echoecho doesn't force you to constantly...

  • Entertainment
    The Business of Augmented Reality

    Out of the labs and into the marketplace, Augmented Reality (AR) became a hot topic in 2009. Technology that places data and images on top of our view of the world around us is increasingly common in media and marketing, but the bulk of the promise appears to be in...

  • Web
    Virtualization and Cloud Computing Become Top Priorities for CIOs

    Virtualization and cloud computing are the top priorities for CIOs, according to a study by Gartner. The study is more proof that despite modest IT spending, virtualization and cloud computing continue to attract keen interest from executive management.Gartner expects IT budgets to be essentially flat in 2010. Despite this, a...

  • Web
    Top Topic Trackers (Updated List)

    Last week we listed and categorized some of the leading topic-tracking tools on the Web. As usual we got a great response in the comments, with additional information about the apps listed and suggestions for other apps to add. So in this post we present an updated list of topic...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 23 January 2010

    This week we added six new events to the calendar, including one conference that has a cow in a space helmet for a logo. Seriously.How do you like your ReadWriteWeb events guide? As a world map? As a downloadable iCal (and Google importable) file? You can even import individual events...

  • Web
    Friday Podcast Parade! The Wonderful World of Augmented Reality

    Once again, the weekend is upon us - time to unplug, unwind and relax!But lest your brains turn to jelly during your time offline and away from work, load up your iPod with our weekly selection of podcasts sure to entertain and inform. The topic of this week's parade is...

  • Web
    How To Close a Deal with Phone Carriers and TV Networks

    The words "mobile entertainment" are so overused that they fail to capture any real meaning anymore, but in 1999 Mobitv was one of the only companies trying to bring video to mobile phones. Today, most consumers would recognize Mobitv as the company that brings live CBS Sports coverage and NBA...

  • Web
    Where Angels (And Apple) Sing: Music Moving to the Cloud

    Luckily, we aren't in the business of trying to figure out what exactly is up Apple's sleeve at the upcoming Jan. 27 event at Yerba Buena Gardens. Much speculation has surfaced in recent weeks on what products and services will announced. Now, in addition to the iTablet madness, new information...

  • Web
    Android Grew 350% in 2009

    While we recently reported that Google's Nexus One had a slow start coming out of the gate, the Android operating system, which is spread across a number of devices, is not having the same issues. A report by Myxer, a mobile entertainment company with over 30 million members, says that...

  • Web
    Should Startups Jump on NetTV Monetization?

    Savvy content publishers are celebrating the announcement of what may be a potentially lucrative revenue stream. Yesterday morning, net television provider Boxee wrote about its plans to launch an upcoming payment platform. Content partners will have a chance to offer pay-per-view and subscription media as one click purchases from the...

  • Web
    Proof of Concept Brings Flash to the iPhone

    Developer Tobias Schneider has created an interesting proof-of-concept Flash runtime that allows Flash to work on the iPhone. The project, a JavaScript with SVG called "Gordon," allows Flash files embedded in HTML to be viewed within the iPhone's web browser Safari. Although this workaround to Apple's restriction of Flash content...

  • Mobile
    Micello Launches “Google Maps for the Indoors”

    Micello, one of the more exciting startups to debut at the most recent DEMO conference, is a mobile mapping solution that is basically "Google Maps for the indoors." Where traditional mapping services show everything in the world outside, Micello's goal is to map the world's inside spaces - places like...

  • Mobile
    Nokia Releases Ovi Maps with Free Walk and Drive Navigation

    While the iPhone is clearly the media darling of mobile devices in the US, there's no denying that Nokia's handsets have saturated the global market. As part of that global strategy, the company just announced free walk and drive navigation for 74 countries in 46 languages. Today's release of the...

  • Web
    Why Bloggers and Agencies Justify Social Media

    While few of us are bold enough to lay claim to Nostradamus-like powers of prophecy, it's still interesting to read industry predictions. ReadWriteWeb recently released a list of tech predictions for 2010 and as of a yesterday, Senior VP Steve Rubel and the folks at Edelman PR agency uploaded their...

  • Web
    Generation M2: Understanding the Multimedia Teen

    If you've spent any time trying to talk to a teenager lately, then the latest numbers on how much time they spend with their nose buried in a glowing screen of some sort will come as no surprise. Whether it's text messaging, Tweeting, watching YouTube videos on their iPhone, lurking...

  • Web
    Top Tools For Tracking Topics on the Web

    Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which...

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