Results for "mobile"

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  • Work
    5 Enterprise Trends To Watch in 2010: Part 2

    In our first post about trends in the enterprise for the coming year, we looked at five forces that will rise in importance in 2010.In part two, we picked five more trends that we feel will have importance in the enterprise for the year ahead. The more we look at...

  • Web
    10 Things You Need for Your Social Media Road Trip

    Ever since two friends and I staged a two-week jaunt around the Midwest to attend a great new conference earlier this year, I've been more and more aware of a growing trend: the social media road trip. While on the road this year, I've come upon long-term social media road...

  • Web
    The Perils of 3rd Party APIs

    In 2006, Flickr co-founder Caterina Fake coined the term "BizDev 2.0" when looking at the phenomenon of supplying commercial API keys to startup partners. Said Fake, traditional business development meant "trying to get hopelessly overbooked people to return your email. And then after the deal was done, squabbling over who...

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    8 Things Every Geek Needs to Do Before 2010

    It's one thing to have resolutions for the new year. I, for example, plan to lose weight, learn Python and design the perfect handbag. But since nothing satisfies like the quick achievement of a short-term goal, here are eight things every good nerd needs to to before the ball drops...

  • Web
    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Personalization

    This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the five biggest Web trends of 2009. Our first post was about Structured Data, our second about The Real-Time Web. The third part of our series is on Personalization. Personalization has long been a buzzword on the Internet. With the...

  • Web
    A Decade of Innovation: How We See the Internet 10 Years After the Boom

    According to recently released research from the Pew Center, we're just as optimistic about the web as we were ten years ago during the Internet's first boom cycle.At the end of 2009, most Americans in this Pew survey have a dismal view of the 2000s. Between the Iraq war, the...

  • Web
    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: The Real-Time Web

    This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the five biggest, most cutting-edge Web trends to come out of 2009. We're posting one trend analysis per day. Then at the end of the week we'll publish a major update to our standard presentation about web technology trends. Our...

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    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Structured Data

    This week ReadWriteWeb will run a series of posts detailing what we think are the five biggest, most cutting-edge Web trends to come out of 2009. We'll be posting one trend analysis per day. Then at the end of the week we'll publish a major update to our standard presentation...

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    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 26 December 2009

    It's the last week of 2009 and time look ahead to all the conferences and events you could be attending in 2010. As always, you can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link...

  • Web
    Where’s my Jet Pack? Apple Tablet and Future Interfaces

    Ever since Jeff Han demoed his Multi-Touch Workstation at the 2006 TED Conference, the world has been waiting for a high resolution sensory work experience. As a generation of hunched night creatures with intimate knowledge of our chiropractors, we've suffered and conformed to our traditional interfaces for too long. Touch...

  • Web
    5 Million NYC Property Records Available Via Startup’s API

    Back in the fall, we told you about NYC's BigApps competition, which encouraged technological innovation to benefit government and civic engagement. Public voting for the submitted applications opened this week.One of the submissions to come out of this competition is Blocks and Lots, an interesting app and API that essentially...

  • Web
    2009 Year in Review

    The year is fast winding down and everyone is no doubt looking forward to a break over Christmas. If you want some reading and pondering material over the holidays, during December we've been publishing a series of annual review posts. We've picked our best products of the year in 10...

  • Web
    2010 Predictions

    Every year the ReadWriteWeb team tries its hand at predicting the future. Looking back at our 2009 predictions, we got some wrong (I predicted that Facebook would sign up to OpenSocial) but others turned out to be on the money. I correctly guessed that the usual suspects would remain unacquired...

  • Web
    Noticings: Foursquare for Photographers

    If you're like many of us, you're home for the holidays. Rather than complaining about the springs in the pullout couch or watching endless television reruns, consider rediscovering your hometown. Featured on today's Flickr blog, Noticings is a location-based game similar to Foursquare that forces you to discover new gems...

  • Social
    Twitter Acquires Geolocation Service Mixer Labs: Plans to Enhance Its Geotagging API

    Twitter just announced that it has acquired Mixer Labs, the company behind GeoAPI is a service that allows developers to easily add geolocation data to their apps. Twitter just launched its own geotagging API a few weeks ago. Even though a number of mobile and desktop Twitter apps like...

  • Web
    A New Holiday Tradition: Track Santa Online

    Since 1955, when Sears mistakenly printed NORAD's phone number in its catalog instead of the number of its Santa hotline, NORAD has offered Santa-realted services by phone. Now, working together with Google, NORAD continues to offer the same service online during the holidays. Starting at 2 p.m. ET (GMT -5)...

  • Web
    U.S. Internet Users Spend 13 Hours a Week Online

    In 2009, the average U.S. Internet user spent 13 hours per week online. This number is down slightly from last year. Thanks to the large interest in the presidential election and the financial crisis, the average Internet user was online for roughly 14 hours per week in 2008. According to...

  • Web
    Stalqer: Aggregated, (Almost) Live Location Data on the iPhone

    With the rapid growth of services like Foursquare, Gowalla and Brightkite, location-based mobile social networks seem to be a dime a dozen these days, but they're only fun and useful if your friends are using it, too.Each time that I've tried one of these services, I find myself trying to...

  • Web
    OneRiot Launches New Real-Time Ads to Monetize Trending Topics

    OneRiot, one of the leading real-time search engines, just announced the launch of a new advertising product for real-time apps. RiotWise Trending Ads will give OneRiot's partners a feed of ads related to currently trending topics on the Web. These ads can, for example, be integrated in a user's stream...

  • Web
    Meet the 12 Lucky Browsers European IE Users Will Be Shown Next Year

    As part of the European Union's antitrust agreement with Microsoft, the company will be required next year to show a list of alternatives to Internet Explorer to any Windows user with IE installed as their default browser. Love or hate the government intervention, it's notable to see which browsers are...

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